
时间:2024-06-15 18:36:03编辑:coo君


Tarzan,2017年加入GRF格里芬效力至今,为GRF出战过CK联赛、LCK联赛、KeSPA、亚洲洲际对抗赛、全球总决赛。2020年2月14日的LCK赛场,Griffin以2-1击败APK,2胜2负暂列LCK第五。赛后Griffin打野选手Tarzan接受了采访。职业生涯:2017年,开始效力GRF。出战CK夏季赛、2017 KeSPA。2018年,出战CK春季赛、LCK夏季赛、LCK总决赛、2018 KeSPA。2019年,出战LCK春季赛、2019 亚洲洲际对抗赛、LCK夏季赛、2019 全球总决赛。扩展资料:所属战队:Griffin战队的母公司Still8周一取消了与队员的合同,这使得Griffin英雄联盟分部的每个队员都成为自由人。在《英雄联盟》S9全球总决赛四分之一决赛中,GRF负于iG,无缘四强。彼时,GRF首发选手分别为Sword、Tarzan、Chovy、Viper与Lehends。距这场四分之一决赛结束整整一个月时间,昨日晚间,GRF官方发文表示,“我们很遗憾地告诉大家Lehends、Doran、Chovy选手与格里芬相互协商后结束了合约。”“我们真心祝福三位选手未来一切顺利,为你们加油。”


