buenos aires

时间:2024-06-16 01:46:17编辑:coo君

buenos aires是哪个国家的?

buenos aires是阿根廷的。阿根廷是由23个省和联邦首都(布宜诺斯艾利斯)组成的总统制联邦共和制国家,位于南美洲东南部,东临大西洋,南与南极洲隔海相望,西邻智利,北与玻利维亚、巴拉圭交界,东北与乌拉圭、巴西接壤。截至2020年,全国人口约为4537.7万人,人口数量排在世界第31位。阿根廷位置境域阿根廷位于南美洲东南部,面积2780400平方千米(不包括与英国有主权争议的马尔维纳斯群岛、南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛以及南极地区,下同),领土居世界第八位,为拉丁美洲的第二大国,仅次于巴西。东濒大西洋,南与南极洲隔海相望,西同智利接壤,北接玻利维亚、巴拉圭,东北部与巴西和乌拉圭为邻,陆上边界线长25728公里,海岸线长4725公里。以上内容参考:百度百科-阿根廷

buenos aires是哪个国家

buenos aires是【阿根廷】的。
布宜诺斯艾利斯(西班牙语:Buenos Aires,意为“好空气”)简称CABA或Capital Federal,华人常略称为布宜诺市或布市。是阿根廷的首都和最大城市,位于拉普拉塔河(Río de la Plata,直译:银之河)南岸、南美洲东南岸、对岸为乌拉圭(东方);2014年,在大布宜诺斯艾利斯地区(Gran Buenos Aires)有常住人口17,180,000,是拉丁美洲第二大都会区,仅次于大圣保罗地区(2012年19,956,590人)。


约翰·卡尔·弗里德里希·高斯, 德国著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家、大地测量学家。1792年,进入不伦瑞克科技大学。独立发现了二项式定理的一般形式、数论上的“二次互反律”、素数定理、及算术-几何平均数。1795年高斯进入哥廷根大学。高斯是一对普通夫妇的儿子。他的母亲是一个贫穷石匠的女儿,虽然十分聪明,但却没有接受过教育,近似于文盲。在她成为高斯父亲的第二个妻子之前,她从事女佣工作。他的父亲曾做过园丁,工头,商人的助手和一个小保险公司的评估师。当高斯三岁时便能够纠正他父亲的借债账目的事情,已经成为一个轶事流传至今。他曾说,他在麦仙翁堆上学会计算。能够在头脑中进行复杂的计算,是上帝赐予他一生的天赋。

buenos aires,argentina是什么意思

buenos aires,argentina布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷Thick smoke covered Buenos Aires, Argentina, for a fifth day on Saturday, the fallout from field burning by ranchers that has forced flight cancellations and trafficcongestion. 阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯因周围农场主焚烧牧场,连日来笼罩在烟雾中,导致多架航班被迫取消,公路交通拥堵。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O


  阿根廷的芭蕾舞《探戈舞女孩》 :一个腰部的臀部文化
  Argentine ballet 《 the tango girl 》 :The culture of a hip of waist

  http://ent.sina.com.cn November 14 in 200316:19The new wave amuse
  Whenever I recite this single phrase of" the root of 阿 lift where", total there is a kind of pleasant sensation of metre will slide past the tip of the tongue.At rich land of the 帕斯 steppe of Pan up, in pull 普 pull attentive ripples of water of the tower river," the root of 阿 lift where" use the metre in oneself's blood created in the world the most excited public of art- tango.

  The Argentine tango is a classification kind romantic feeling within choreographic world:Act with dignity to win to see the charm;Sexy win and have the content;Thick put to conceive to pull the 普 to pull the tower river quite in the frenzied skirt 裾 , bewitchingly beautiful but not gaud.Pan the art treasure of the 帕斯 is really God
  The boon that gives the people spoil.

  The Argentine person enjoys own women specially, iting is said that their waist and hips are the most beautiful in the world.The God give beautiful is a common wealth of mankind, should the proud demonstration come out to enjoy for owner.

  The conduct and actions is Argentina cultural of an a little bit big and bright- tango- the most perfect body now beautiful waist hip of Argentine person.Argentine tango, is the culture of a hip of waist.The swing of the waist hip, put a pride of race.

  South America is to immigrate big six.The Argentine person is all the descendant of the European emigrant ten to one.Solitude of drift on water, keep off the home town sad, the heavy pressure that hardship start a business, and heavy pressure under still have never put out of, to the imagine of the fine life of tomorrow.This kind of complicated motion, educated the special and Argentine tango- the careful dance treads to release the unrestrained intense emotion of Latin race.

  The Argentine person is the rhythm life that the companion wears the tango of.They use the tango in love with, with the tango flirtation, with the tango duel, use tango and world exchanges.

  Will soon the Argentine tango music ballet present to public in the overpass theater of Peking 《 the tango girl 》 is a generalization of of the tango culture.Dance the consummate and Argentine actor of skill turn use to make the person the tango that blood seethe for the audience of Peking relates a love that turbulence is period tragedy- face and can't change of the destiny, under the fire ray of light of the similar and dazzling love, a rightness of loverseses the pair of the facial expressionses of the lifetime all into this perform, using the tango that the young life explained the eternity.

