
时间:2024-06-13 16:20:03编辑:coo君


“虫”的英文worm读法:英 [wɜːm] 美 [wɝm] 释义:1、n. 虫,蠕虫;蜗杆;螺纹;小人物2、vt. 使蠕动;给除虫;使缓慢前进3、vi. 慢慢前进;蠕行4、n. (Worm)人名;(德、丹、葡)沃尔姆worm hob蜗轮滚刀 start worm多头蜗杆 worm hole条虫状气孔例句:1、The point that I'd been emphasizing is well first point of course has been don't confuse the stages with the entire space-time worm.我所强调的点是,第一个点当然是,别混淆了阶段,和整条时间虫。2、And there's some space-time worm taking place in Michigan, some space-time person worm taking place in New York.然后在密西根出现了某时空蠕虫,在纽约也出现了某时空蠕虫。扩展资料worm的近义词:nobody(字典查询结果)读法:['nəʊbədɪ]释义:1、pron. 无人,没有人;没有任何人2、n. 无名小卒;小人物短语:1、Nobody cares无人问津 2、Nobody loves没有人爱 3、Nobody understands无人理解4、Boy Nobody无名小子 5、nobody excepted无一人例外


beetle释义:(1)n. 甲虫;“甲壳虫”小汽车。(2)v. 快速移动。读音:英[ˈbiːtl],美[ˈbiːtl]。例句:A firefly is a type of beetle. 萤火虫是一种甲虫。其他:第三人称单数:beetles;复数:beetles;现在分词:beetling。扩展资料近义词1、bug读音:英[bʌɡ],美[bʌɡ]。释义:(1)n. 小昆虫;虫子;轻微的传染病;热衷。(2)v. 在(某处)装窃听器;窃听(谈话);使恼怒。例句:We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.我们注意到墙上爬满了小虫子。2、scurry读音:英[ˈskʌri],美[ˈskɜːri]。释义:(1)v. 碎步疾跑。(2)n. 快步急跑,疾走;仓皇奔跑声;骤雨,骤雪;短距离赛马。例句:The attack began, sending residents scurrying for cover.袭击发动后,居民们纷纷奔逃躲避。


gcrues女装(简称gc),是宝熙国际旗下快时尚女装品牌。gcrues(gc女装),上海宝熙服饰有限公司旗下快时尚女装品牌。打造个性、潮流、混搭的时尚产品。gcrues打破常规,从设计到工艺、从颜色到板型、从细节到搭配,展现其细腻的手法。gcrues女装将田园、生活、艺术完美结合,营造艺术、时尚、轻松自然的购物环境,艺术与商业的完美融合,是gcrues散发无限魅力的源泉。扩展资料:gcrues,源自以时装、红酒闻名于世的法国。它的产品主要针对19-31岁的时尚女性。gcrues目前已在全国开设34家店铺,分布在江苏,山东,河北区域。目前品牌有进入银泰城,和谐广场,万达广场系统。gcrues girl的年龄在19-31岁左右,她们乐于拥有独特的个性,她们喜欢逛街、旅行、艺术、工作。gcrues girl是一群张扬个性、追求自由、散发活力和尽享都市时尚炫彩生活的新新人类。gcrues为她们生活场合中的职场、休闲、娱乐、聚会带来了独特的设计和品质。参考资料来源:百度百科-GCRUES


beetle是指甲虫,也指甲壳虫汽车。读音:英[ˈbiːtl],美[ˈbiːtl]。释义:(1)n. 甲虫;形似甲虫的昆虫(如蟑螂等);槌,杵。(2)v. (甲虫般地)急忙来回;突出;用槌打。(3)adj. 突出的;外伸的。例句:A beetle was rolling a pellet of dried dung up the hill.一只屎壳郎正在把一个干粪球往山上滚。扩展资料近义词1、cockroach读音:英[ˈkɒkrəʊtʃ],美[ˈkɑːkroʊtʃ]。释义:n. 蟑螂。例句:Is this a mushroom or a cockroach?这是个蘑菇还是蟑螂?其他:复数,cockroaches。2、hammer读音:英[ˈhæmə(r)],美[ˈhæmər]。释义:(1)n. 锤子;榔头;(拍卖用的)木槌;音槌。(2)v. (用锤子)敲,锤打;反复敲打;猛踢;猛击。例句:He used a hammer and chisel to chip away at the wall.他用榔头和凿子铲墙。




独角仙大量发生於 6~8月,白天常常聚集在青刚栎流出树液处,或是在光腊树(白鸡油)上也常可发现聚集上百只独角仙的盛况,到了晚上,在山区有路灯处,也往往可以发现他们的踪迹,是台湾常见的大型畟峞C其幼虫常称为鸡母虫,经蛹期羽化为成虫,一年一代,由於本种并非保育类昆虫,加以体型大而健壮,常被做为儿童玩赏及昆虫教学使用。

独角仙 Allomyrina dithotomus

分类地位:鞘翅目 Coleoptera / 金龟子科 Scarabaeidae

形态特徵:不包括犄角,体长雄约 4.0~6.0 cm,雌约 3.5~4.5 cm;体色红褐~黑褐色;雄虫头部有一ㄚ形叉状突起,可上下活动,前胸背板中央亦有一长角突起,尖端分叉,无关节,不可活动。在占据地盘,取食树液,争夺与雌虫交配权时,这只犟而有力的长角,拌演了十分重要的角色。

食性:幼虫生活在腐植土及朽木中,大颚犟壮有力,啃食腐植土及木材;成虫则 吸食树汁为生,饲育时可餵食苹果、凤梨等。

The last frame cents Profile : Striga cents alias touting insects, belonging to Coleoptera, chafer Branch. The world is large horn of the last frame currently about 60 cents species, horn other smaller or hidden about 1,300 various types. Taiwan's two cents last frame, and one located in the island region, another prevalent in Taiwan were the low-altitude mountain regions of the woods. The last frame cents occurring on a large scale in 6 to 8 months, often gathered during the day just in Green Oak outflow sap, - December or in the tree (white Cantharellus cibarius) also often found hundreds gathered together on the last frame cents, in the evening, there are lights in the mountains, also can often find their tracks, Taiwan is a large common starvation C Ji its larvae often called chickens insects, pupa to adult emergence period, a year generation. Since this is not a protected species of insects, to be large-bodied and robust, as children often shape the use of teaching and insects. The last frame cents Allomyrina dithotomus classification status : Coleoptera Coleoptera / chafer Branch Scarabaeidae morphological features : excluding horn, body length-about 4.0 to 6.0 cm, and females about 3.5 ~ 4.5 cm; color deep brown to black; a male head-fork - The appeal processes, from top to bottom, Pronotum also a central Longhorn processes, and advanced bifurcation, without joints, not activities. The occupied sites, feeding sap compete for the right to mate with the female, this stubborn and powerful long corner his mix of a very important role. Feeding habits : larvae live in Fuzhicha and deadwood, big jaw stubborn Zhuang strong, and eating Fuzhicha timber; Adult smoking Syrup is a living, rearing can be fed apples, pineapple.

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