泰山英文介绍:Taishan Mountain is located in the central of Shandong Province. In ancient time, it was called Mt. Daishan or Mt.Daizong and was renamed Taishan Mountain during the Spring and Autumn Period, that was 770-476B.C.Taishan Mountain was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1987.The total area of the mountain is 426 square kilometers with a circumference of 80 kilometers.The main peak, Jade Emperor Peak, rising 1,545 meters above sea level, is at the north of Tai'an city. The mountain is an early birthplace of China's ancient civilization and the area around was one of ancient China's political, economic and cultural centers. In history, there were total 72 emperors from Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties who built temples on it. After Qin Shihuang (246-209 B.C.), numerous emperors and scholars from various historical periods went to Taishan Mountain, which accounts for the large quantity of precious cultural relics.Taishan Mountain has 72 majestic peaks, magnificent waterfalls, centuries-old pines and cypresses and fascinating rocks. There are five tourist zones and two routes up the mountain-one in the east and one in the west. They meet at Zhongtian Gate and there are 6,293 steps in the nine kilometers leading to the top. Scenic spots include Longtan Reservoir, Zhongtian Gate, Five-Doctor Pine, Duansong Hill, 18 Turns, South Gate to Heaven, Bixia Tekmple, Zhanglu Terrace, Sun-Watching Peak, Moon-Watching Peak.The four wonders of the mountain are Sun Rises from the East, Golden Belt Along the Yellow River, Beautiful Sunset and the Sea of Clouds. Other attractive spots are the Rare Rock Dock, Fan Cliff, Aolai Peak, Black Dragon Pool, Longevity Bridge, and the Dragon Pool Waterfall.Running from Songshan Valley to the South Gate to Heaven, on the top of Danshan Hill, is a path with 18 turns called Ladder to Heaven. Although the path is little more than one kilometer long it rises 400 meters. The steps along the path are made of Tianshan schist. There is now a cable car from Zhongtian Gate to the top of Wangfu Hill.Taishan Mountain is one of China's mountain parks and is a natural museum of history and art. Along its axis there are 1,800 stone sculptures including famous ones such as the Carved Road from the Qin dynasty, the Buddhist Diamond Sutra in Sutra Stone Valley, the Wordless Stone Tablet and the Scripture of Taishan Mountain History carved on Tangmo Cliff. Tiankuang Hall in the Daimiao Temple which is also on Taishan Mountain is one of the three great halls of China the other two are the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, Beijing , and Dacheng Hall in Qufu. The 40 statues of arhat in the Thousand-Buddha Hall of the Lingyan Temple date to the Song Dynasty and are prized for their individuality and expressiveness.翻译:泰山位于山东省的中部。在古代,它被称为岱山或岱宗山,在春秋时期,即公元前770-476年,被重新命名为泰山。泰山于1987年被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。山的总面积是426平方公里,周长80公里。玉皇大帝峰位于泰安市北部,海拔1545米。这座山是中国古代文明的早期发祥地,周边地区是中国古代政治、经济和文化中心之一。历史上,夏、商、周三代共72位皇帝在此建寺。秦始皇(公元前246-209年)之后,历代的帝王和学者纷纷前往泰山,那里有大量的珍贵文物。泰山有72座雄伟的山峰,壮观的瀑布,数百年的松树和柏树,还有迷人的岩石。有五个旅游区和两条上山的路线——一条在东边,一条在西边。他们在中天门会合,在通往山顶的九公里内有6293级台阶。景区有龙潭水库、中天门、五博士松、端松山、18转、南门通天、碧霞特普尔、张路台、观日峰、观月峰。山的四大奇观是从东方升起的太阳,沿着黄河的金色地带,美丽的日落和云海。其他有吸引力的景点还有稀有的岩坞、扇崖、奥莱峰、黑龙池、万寿桥、龙池瀑布。从松山谷到南门通天,在丹山山顶,有一条十八弯的小道,叫天梯。虽然这条小路只有一公里多一点长,但它却高达400米。小径上的台阶是由天山片岩构成的。现在有一辆从中天门到王府山山顶的缆车。泰山是中国的山地公园之一,是一座自然历史和艺术博物馆。沿着它的轴线,有1800件石雕作品,其中包括著名的秦朝石刻路、佛经石谷中的金刚经、无言的石碑、唐摩崖上的泰山史经等。位于泰山上的岱庙寺中的天光殿是中国三大殿之一,另外两个是紫禁城的太和殿和曲阜的大成殿。灵岩寺千佛堂里的40尊罗汉雕像可以追溯到宋朝,因其个性和表现力而备受推崇。扩展资料:泰山地形地貌泰山是山东丘陵中最高大的山脉,地层为华北地台典型基底和盖层结构区,南部上升幅度大,盖层被风化掉了,露出大片基底——泰山杂岩,即太古界泰山群地层,其绝对年龄25亿年左右,是中国最古老的地层之一。北部上升幅度小,盖层保存着典型的华北地台上发育的古生代地层。泰山地貌分为冲洪积台地、剥蚀堆积丘陵、构造剥蚀低山和侵蚀构造中低山四大类型,在空间形象上,由低而高,造成层峦叠峰、凌空高耸的巍峨之势,形成多种地形群体组合的地貌景观。参考资料:泰山-百度百科


生活有多种不同释义,具体如下:1、生活:汉语词语生活是一个汉语词语,拼音是shēng huó,广义上指人的各种活动,包括日常生活行为、学习、工作、休闲、社交、娱乐等,生活是比生存更高层面的一种状态。2、生活:郭沛玉的原创歌曲《生活》由郭沛玉作词作曲演唱并于2017年4月13日发布的一首原创歌曲,歌词j简单直击人心,讲述了每一个人面对自己生活的态度。3、生活:毕加索画作《生活》作于1903年,所画的对象有着巴塞罗那时所见到的生活痕迹。有197.5×129厘米大,现藏美国克里夫兰艺术博物馆。毕加索经历了前半个世纪现代流派各个方面的探索,又经历了两次世界大战的生活考验,他的艺术与政治信仰得到了磨炼,从而为世界人民所尊重。4、生活:孙玮演唱歌曲《生活》是由孙玮作词、作曲并演唱的一首歌曲,收录于EP《离开盐城》中,发行于2016年01月10日。5、生活:1935年邵醉翁执导电影香港电影《生活》由天一影片公司于1935年出品。该片由邵醉翁执导,薛觉先、唐雪卿、谭玉兰、林坤山、麦啸霞、薛觉明等领衔主演。影片讲述了陈少英由百货公司少主人到沦为乞丐的人生经历。参考资料来源:百度百科-生活:郭沛玉的原创歌曲参考资料来源:百度百科-生活:毕加索画作参考资料来源:百度百科-生活:孙玮演唱歌曲参考资料来源:百度百科-生活:1935年邵醉翁执导电影参考资料来源:百度百科-生活:汉语词语


