
时间:2024-05-26 07:16:14编辑:coo君

韩国歌曲 歌词jump jump jump

  Jump, Jump, Jump
  Jump, Jump, Jump (Digital Single)
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh ye oh ye oh ye oh
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh oh oh
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh ye oh ye oh ye oh
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh oh oh
  매일매일 똑같은 일상에 미쳐 미쳐 가는 우린데
  하루하루 힘겹게 살지만 우린 내일이 있잖아
  달아나지마 포기하지마 지금까지 잘해 왔잖아
  내가 있잖아 곁에 있잖아 한번만 더 jump jump jump 힘을 내
  니가 바라는 대로 hey- 원하는 대로 hey-
  바로 그거야 everybody come on!
  모두 이뤄질 거야 hey- 믿는 그대로 hey-
  지금 이대로 everybody come on!
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh ye oh ye oh ye oh
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh oh oh
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh ye oh ye oh ye oh
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh oh oh
  쉴 새 없이 달리는 세상에 삐걱 삐걱대는 우린데
  오늘 하룬 이렇게 울지만 우린 꿈들이 있잖아
  달아나지마 포기하지마 지금까지 잘해 왔잖아
  내가 있잖아 곁에 있잖아 한번만 더 jump jump jump 힘을 내
  니가 바라는 대로 hey- 원하는 대로 hey-
  바로 그거야 everybody come on!
  모두 이뤄질 거야 hey- 믿는 그대로 hey-
  지금 이대로 everybody come on!
  니가 바라는 대로 hey- 원하는 대로 hey-
  바로 그거야 everybody come on!
  모두 이뤄질 거야 hey- 믿는 그대로 hey-
  지금 이대로 everybody come on!
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh ye oh ye oh ye oh
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh oh oh
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh ye oh ye oh ye oh
  oh ye oh ye oh ye oh oh oh oh oh
  PS:楼主 你能看懂吗?


电脑由早期的机械式电脑发展到现在所使用的个人电脑,经过了一段相当长的时间,最早的计算机得追溯到西元 1942年由法国数学加巴斯卡所发明的巴斯卡机,这台机器是由许多的齿轮与杠杆所组成的.
第四代(西元1970年~) :使用超大型积体电路制造.
第三代电脑:积体电路的时代使用积体电路向上相容的概念作业系统的出现 软体的快速发展 迷你电脑的出现


touch my body- Mariah Carey
歌词:Touch My Body MC,你永远是最棒的 MC, you're the place to be 噢耶............... Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah 我知道你已在等待, I know that you've been waiting for it 其实我也在等待 I'm waiting too 在我脑海中,你将主宰我的一切 In my imagination I'd be all up on you 我知道我令你狂热不止 I know you got that fever for me 但爱人,我的感觉也同你一样 Hundred and two And boy I know I feel the same 我的热度已冲向云霄 My temperature's through the roof 如果那上面有台相机, If there's a camera up in here 他将会拍下我们爱的场面 Then it's gonna leave with me When I do (I do) 如果那上面有台相机 If there's a camera up in here 我绝不会拍下这一刻与大家在网上共享 Then I'd best not catch this flick On YouTube (YouTube) 因为如果你将我们这个私密的爱巢说出去 'Cause if you run your mouth and brag About this secret rendezvous 我将会亲自惩罚你 I will hunt you down 因为爱人我已满足了自己的心愿,像孩子回到玩具房中那样愉悦 'Cause baby I'm up in my bidness Like a Wendy interview 但这是你与我私人的空间(我不会将它泄露出去) But this is private Between you and I 爱抚我, Touch my body 将我轻轻地放在地板上 Put me on the floor 轻揉我的身体 Wrestle me around 不要停止,爱我更多 Play with me some more 爱抚我 Touch my body 将我放在床上 Throw me on the bed 此时此刻,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉 I just wanna make you feel Like you never did. 爱抚我 Touch my body 让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验 Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste 爱抚我 Touch my body 我知道你爱我的迷人曲线 Know you love my curves 快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体 ***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body. 爱人,你可以将我放在你的身上,像一个新的开始 Boy you can put me on you Like a brand new white tee 我会将你紧紧拥抱,超越我那最爱的紧身牛仔裤 I'll hug your body tighter Than my favorite jeans 我要你爱抚我 I want you to caress me 像热带的微风,与你飘荡在加勒比海迷人的风景中 Like a tropical breeze And float away with you In the Caribbean Sea 如果那上面有台相机, If there's a camera up in here 他将会拍下我们爱的场面 Then it's gonna leave with me When I do (I do) 如果那上面有台相机 If there's a camera up in here 我绝不会拍下这一刻与大家在网上共享 Then I'd best not catch this flick On YouTube (YouTube) 因为如果你将我们这个私密的爱巢说出去 'Cause if you run your mouth and brag About this secret rendezvous 我将会亲自惩罚你 I will hunt you down 因为爱人我已满足了自己的心愿,像孩子回到玩具房中那样愉悦 'Cause baby I'm up in my bidness Like a Wendy interview 但这是你与我私人的空间(我不会将它泄露出去) But this is private Between you and I 爱抚我, Touch my body 将我轻轻地放在地板上 Put me on the floor 轻揉我的身体 Wrestle me around 不要停止,爱我更多 Play with me some more 爱抚我 Touch my body 将我放在床上 Throw me on the bed 此时此刻,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉 I just wanna make you feel Like you never did. 爱抚我 Touch my body 让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验 Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste 爱抚我 Touch my body 我知道你爱我的迷人曲线 Know you love my curves 快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体 ***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body. 我将你当作我最爱玩具熊i Imma treat you like a teddy bear 在这爱的氛围中,我让你不能去往任何地方 You won't wanna go nowhere In the lap of luxury 爱人,转过来,你将不用得到更多 Baby just turn to me You won't want for nothing boy 因为我将给你全部 I will give you plenty 爱抚我 Touch my body 爱抚我 Touch my body 将我放在床上 Put me on the floor 轻揉我的身体 Wrestle me around 不要停止,爱我更多 Play with me some more 爱抚我 Touch my body 将我放在床上 Throw me on the bed 此时此刻,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉 I just wanna make you feel Like you never did. 爱抚我 Touch my body 让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验 Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste 爱抚我 Touch my body 我知道你爱我的迷人曲线 Know you love my curves 快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体 ***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body. 爱抚我 And touch my body. 噢耶............... Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah Oh yeah oh yeah Oh oh oh oh yeah 爱抚我 Touch my body...

