
时间:2024-06-14 19:11:03编辑:coo君


2022年北京冬奥会主题口号是“一起向未来”(Together for a Shared Future)。2021年9月17日,在北京冬奥会开幕倒计时140天之际,北京冬奥会、冬残奥会主题口号正式对外发布——“一起向未来”(Together for a Shared Future)。这是中国向世界发出的诚挚邀约,传递出14亿中国人民的美好期待:在奥林匹克精神的感召下,与世界人民携手共进、守望相助、共创美好未来。在全球应对新冠疫情的大背景下,北京冬奥会主题口号发出的声音是汇聚、是共享、是未来。北京冬奥会和冬残奥会吉祥物1、北京冬奥会吉祥物“冰墩墩”,以熊猫为原型进行设计创作。冰象征纯洁、坚强,是冬奥会的特点,墩墩意喻敦厚、健康、活泼、可爱,契合熊猫的整体形象,象征着冬奥会运动员强壮的身体、坚韧的意志和鼓舞人心的奥林匹克精神。2、北京冬残奥会吉祥物“雪容融”,以灯笼为原型进行设计创作。雪象征洁白、美丽,是冰雪运动的特点,容融表达了世界文明交流互鉴、和谐发展的理念,灯笼代表着收获、喜庆、温暖和光明,体现了冬残奥运动员的拼搏精神和激励世界的冬残奥会理念。以上内容参考 光明网-“一起向未来”!北京冬奥会、冬残奥会主题口号发布


一起向未来的英语是To the future together。例句:1、They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. 人们在一起回顾过去,一起向未来展望。2、If you like someone, you'll never think of your future; while if you love someone, you'll often look forward to the future together. 喜欢一个人,你不会想到你们的将来;爱一个人,你们常常一起向未来憧憬。3、With the reciprocity and mutual benefit cooperation way our company invites you to create the future together. 路得斯公司以一种互惠、互利的合作方式,邀您一起向未来走去。4、Chengbang sincerely wishes to create the bright future together with all valued new and old customers. 热忱欢迎新老客户和诚邦一起向未来共创美好。5、At the same time, even as we reflect on a difficult decade, we must look forward, to the future we will build together. 同时,正当我们思考困难的十年时,我们必须向前看,向我们将一起向未来看齐。


2022冬奥会主题口号“一起向未来”(英文为:“Together for a Shared Future”)。奥林匹克运动已全面进入“北京时间”。2021年9月17日下午3时许,在北京首都博物馆内,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号正式对外发布——“一起向未来”(英文为:“Together for a Shared Future”)。主题口号是历届奥运会的重要标志之一,是奥林匹克精神的高度概括,也是主办国、主办城市的独特文化和精神风貌的生动体现。为了充分表达北京冬奥会的举办愿景和目标,创作出独具风格的主题口号,北京冬奥组委自2020年5月起启动了主题口号创作征集工作,通过定向委托创作的方式,面向清华大学、北京大学、中国人民大学、中国传媒大学和中国社会科学院等单位征集主题口号创意。后经过多轮评审,听取有关方面和专家意见,并和国际奥委会、国际残奥委会取得一致后,最终决定将“一起向未来”(英文为:“Together for a Shared Future”)作为北京冬奥会、冬残奥会主题口号。“一起向未来”与2008年奥运会口号一脉相承北京2008年奥运会主题口号“同一个世界,同一个梦想”至今仍被人铭记。2022年,北京将成为世界上首个既举办过夏奥会又将举办冬奥会的城市。这次的主题口号“一起向未来”与2008年奥运会口号一脉相承,同时又体现出当前的时代特征,是北京作为“双奥之城”,给奥林匹克运动留下的又一中国印迹。“‘一起向未来’比2008年奥运会口号更进一步,号召我们行动起来,一起向未来进发,共同面对挑战,奔向美好前程。”蒋效愚表示,北京冬奥会主题口号不仅表达中国与世界携手前行的心愿,更展现出力量,体现出号召力,更富有激情和动感。


