
时间:2024-06-16 00:00:41编辑:coo君


马丁靴充满了传奇色彩。早在1945年的德国,一位叫Dr. Klaus Maertens的医生和他的朋友Dr. Herbert Funck在阿尔卑斯山滑雪,不慎摔伤了脚,在康复过程中,为了使自己走路轻松些,马丁斯博士和他的朋友设计了一种看起来很粗鲁,但非常舒适的靴子来穿。不出两年,这种设计便在德国注册,专为那些年老有腿疾或腰痛的德国妇女生产保健鞋。到1959年,这种鞋在整个欧洲都十分畅销。于是,朋友俩决定把这种设计卖给英国Wollaston的一个企业R. Griggs,该集团在生工作鞋和军用靴方面历史悠久,技艺精湛。1960年4月1日,Dr. Martens于英国的Northamptonshire踏出了第一步。首个设计,就是8孔的1460款式。这个款式,本来是为Docklands巡警而设计的。它那实而不华的设计,尤其鞋边黄色针步及独特的鞋印图案,当年大获好评,所以顺理成章推出市场,并成为了不同年代的潮流文化标记。这种靴的关键在于鞋底。它既十分柔韧又十分耐穿,而且耐油、耐酸、耐碱、耐腐蚀。20世纪80年代,时装设计师又把马丁博士带进了时装表演,顿时,马丁博士的靴子成为时装新潮。此外,Dr. Martens的Air Wair鞋底设计,舒服耐用,多年来一直是吸引人们的原因。在现代的时尚圈,Dr.Martens的靴子被公认全世界最舒适的靴子,并且外型经典,成很多靴子爱好者的必备收藏品。发展至现在,Dr. Martens除了鞋履外,还推出服装、文具、包等。在英国,几乎没有任何一位男士不认识这个经典牌子。


Dr.martens的原产地有德国和英国。Dr.martens的由来:1、早在1945年的德国,一位叫Dr. Klaus Maertens的医生和他的朋友Dr. Herbert Funck在阿尔卑斯山滑雪,不慎摔伤了脚。2、在康复过程中,为了使自己走路轻松些,马丁斯博士和他的朋友设计了一种看起来很粗鲁,但非常舒适的靴子来穿。不出两年,这种设计便在德国注册,专为那些年老有腿疾或腰痛的德国妇女生产保健鞋。3、到1959年,这种鞋在整个欧洲都十分畅销。于是,朋友俩决定把这种设计卖给英国Wollaston的一个企业R. Griggs,该集团在生工作鞋和军用靴方面历史悠久,技艺精湛。4、1960年4月1日,Dr. Martens于英国的Northamptonshire踏出了第一步。5、首个设计,就是8孔的1460款式。这个款式,本来是为Docklands巡警而设计的。它那实而不华的设计,尤其鞋边黄色针步及独特的鞋印图案,当年大获好评,所以顺理成章推出市场,并成为了不同年代的潮流文化标记。6、这种靴的关键在于鞋底。它既十分柔韧又十分耐穿,而且耐油、耐酸、耐碱、耐腐蚀。20世纪80年代,时装设计师又把马丁博士带进了时装表演,顿时,马丁博士的靴子成为时装新潮。扩展资料:古典穿法:1、可以搭配 黑色夹克 和格子的MINI裙 是最传统和容易搭配的方法2、搭配雪纺的料子 就很可爱 而且甜美度也能上升好多3、搭配可爱的紧身裤子 和 亮色系连身的裙等长款衫也是十分不错的选择。4、可爱的骷髅图片 COOL味十足+马丁靴 个性立现5、搭配出类似KARE那种的 PUNK个性味道十足的 搭配时候不要拘泥传统 很多款式的衣服都能融合其中参考资料来源:百度百科-Dr.martens

如何辨别dr martens马丁鞋真假


第五、大底上的NON-MARKING SOLE字样,以及胶质的颗粒纹理。真品的鞋底所用的胶感觉比较有光泽!


