大雁塔 英文

时间:2024-05-21 16:42:04编辑:coo君


The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is located in the Dacien Temple of Jinchangfang, Chang'an City, Tang Dynasty, also known as the "Cien Temple Pagoda".In the three years of Tang Yonghui (652), Xuanzang presided over the construction of the Goose Pagoda for the preservation of the scroll Buddha statues brought back to Chang'an by Tianzhu through the Silk Road. The first five stories were added to the ninth stories, then the number and height of the seven stories were changed several times.Finally, they were fixed to the seven-story pagodas seen today, with a height of 64.517 meters and a bottom edge length of 25.5 meters.大雁塔位于唐长安城晋昌坊的大慈恩寺内,又名“慈恩寺塔”。唐永徽三年(652年),玄奘为保存由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像主持修建了大雁塔。最初五层,后加盖至九层,再后层数和高度又有数次变更。最后固定为今天所看到的七层塔身,通高64.517米,底层边长25.5米。扩展资料:大雁塔文物遗址:一、塔座大雁塔基座皆有石门,门楣门框上均有精美的线刻佛像及砖雕对联。底层南门洞两侧嵌置碑石,西龛是由右向左书写,唐太宗李世民亲自撰文、时任中书令的大书法家褚遂良手书的《大唐三藏圣教序》碑。二、塔身七层是大雁塔的最高处,可向四周远眺,古城四方四景尽收眼底。七层的塔顶,刻有圣洁的莲花藻井,中央为一硕大莲花,花瓣上共有14个字,连环为诗句,可有数种念法。三、舍利唐高宗永徽三年(652年),玄奘法师为存放经像、舍利而建造了大雁塔,玄奘法师究竟带回多少舍利,在《法师传》中记载仅说是150枚肉舍利和一函骨舍利,具体数量未说明。参考资料来源:百度百科—大雁塔



大雁塔(Great Wild Goose Pagoda),世界文化遗产、全国重点文物保护单位、国家AAAAA级旅游景区。位于西安市的大慈恩寺内,被视为古都西安和陕西省的象征。唐代永徽三年(公元652年),取经归来的玄奘法师为保存由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像而修建。大雁塔作为现存最早、规模最大的唐代四方楼阁式砖塔,是佛塔这种印度佛寺的建筑形式随着佛教传播而传入中原地区并融入汉文化的典型物证,是凝聚了汉族劳动人民智慧结晶的标志性建筑,现存塔身七层,通高64.5米。
The big wild goose pagoda (the Great Wild Goose Pagoda), a world heritage, the national key cultural relics protection units, national AAAAA scenic. Daci in XI ' an city, as a symbol of ancient capital of Shaanxi Province, XI ' an and. Tang Yong-Hui three years (652), return of the pilgrimage of Xuanzang to preserve the Scriptures brought back from India via the Silk Road Cheung built statues. Big wild goose Pagoda of Tang dynasty as the oldest and largest square Pavilion type brick Tower, is a stupa that India Temple architectural form with the spread of Buddhism into the Central Plains and into the Han culture typical of physical evidence, is the embodiment of wisdom of the working people of Han nationality landmarks, existing Tower of seven layers, height of 64.5 metres.
On June 22, 2014, in Qatar, held in Doha, the meeting of the 38th session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO, big wild goose pagoda, as China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan joint inscription of "the Silk Road: Changan road of tianshan mountains corridor" successful a site included in the list of world heritage sites.


大雁塔的英文:the Great Wild Goose PagodaWild 读法 英 [waɪld] 美 [waɪld] 1、adj. 野生的;野蛮的;狂热的;荒凉的2、n. 荒野3、adv. 疯狂地;胡乱地短语:1、wild rice 菰米;野生稻米2、wild boar [动]野猪3、wild rose n. 野玫瑰;[植]野蔷薇4、wild life 野生鸟兽5、wild west 西大荒;蛮荒的美国西部扩展资料一、Wild的词义辨析:wild, fierce, turbulent, violent这组词都有“剧烈的,凶猛的,狂暴的”的意思,其区别是:1、wild 普通用词,既可指自然界的荒芜,未被驯化状态,又指人的无法无天,不文明的野蛮行为。2、fierce 普通用词,指人或兽的凶猛残酷。3、turbulent 正式用词,多用描写风和水,也可指心神不定或控制不住的感情波动。4、violent 普通用词,指人时侧重极为不安,异常激,暗含有达或暴力行为;也指破坏性的或不可控制的自然力量。二、Wild的近义词:turbulentturbulent 读法 英 ['tɜːbjʊl(ə)nt] 美 ['tɝbjələnt] adj. 骚乱的,混乱的;狂暴的;吵闹的;激流的,湍流的短语:1、turbulent boundary layer 湍流边界层;紊两面层2、turbulent diffusion 湍流扩散3、turbulent current 湍流;紊流4、turbulent fluctuation n. 紊流脉动;紊动5、turbulent fluid 湍流;紊流