‍‍‍‍征稿英文采用了意译,所以更符合英语母语人士的思维。第一次重复演唱时,中文是一样的,但是英语却是不同的,可以看出来翻译家花了很多心思。你能不能试着用英语唱一唱呢?一起向未来Together for a Shared Future作词 : 王平久作曲 : 常石磊编曲 : 邓伊伦[易烊千玺]世界越爱越精彩There is a twinkle in your eye[李宇春]雪花纷飞迫不及待入怀As pure as snowflakes that fall into my embrace[谢霆锋]Fly to the skyFly to the sky[姚晨]天地洁白一片片存在Amid the snow that clothes our planet[萧敬腾]未来越爱越期待The future promises me with love[邓超]我舞晴空心花怒放表白As pure as the azure blue sky[容祖儿]Fly to the skyFlye to the sky[莫文蔚]万丈彩虹一重重盛开Riding on the rainbows sublime[李玟]我们都需要爱We all yearn for love[张韶涵]大家把手都牵起来So let's go hand in hand[王嘉尔]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[王嘉尔]一起来You and me[郑恺]一起向未来We can touch the sky[杨千嬅]我们都拥有爱We all are blessed with love[任贤齐]来把所有门全都敞开So let's leave no doors closed[郁可唯]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[郁可唯]一起来You and me[吴京]TogetherTogether[吴京]一起向未来Together for a shared future[景甜]世界越爱越精彩The world showers me with love[张碧晨]雪花纷飞迫不及待入怀As pure as the snowflakes that fall into my embrace[许茹芸]Fly to the skyFly to the sky[海清]天地洁白一片片存在See the world's new coat of crystal white[王大陆]未来越爱越期待The future promises me with love[杜江]我舞晴空心花怒放表白As pure as the azure blue sky[陈飞宇]Fly to the skyFly to the sky[苏有朋]万丈彩虹一重重盛开Riding on the rainbows sublime[叶倩文]我们都需要爱We all yearn for love[杭天琪]大家把手都牵起来So let's go hand in hand[肖央]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[肖央]一起来You and me[林依轮]一起向未来We can touch the sky[张小斐]我们都拥有爱We all are blessed with love[陈坤]来把所有门全都敞开So let's leave no doors closed[李冰冰]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[李冰冰]一起来You and me[佟丽娅]TogetherTogether[佟丽娅]一起向未来We can touch the sky[黄渤]一起向未来We can touch the sky[吉克隽逸]我们都需要爱We all yearn for love[赵珈婧芸 李娜]大家把手都牵起来So let's go hand in hand[张兴义]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[张兴义]一起来You and me[戴佩妮]一起向未来We can touch the sky[吴克群]我们都拥有爱We all are blessed with love[陈小春 应采儿]来把所有门全都敞开So let's leave no doors closed[关晓彤]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[关晓彤]一起来You and me[林子祥]TogetherTogether[林子祥]一起向未来We can touch the sky[刘昊然]世界越爱越精彩There is a twinkle in your eye[韩庚 卢靖姗]雪花纷飞迫不及待入怀As pure as snowflakes that fall into my embrace[黄景瑜]Fly to the skyFly to the sky[林允]天地洁白一片片存在Amid the snow that clothes our planet[刘烨]未来越爱越期待The future promises me with love[李晨]我舞晴空心花怒放表白As pure as the azure blue sky[吕方]Fly to the skyFlye to the sky[李克勤]万丈彩虹一重重盛开Riding on the rainbows sublime[张卫健]我们都需要爱We all yearn for love[钟镇涛]大家把手都牵起来So let's go hand in hand[王祖蓝]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[王祖蓝]一起来You and me[王宝强]一起向未来We can touch the sky[杨紫]我们都拥有爱We all are blessed with love[信]来把所有门全都敞开So let's leave no doors closed[泳儿]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[泳儿]一起来You and