http://www.drmartens.com/ Dr. Martens于1960年设计出首对8孔皮靴,尽管经过了四十多年,至今仍是很多设计师的心头好。2003年,Dr. Martens请来了37位国际知名的设计师,让他们各以自己风格演绎这经典之作。   8孔皮靴,如今已是Dr. Martens的代表作。这四十多年间,它经历过不少改变,例如六十年代的Mods、七十年代的Punks、九十年代的Grunge等。  这次参与的设计师真是位位不凡,计有Agnb.、Paul Smith、Jean Paul Gaultier,甚至Levi\'s、Fake London等也有参与,可说济济一堂。而这次以Dr. Martens的8孔及10孔1460款式作基础,让各设计师自由发挥,以自己的手法表达对Dr. Martens的感觉,所以每一件都是可展现出设计师审美角度的艺术品。   Dr. Martens小史   1960年4月1日,Dr. Martens于英国的Northamptonshire踏出了第一步。首个设计,就是8孔的1460款式。这个款式,本来是为Docklands巡警而设计的。它那实而不华的设计,尤其鞋边黄色针步及独特的鞋印图案,当年大获好评,所以顺理成章推出市场,并成为了不同年代的潮流文化标记。此外,Dr. Martens的Air Wair鞋底设计,舒服耐用,多年来一直是吸引人们的原因。发展至现在,Dr. Martens除了鞋履外,还推出服装、文具、包等。   在英国,几乎没有任何一位男士不认识这个经典牌子,可能打从学生时代你已经是Dr.Martens的拥护者。Airwair loop是Dr.Martens鞋的特色。而鞋边之黄色线是历代Dr.Martens 的标志。其经典鞋款有英国警察及邮差都订制的Steep Cap,而教皇保罗二世也是穿着Dr.Martens为他订做的白色1460 Ankle Boots。最近,Dr.Martens推出了“黑底系列”男装皮鞋,是DM唯一黑底皮鞋系列,而且设有专有气囊加上全内垫设计,令舒适度大大提高。使用英国优质皮革制造,所以绝对是各位男士要求的耐穿上班鞋。