In the late 1880's off the coast of Africa, a young couple and their infant son escape a burning ship and land on the unexplored rainforests of Africa, where they build themselves a treehouse in which to live ("Two Worlds"). Meanwhile, a gorilla couple named Kerchak and Kala are traveling with the rest of their group when their infant son is eaten by a leopard named Sabor. The next day, Kala stumbles upon the treehouse, which has been attacked by Sabor, and although the infant has survived, both his parents are dead. Kala returns the baby to the rest of the group, but Kerchak despises the boy for his appearance. Nevertheless, Kala decides to raise the boy as her own, naming him Tarzan ("You'll Be in My Heart").

A few years later, Tarzan makes friends with young gorilla Terk and an elephant named Tantor ("Son of Man"). Despite his inablity to compete with the rest of the gorillas, Tarzan perseveres and eventually grows into a strong, capable and gorilla-like man. When Sabor attacks the group again, Tarzan successfully kills her, earning Kerchak's respect. Tarzan then notices another group of humans arriving: Professor Porter and his daughter Jane, who have travelled to Africa in search of gorillas, along with their hunter guide Clayton. Jane then has an encounter with angry baboons who attack her by taking her boot. Tarzan heroically saves her then tickles and plays with her feet. Jane then goes back to camp.

Meanwhile, Tarzan's friends arrive at the trio's campsite and proceed to destroy it by playing music using various human objects the find in camp ("Trashin' the Camp"). Tarzan returns Jane to camp and departs with the animals before Professor Porter and Clayton arrive. In the jungle, Kerchak instructs the others to stay away from the campsite, but Tarzan protests, believing that the humans pose no threat. Tarzan secretly returns to the campsite and is introduced to the other men, and the three of them teach Tarzan about the human world ("Strangers Like Me"); nevertheless, he refuses to tell them the gorillas' location, fearing Kerchak's fury. A few days later, when the boat to England arrives, the trio, unable to find the gorillas, prepares to leave, and Tarzan is heartbroken to see Jane depart. Clayton explains, however, that they will stay once they find the gorillas. Tarzan then wants Terk to do him a favor. He wants Terk to get Kerchak out of the way. Terk, at first, refuses to help him because she thought that Tarzan didn't care about Terk anymore, now that he was so keen on Jane. Finally, Terk agrees because Tarzan gave her a look that makes Terk say yes. Terk then becomes furious because she told Tarzan that he better not make her do anything embarrassing, but Terk is disguised as Jane (with the skirt and lipstick) and Tantor is disguised as the professor.

Tarzan leads them to the nesting site, but Kerchak appears and attacks Clayton, much to the humans' fright. Tarzan puts Kerchak in a headlock, allowing the humans to escape, and as such alienates himself from the gorillas. Sympathetic, Kala takes Tarzan to his biological parents' treehouse, and he decides that he belongs in the human world. Tarzan decides to depart for England with the others, but Clayton and the crew attack them and lock them up; Clayton reveals that he wanted to find the apes to kill and sell them on the black market. As the crew storm the jungle, Tantor and Terk rescue Tarzan and they go off to stop Clayton, who mortally wounds Kerchak with his rifle. Tarzan and Clayton duel among the treetops until Clayton, entangled in vines, falls from the tree, resulting in an accidental death by hanging. Tarzan then finds the ailing Kerchak, who apologizes to Tarzan for his behavior and makes him, as the uncontestedly most capable of the younger generation, leader of the gorillas. Kerchak dies, and Tarzan and the gorillas mourn for his demise.