me[刘乃奇]TogetherTogether[刘乃奇]一起向未来Together for a shared future[龙紫岚]世界越爱越精彩The world showers me with love[舒淇]雪花纷飞迫不及待入怀As pure as the snowflakes that fall into my embrace[钟欣潼 蔡卓妍]Fly to the skyFly to the sky[谢天华]天地洁白一片片存在See the world's new coat of crystal white[张钧甯]未来越爱越期待The future promises me with love[甄子丹]我舞晴空心花怒放表白As pure as the azure blue sky[张靓颖]Fly to the skyFly to the sky[郭晓东]万丈彩虹一重重盛开Riding on the rainbows sublime[杨幂]我们都需要爱We all yearn for love[黄晓明]大家把手都牵起来So let's go hand in hand[梁汉文]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[梁汉文]一起来You and me[薛凯琪]一起向未来We can touch the sky[胡夏]我们都拥有爱We all are blessed with love[刘涛]来把所有门全都敞开So let's leave no doors closed[单依纯]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[单依纯]一起来You and me[陈意涵]TogetherTogether[陈意涵]一起向未来We can touch the sky[汤唯]一起向未来We can touch the sky[孙悦]我们都需要爱We all yearn for love[维嘉]大家把手都牵起来So let's go hand in hand[张智霖]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[张智霖]一起来You and me[秦海璐]一起向未来We can touch the sky[陈小朵 草蜢]我们都拥有爱We all are blessed with love[林晓峰]来把所有门全都敞开So let's leave no doors closed.[彭永琛 麦嘉欣]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[彭永琛 麦嘉欣]一起来You and me[曾志伟]TogetherTogether[曾志伟]一起向未来We can touch the sky[韦唯]我们都需要爱We all yearn for love[张杰]大家把手都牵起来So let's go hand in hand[石倚洁]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[石倚洁]一起来You and me[孙楠]一起向未来We can touch the sky[谭维维]我们都拥有爱We all are blessed with love[蔡国庆]来把所有门全都敞开So let's leave no doors closed[陈伟霆]Together for a shared futureTogether for a shared future[袁娅维 陈伟霆]一起来You and me[谭咏麟]TogetherTogether[谭咏麟]一起向未来We can touch the sky钢琴[常石磊]大提琴[欧阳娜娜][周深]Fly to the skyFly to the sky[朱一龙]天地洁白一片片存在See the world's new coat of crystal white[张学友]未来越爱越期待The future promises me with love[周迅]我舞晴空心花怒放表白As pure as the azure blue sky[刘德华]Fly to the skyFly to the sky[成龙]万丈彩虹一重重盛开Riding on the rainbows sublime[合唱]我们都需要爱We all yearn for love大家把手都牵起来So let's go hand in handTogether for a shared futureTogether for a shared future一起来You and me一起向未来We can touch the sky我们都拥有爱We all are blessed with love来把所有门全都敞开So let's leave no doors closedTogether for a shared futureTogether for a shared future一起来You and meTogetherTogether一起向未来We can touch the sky一起向未来We can touch the sky一起向未来We can touch the sky[王亚平 翟志刚 叶光富]一起向未来We can touch the sky来源 | 凌哥英语,转载自 | 明师俱乐部。版权归原作者所有,如涉及版权问题,请及时与我们进行联系。《二语写作》正在征稿,欢迎国内外专家、学者和广大外语教师及研究者扫码入群赐稿!(详情见最后一条推送)精彩推文回顾


歌名:《一起至未来》 原曲:苏打绿《无眠》演唱:TOKI 歌词: 旧照片透视每个窗前分不清是梦境是幻觉许多故事又重现还记得那最初的交汇怯懦着镜头的方向闭上眼星辰颠沛的迹轨踩碎曾经的颓废说再见不会累是不是不会放弃的直觉遗忘的颓废 却交换茁壮的星辉最平凡的花蕊却拥有全世界最美雕缀手扣在心间 坚持到未来那天去碰撞 整个世界旧照片透视每个窗前分不清是梦境是幻觉许多故事又重现还记得那最初的交汇怯懦着镜头的方向闭上眼星辰颠沛的迹轨踩碎曾经的颓废说再见不会累是不是不会放弃的直觉遗忘的颓废 却交换茁壮的星辉最平凡的花蕊却拥有全世界最美雕缀手扣在心间 坚持到未来那天去碰撞 整个世界也曾经想过忘却 想过流浪 想过渺茫的未来却期待时间再能重来才发现在你身后飞多高飞多远一直徘徊我们一起至未来