英文版When the Dr. Martens boot first catapulted from a working-class essential to a counter-cultural icon back in the 1960s, the world was pre-internet, pre-MTV, pre-CD, pre-mp3s, pre-mobile phones... hey, they'd only just invented the teenager. In the years before the boot's birthday, 1st April, 1960, kids just looked like tribute acts to their parents, younger but the same. Rebellion was only just on the agenda for some - for most kids of the day, starved of music, fashion, art and choice, it was not even an option.But then an unlikely union of two kindred spirits in distinctly different countries ignited a phenomenon.In Munich, Germany, Dr Klaus Maertens had a garage full of inventions, including a shoe sole almost literally made of air; in Northampton, England, the Griggs family had a history of making quality footwear and their heads were full of ideas. They met, like a classic band audition, through an advert in the classified pages of a magazine. A marriage was born, an icon conceived of innovation and self-expression.Together they took risks.They jointly created a boot that defined comfort but was practical, hard-wearing and a design classic. At first, like some viral infection, the so-called 1460 stooped near to the ground, kept a low profile, a quiet revolution.But then something incredible started to happen.The postmen, factory workers and transport unions who had initially bought the boot by the thousand, were joined by rejects, outcasts and rebels from the fringes of society.At first, it was the working-classes; before long it was the masses.Skinheads were the first subculture to adopt the boot in the early 1960s, spilling out of the East End of London, then across Britain and the world; initially non-racist and obsessive about their fashion, by the time the skinhead movement was corrupted with elements of right-wing extremism, Dr Martens had already morphed into a torchbearer for a brave new world.The late 1960s and 1970s saw the boot adopted by - not thrust upon - nearly all the 'tribes': Mods, glam, punks, ska, psychobillies, grebos, Goths, industrialists, nu-metal, hardcore, straight-edge, grunge, Britpop...Then pop started to eat itself.The internet spread like an epidemic, reaching fifty million users in eighteen months - a feat that took radio forty years. The first mobile phone text was sent in 1992; within three years, email was like oxygen. Everything had changed.There were no tribes anymore. At least, not like they used to make 'em.You don't see one tribe fighting another anymore, a haircut does not define a person to four albums by three bands.The tribe is down to one person.You.A one-man army.The personal revolution manifests itself in a million ways. So-called 'indie' and 'punk' record labels of the 1970s and 1980s were created to cut out the suits. They were called 'labels' because of the round adhesive label smack bang in the middle of the vinyl.Vinyl?CDs?Now, you don't even need a label.Record, mix, master and post on the web from your own empire.Hit the charts from downloads alone.There is no one left to cut out. It's all down to you.Of course, just because we can all now 'create', doesn't mean we are all actually any good. But the cream floats to the top, whatever the mode of transport.Same with Dr. Martens.Decades have come and gone, brands have exploded and then imploded, but the 1460 is still there, unique, individual, original. Anti-fashion defined in eight holes.What's seen as information overload to the older generation is just everyday surfing to the new generation. In one weekend edition of The New York Times, there is more information than a seventeenth century man was exposed to in his entire life. Dr. Martens haven't been around since the 1600s, but in terms of 钬?brands' that mean something, that last, that reinvent and evolve, they pre-date pretty much everything.By the mid-1990s, Dr. Martens had festered in the minds of youth without a single penny of 'marketing spend', longer than the majority of global brands had even existed. There is no comparison. This is not a brand, it is a way of thinking, a mode of expression.The problem with 'brands' is that they dictate. They might offer the must-have item of theseason, but they design it, shape it, form it and sell it. You have no say, other than handing over your money. Look at the word: 'brand'. That's what they do to cattle.Rebel.Create your own brand.Dr. Martens have always been different. No other brand has been mutated, customised, fucked up and freaked out like DM's. Without asking or being able to stop it. It happened to them. They were just fascinated bystanders on a journey that has raced through every crevice of subculture, every twist and turn of youthful creativity and now, here, with a generation who have always had email, mp3s and downloads, it is as relevant and vibrant as ever.Because although the tribes no longer stride through London or New York, although individuality is the music for the masses, although fashion is just another way of defining yourself, the Dr. Martens 'brand' has come full circle, it is a blank canvas on which a generation can paint their personality. You can wear your grunge shorts, your emo hair, your punk tatts, your metal piercings and your pride on your sleeve, all at the same time, there are no limits, no boundaries, no pigeon-holes to fit into.To be creative sometimes you have to rebel.To rebel you have to have something to rebel against.Driving fast, drinking cheap beer and smashing windows isn't rebellion. The best form of rebellion is individualism. Thinking for yourself.Information overload is the most fantastic element of modern life. You can have it all. You don't need to align yourself with one band, one tribe, one venue, one gig; you can share your console with a complete stranger twenty thousand miles away; you can post your demo on a site that has a greater population than most countries.But you need anchors in this sea of creativity.You need things you can rely on.Things you can recruit to your army.Friends, whether they add you or not.Tunes loaded, down.Ideas loaded, up.Fashions that express.Possessions that matter.Things that inspire self-expression, not commodities that spoon-feed an identity.Dr. Martens anchor you, liberate your creativity, inspire and fuel your identity. Our heritage fits your future; your future is our future.

Dr.Martens 1460 该怎样选择尺码?

选Dr.Martens 1460靴子尺码的方法:
  3)脚长换成欧码:量好你的脚长乘以两倍减去十厘米(脚长X2-10=鞋码;例,你的脚长是25CM,25X 2=50-10=40码,那么您就是穿40码的鞋)
  4)欧码换成脚长:看好鞋的尺码加上十厘米再除2 ( /2=脚长;例,鞋码41,41+10=51/2=25.5CM,那么此尺码的鞋适合脚长25.5的人穿)

Dr.martens 1460怎么选码子