西安大雁塔英文名称:Dayan Pagoda。大雁塔位于唐长安城晋昌坊(今陕西省西安市南)的大慈恩寺内,又名“慈恩寺塔”。唐永徽三年(652年),玄奘为保存由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像主持修建了大雁塔,最初五层,后加盖至九层,再后层数和高度又有数次变更,最后固定为今天所看到的七层塔身,通高64.517米,底层边长25.5米。大雁塔作为现存最早、规模最大的唐代四方楼阁式砖塔,是佛塔这种古印度佛寺的建筑形式随佛教传入中原地区,并融入华夏文化的典型物证,是凝聚了中国古代劳动人民智慧结晶的标志性建筑。扩展资料:大雁塔的修建,是佛塔这种古印度佛教的建筑形式随着佛教传播而传入中国的结果。大雁塔是唐长安城保留至今的标志之一。大雁塔最初仿西域窣堵坡形制,砖面土心,不可攀登,每层皆存舍利,由玄奘法师亲自主持修建。而后经历代改建、修缮,逐渐由原西域窣堵坡形制逐渐演变成具有中原建筑特点的砖仿木结构,成为可登临的楼阁式塔。这一过程生动地体现了佛教建筑艺术传入中国并逐渐的中国化。其所存石碑“大唐三藏圣教序”和“大唐三藏圣教序记”进一步佐证了大雁塔与丝绸之路佛教传播的历史。大雁塔内收藏的贝叶经也是弥足珍贵的佛教文物。参考资料来源:百度百科-大雁塔

大雁塔用英文介绍 大雁塔的历史

Dayan Pagoda is located in the dacien temple in Chang'an city of Tang Dynasty (now south of jinchangfang city in Xi'an,Shaanxi Province).大雁塔位于唐长安城晋昌坊(今陕西省西安市南)的大慈恩寺内,又名“慈恩寺塔”。In the third year of Yonghui (652) of the Tang Dynasty,Xuanzang was responsible for the construction of the Dayan Pagoda,which was preserved by the Buddhist statues which were brought back to Chang'an by the Silk Road of Tianzhu Sutra.唐永徽三年(652年),玄奘为保存由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像主持修建了大雁塔。The first five floors were added to the ninth floor. Later, the number and height of the tower were changed several times.Finally, it was fixed as the seven storey tower. The height of the tower was. 517 meters,and the side length of the bottom layer was 25.5 meters.最初五层,后加盖至九层,再后层数和高度又有数次变更,最后固定为所看到的七层塔身,通高64.517米,底层边长25.5米。扩展资料大雁塔作为现存最早、规模最大的唐代四方楼阁式砖塔,是佛塔这种古印度佛寺的建筑形式随佛教传入中原地区,并融入华夏文化的典型物证,是凝聚了中国古代劳动人民智慧结晶的标志性建筑。1961年3月4日,国务院公布大雁塔为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。2014年6月22日,在卡塔尔多哈召开的联合国教科文组织第38届世界遗产委员会会议上,大雁塔作为中国、哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦三国联合申遗的“丝绸之路:长安-天山廊道的路网”中的一处遗址点成功列入《世界遗产名录》。参考资料来源:百度百科-大雁塔

英语翻译 大雁塔 小雁塔 钟楼 大唐芙蓉园 兵马俑

大雁塔 Great Wild Goose Pagoda
小雁塔 Small Wild Goose Pagoda
秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses
秦始皇陵 The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang
黄帝陵 The Huangdi Tomb
鼓楼 The Drum Tower
钟楼 The Bell Tower
西安城墙 The Xi’an Circumvallation
华清池 The Huaqing Pond
乾陵 The Qian Tomb
法门寺 The Famen Temple
黄河壶口瀑布 The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall
大唐芙蓉园 Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty

