kangaroo kingdom

时间:2024-05-23 18:03:21编辑:coo君


kail甘蓝类蔬菜;Kaiser皇帝;kaleidoscope万花筒;kaleidoscopic千变万化的;kangaroo袋鼠 ;keel龙骨,平底船;keen热心的;keenly敏锐地;keenness锐利;keep保持;keypad小键盘;keys 钥匙。不知道怎么快速背单词?建议跟着外教一对一学习效果更好:【点击领取一对一欧美外教试课】课均不到20元,每天都能跟着专业外教学习地道的英语知识。英语学习需要一个良好的“母语”环境,阿卡索外教网,专业外教一对一授课,性价比也是非常高的,课均不到20元,每天都能跟着外教学习地道的英语知识,各位学员可以点击上述蓝字去试一下。不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。


K开头的英文单词:king国王;keep保持;kid小孩;kick踢;kite风筝;key钥匙;kitchen厨房;knife刀;kid小孩,孩子 ;know知道 ; knee膝盖;kind和蔼的,亲切的;kangaroo袋鼠。1、kiten.风筝;鸢(猛禽);空头支票;光棍vt.涂改(支票);使上涨;上升vi.使用空头支票;轻快地移动2、kickvt.& vi.踢n.(毒品或酒精的)效力;精力;极度兴奋vi.踢蹬,踢(腿)vt.(因干了蠢事、失去良机等)对(自己)生气;体育运动;如足球和橄榄球踢球得分;射门得分3、keyn.钥匙;(打字机等的)键;关键,线索,秘诀;(音乐的)调vt.键入;锁上;调节…的音调;提供线索vi.使用钥匙adj.关键的;主要的4、kitchenn.厨房;厨师5、knifen.刀;匕首;刃部;手术刀vt.切割,刺;伤害vi.劈开;划过


1 keep a distance with 与…保持距离2 keep an eye on 留神,照看3 keen [ki:n] a.渴望的;理解力强的4 keep [ki:p] vi.保持 vt.使继续;保有;阻止;供养5 keep back阻止,留下;隐瞒6 keep...from使免于,使不能7 keep in mind记住,不忘8 keep off (使)不接近9 keep on继续,反复地做10 keep up继续下去,坚持11 keep up with 跟上12 keeper[’ki:pə] n.看守人,看护人,管理员,饲养员13 kettle[’ketl] n.水壶14 key [ki:] n.钥匙;题解,答案;键15 keyboard [’ki:bɔ:d] n.键盘16 kick [kik] v./n.踢17 kid [kid] n.小孩,小伙子18 kidnap[’kidnæp] vt.诱拐,绑架19 kidney[’kidni] n.肾脏,腰子20 kill [kil] vt.杀死;扼杀,毁灭21 kilogram [’kiləgræm] n.千克,公斤22 kilogramme n.千克,公斤23 kilometre [’kiləˌmi:tə] n.千米,公里24 kilometer [’kiləˌmi:tə] n.千米,公里25 kind [kaind] a.仁慈的,友好的 n.种类26 kindergarten [’kindəgɑ:tn] n.幼稚园27 king [kiŋ] n.国王,君主28 kingdom [’kiŋdəm] n.王国;领域,界29 kiss [kis] v./n.吻,亲吻30 kit [kit] n.用具包,旅行行装31 kitchen [’kitʃin] n.厨房32 knee [ni:] n.膝,膝盖33 kneel[ni:l] vi.跪(下)34 knife[naif] n.刀,小刀35 knight[nait] n.骑士,武士;爵士36 knock[nɔk] v.敲,打;碰撞 n.敲击(声)37 knock down [’nɔkdaun] 击倒,摧毁38 knock out 敲,击;撞击,打倒39 knot [nɔt] n.结;节,疤 v.打结,捆扎40 know[nəu] vt.知道;会 vi.知道,了解41 knowledge[’nɔlidʒ] n.知识,学问;知道,了解42 keep in mind 记在心里43 keep pace with 保持一致44 keep one’s temper 忍住性子45 keep one’s word 遵守诺言


袋鼠皮具,是英国品牌。关于袋鼠皮具:二次世界大战时期,Jacques运用他的市场触角,生产多样化的军用帽及丹宁衣,在当时的将军BernardMontgomery的指示下,带头领导贝雷帽的流行;而于1945年Jacques首创的无缝边帽,甫推出即深受当时战乱后人们的喜爱。扩展资料:至1998年山谬杰克森佩戴Kangol帽于各地媒体大量曝光后,Kangol帽于今日已成为国际时尚杂志指针性的流行品牌。可爱的袋鼠Mark,贩卖着充满帅气的帽子。这就是来自英国的老牌—Kangol。崛起于英国,在欧洲市场闯荡超过了 60 年头的Kangol,是英国的传统服饰业者,而其中它最有名的莫过于是扁平帽(Barret),也有很多人称之贝雷帽、小偷帽、狩猎帽、报童帽等等。“Kangol”是由其创立者Jacques用三个英文单词组合而成,“K”是“Knitting”,编织意思;“ANG”是“Angora”,安哥拉山羊毛;“OL”是“Wool”,羊毛。即希望以最好的羊毛编织成最出色的Kangol贝雷帽。Kangol贝雷帽以100%纯羊毛为原料,质地柔软、手感顺滑,戴着很舒服。更特别的是,Kangol贝雷帽的质地那么柔软却仍然能够保持很好的帽型。Kangol贝雷帽也正是依靠自己的独特品质成为了国际时尚杂志上具有导向性的流行品牌。作为国际名牌清单中的重要成员,Kangol贝雷帽是潮流界不可或缺的元素。参考资料:百度百科---Kangol


1. Tourism in China is tiring but it is also happy, how do you determine your travel tourism is a success or failure.
2. In short, the train service is efficient.
3. You need the votes of the type you travel the distance from the decision.
4. Some of you from a sea port to another port. (Exist)
5. The most attractive sea from Chongqing to Shanghai's waterways.
6. This province is the need to facilitate the cost of - votes more expensive.
7. In recent decades, much improved safety record.
8. You can purchase tickets bought. (Available)
9. CAAC has China is the sole air services.
10. State-owned bus service is timely and cheap.
11. Private car, and others are often full before departure.
12. Not a feeling comparable to the ground from the plane perspective.
13. Me standing there, watching the Sydney Hubble Bridge.
14. Located in the edge of the spectacular Sydney Opera House, this 40-story bridge higher than Australia's largest city.
15. This bridge looks beautiful.
16. His mind normal?
17. Raritan Bridge is such a crazy thing.
18. Our personal belongings and stored properly replaced Raritan Bridge special clothing.
19. Organizers demonstrated to us how to use seat belts.
20. Down from the sky, we can see that many cars in Mobile.

21. Our board to enter into Qiaoju ladder.
22. We climb higher, the greater the wind going on.
23. We see more and more urban part (come into view)
24. Bridge we are near the top of the issue of the utmost.
25. Vantage us to the surrounding cities.
26. All proud of the arrival of the urban areas.
27. The time seems to have an instant.
28. Had a taste of this unique landscape of memory will be with our lives.
29 As you might call a waitress and she had offended her.
30. Along with the changes in society, changes in the language. (So)
31. It has given people the feeling respected.
32. Too much emphasis on the word sex was carefully avoided.
33. I like singing rather than dancing.
34. Some terms are being replaced.
35. Operations including writing text.
36. Chairperson is more popular terminology.
37. He stayed home and did not go to the cinema. (Instead)
38. They do not like the defendant of what they use the word.
39. They do not think that they have a duty to let people feel better.
40. People do change with the times. (Do)

41. Initiative I drove him and returned to the hotel.
42. He politely accepted, I gave him piggyback.
43. I drive the road, in front of the eyes watching. (With…)
44. I have the signal is clear: Do you dare not to complete the work? (Two)
45. Reading text, the attention of pronunciation.
46. We will find that our viewers and we also do not have language exchange.
47. Book and I exchanged with you, I take my red book for you blue.
48. The novels are based on historical events.
49. You talked about the story of an unpopular. (Go down well)
50. This information should be oriented content changes. 51. I suggest that your mother to the United States. (Two)
52. Many students the reasons for his failure is the lack of attention on the lesson.
53. North dry.
54. Worse, chatting softly is a warning.
55. You are the first to the school.
56. This attitude needs to change immediately.
57. Not the way you barriers may continue. (Clear)