With the crew captured, Jane and Professor Porter prepare to depart for England. However, realizing where her heart belongs, Jane returns to the jungle and is soon followed by her father; the three of them reside happily in the jungle among the animals and gorillas ("Two Worlds Reprise").


1《玩具总动员》Toy Story,1995年 2 《幻想曲》Fantasia,1940年 3 《白雪公主》Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,1937年4 《玩具总动员2》Toy Story 2,1999年 5 《钢铁巨人》The Iron Giant,1999年6 《美女与野兽》Beauty and the Beast,1991年 7 《圣诞夜惊魂》The Nightmare Before Christmas,1993年 8 《谁陷害了兔子罗杰》Who Framed Roger Rabbit,1988年 9 《南方公园电影版》South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut,1999年 10 《千与千寻》Spirited Away,2002年 11 《木偶奇遇记》Pinocchio,1940年 12 《狮子王》The Lion King,1994年 13 《小鸡快跑》Chicken Run,2000年 14 《小鹿斑比》Bambi,1942年 15 《怪物史莱克》Shrek,2001年 16 《幽灵公主》Princess Mononoke,1999年17 《怪物公司》Monsters Inc.,2001年 18 《黄色潜水艇》Yellow Submarine,1968年 19 《阿拉丁》Aladdin,1992年 20 《亚基拉》Akira,1989年 21 《昆虫总动员》A Bug's Life,1998年 22 《小美人鱼》The Little Mermaid,1989年23 《萤火虫之墓》Grave of the Fireflies,1988年 24 《小飞象》Dumbo,1941年 25 《梦醒人生》Waking Life,2001年26 《睡美人》Sleeping Beauty,1959年 27 《森林王子》The Jungle Book,1967年 28 《101只斑点狗》101 Dalmatians,1961年29 《冰河世纪》Ice Age,2002年30 《龙猫》My Neighbor Totoro,1993年 31 《海底沉舟》Watership Down,1978年 32 《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web,1973年 33 《小姐与流氓》Lady and the Tramp,1955年 34 《宾尼兔》The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie,1979年 35 《勇敢鼠妈妈》The Secret of NIMH,1982年 36 《小飞侠》Peter Pan,1953年 37 《灰姑娘》Cinderella,1950年 38 《攻壳机动队》Ghost in the Shell,1995年 39 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》Alice in Wonderland,1951年 40 《埃及王子》The Prince of Egypt,1998年 41 《小蚁雄兵》Antz,1998年 42 《动物农场》Animal Farm,1955年 43 《星际宝贝》Lilo & Stitch,2002年44 《爱丽丝》Alice,1988年 45 《钟楼驼侠》The Hunchback of Notre Dame,1996年46 《魔女宅急便》Kiki's Delivery Service,1989年 47 《弱智与丧门星玩转美国》Beavis & Butthead Do America,1996年 48 《最终幻想》Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within,2001年49 《花木兰》Mulan,1998年50 《奇幻星球》Fantastic Planet,1973年 扩展资料:全球闻名遐迩的迪士尼,全称为The Walt Disney Company,取名自其创始人华特·迪士尼,是总部设在美国伯班克的大型跨国公司。主要业务包括娱乐节目制作,主题公园,玩具,图书,电子游戏和传媒网络。皮克斯动画工作室(PIXAR Animation Studio)、惊奇漫画公司(Marvel Entertainment Inc)、试金石电影公司(Touchstone Pictures)、米拉麦克斯(Miramax)电影公司、博伟影视公司(Buena Vista Home Entertainment)、好莱坞电影公司(Hollywood Pictures)、ESPN体育,美国广播公司(ABC)都是其旗下的公司(品牌)。迪士尼于2012年11月收购了卢卡斯影业。2017年6月,《2017年BrandZ最具价值全球品牌100强》公布,迪士尼排名第18位参考资料:迪士尼百度百科