The Jinzhou is the Chinese link Bohai Sea area important open city, is situated at Liaoning Province north west, is one has more than 2000 year historical cultural famous cities, is also an element enjoys the great reputation the business strategic place, is one full of vitality, the implication huge development potential modern port city. the Jinzhou is situated at Liaoning Province north west, north according to the loose range sierra, south near the Bohai Sea Liaodong, clutches “the liaoxi corridor” the east end. With Hulutao, Panjing, Chaoyang, Fuxin, constitutes one hour economic cycle. The Jinzhou is in the position. North the Jinzhou the low mountain hill, the south is the coastal plain, the coastline long 97.7 kilometers.
The Jinzhou landform structure is “three mountain water three divides up land, two point path and manor”. Topography northwest high, southeast low, from the elevation 400 meters mountainous areas, falls gradually to the south to the elevation 20 meter following beach plains. The sierra is rolling, northeastern part has the Yiwulvshan arteries, northeast part has the loose range sierra, within the boundaries big, Xiaoling River, Nu'er River cross.
Jinzhou located at the middle latitude region, belongs to the temperate zone monsoon climate, the temperature difference is year to year big, the annual average temperature 8℃ one 9℃, the year precipitation is 5,401,640 millimeters equally, frost-free period reaches for 180 days. The climate chief feature is: The four seasons are distinct, has the characteristic respectively, the monsoon climate is remarkable, continental strong. For the development agriculture, the forest, the herd, the fishing each industry have provided the good condition. the Jinzhou history is glorious. According to the excavation discovery proof, since ancient times, on Jinzhou this land has had the human labor to live, all previous dynasties hand down, the person smoke not certainly, and has close contacting with the area south of Yellow River culture. The Xia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty slave society time, here is Hebei, the quiet two state place. The Spring and Autumn Period time is the swallow place, when Warring States is the swallow Liaoxi county place. When Qin, Western Han Dynasty belongs to Liaoxi, the Liaodong county place, when the Eastern Han Dynasty big subordinate Liaodong vassal state. When three countries is the Youzhou Changli county place, Jin Dynasty is the even state Changli county place. When Sui Dynasty west is Liucheng (now Chaoyang) the county place, east subordinate swallow county place. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty is Yingzhou (now Chaoyang) the main pipe government office governs, latter is Anton protects the government office to govern, after waste government office, turns over to the even Lu military commissioner to govern. the Jinzhou's tourist resources are rich, the scenic spot and historic resort are numerous.

Jinzhou port China Bohai Sea area deep water harbor. on October 30, 1990 the Jinzhou port official navigation, is authorized in the same year by the State Council for a national kind of opening to the outside world harbor. After several year construction, the Jinzhou port actual handling capacity, the Jinzhou port actual handling capacity amounts to 16,000,000 tons, becomes west the Northeast China with Inner Mongolia east the most convenient marine turnover channel, already and the world more than 30 countries and the area have established the navigation relations. in April, 1995, the Jinzhou port has carried on take the property right as the link standardized reorganization, has formed take the Jinzhou port bureau, the eastern bloc industry Limited liability company, the Jinzhou petrochemical company and so on as shareholder's joint stock system harbor, and in 1998 and in 1999, Jinzhou port 110,000,000 B and 60,000,000 A separately in Shanghai stock market going on the market. located at Liaoning Province Jinzhou economic development zone south Binhai, faced with the Jinzhou, faces one another with Huludao water. Presently has 21 production berths, the harbor main channel may pass 250,000 tons oil tankers and 50,000 tons freighters. the 2006 year whole year volume of goods handled 32,000,000 tons, container 200,000 TEU, is national harbor 24th. north 2005 turns in the tax revenue is harbor 4th.