  《 The tango girl 》 with borrow music, miraculous light of the dazzling and choreographic and excited public and the dance of the pomps beautiful, at won Argentina to drink all over the place colourful.Now, they take the great 誉 of come from the world-wide locations to arrive at China, use in the world most the tango of intense emotion relates a sad but beautiful love for the audience of Peking
  Argentine history

  Appear the mankind( new stone implement period of 8000 B.C. go to 7000) to the beginning of 16 centuries from the Argentine land, live many Indian tribes there.But after Columbus discovered American Continent, the here lost then in former days quiet and peaceful.L530 year, Spanish the card wave especially leads the tall ship to arrive to pull the 普 to pull the tower river, 巴 to pull that river, Paraguay river and compare can the horse invite the river littoral.In 1535, many 萨s of the exploration family in Spain led the fleet that was constitute by 2500 people to arrive at the here again, and at pulled the 普 to pull the tower river right bank to build up the fortress of Buenos Aires for the very first time.Many 萨s of door were appoint for lately territorial governor of province in Spain;Later on, Spain will get the 阿 to about pull the 斯 and thunder of 伊s to pull to lead the troops to follow Paraguay river to go upstream, build up the city of Asuncion in 1537, and take this as the 基 to order to develop outwardly, one after another building up the saint 菲 city(1573), section to connect again especially the city of 斯 (1588), cloth proper promise 斯艾 benefit 斯 city.( rebuild in 1580)After fortress of Asuncion build up, the gathering started the new conquest then in Peru and the Spanish influence of the Bolivias.Enter from the Spanish troops that Spain will get the benefit 玛 and many wests of 玻 to lead Argentine, built up a virtuous 埃斯 of second elder brother of holy land to hold the city(1553,) a many city of 萨 (1561), saint 胡 Anne's city(1562), diagram database 曼 city(1565)s of Luo, the section 尔 many tile city(1573), 萨尔 tower city(1582)s and pull the mile 奥哈 city(1591) and 斯 city of St. Louis(1598)s successively.End of 16 centuries, at became Argentina two colonize the center:An in Pan's 帕斯 ;( take Buenos Aires and the saint 菲s as the center)The another is the foothill district of 斯 at Anne.Spain colonized to build up here with the same administration organization of other colonies, at the economic aspect, establish such as the feudal system of fief type appoint the system, main rank of big farm of the privilege group of that system formation, become real dominator of the colony then.In 1776, the Spanish royal house established to is directly rule over by royal house in Buenos Aires of pulled the 普 to pull the tower governor of province.

  18 l0 year May, hatched the already a long time independent conflict to start under the impact of the French big revolution finally.On May 25, Buenos Aires with" the spark agency" leader of 250 the one who start revolution, the body wears the blue and white and dichromatic silk ribbon, coming together in the city 政 parliament, they recalled vice- WANG2 XIAN2's governor of province, and delivered to their the opinion and the crew list of the native to organization government toward parliament.Thus, include Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivias of the present at inside of pull the 普 to pull the tower provisional government of first batch committee produce.The 萨维 is virtuous to pull to be appoint for the chairman, the 莫 Renault is a secretary.The square that the people of that year hold a meeting, call to do" the square of May", on May 25, is settle for the found a nation of Argentina anniversary.

  However, overthrew to colonize the governance, but mean the beginning of peace and construction not.The situation of the Argentine domestic opposition is serious gradually, especially the capital Buenos Aires and of each provinces, of the conservative parties and free parties, usually take place the conflict and conflicts, cause Argentine capital city at first 6 years inside, replaced the l 2 times, the nation cans not get stability and unifies over a long period of time.At the time of Argentinely of place send laying claim to and shoulding not too quickly establish the central government, and centralization send lay claim to enhance temporarily decide parliament of 评 , Paraguay, Bolivia and Uruguay of the separation doctrine, but start revolution in succession, escape from Argentina lately federal.In 1812, the race hero saint MA3 DING 's general led the anti- shot Spain to colonize the armed conflict of the soldier, the independence of the in defense of Argentina, did outstanding contribution.On March 25 in 1816, pull the 普 to pull the tower province to represent the conference to open in the diagram database 曼 finally.On July 9, pull the 普 to pull the tower consociation province to announce the independence.In 1826," pulled the 普 to pull the tower consociation province"s reshuffled for the Argentine federal republic again.The mile tile reaches a 统 with total first batch of 维 .(1826-1827 years are ruling)However, the antinomy of each parties of domestic, end make the sand 斯 controled the political power, in this only cut 23 years for governs of, adopting outward the territory extend, to inside the adoption extremity of policy of terrorism.He is big four publicize the personality cult, massacre the Indian, and loot the land and wealths everywhere.1852 Year February 3, his political power was finally overthrow.At the same year on May 1, the black 尔 基萨 general convenes to make the meeting of 宪 , and established the constitution that whole country unify, establishing the new federal republic, the black 尔 基萨 allows the president.In 1862, each province of federal elected the rice especially the thunder is a president, from now on, ending independently behind of Argentine and long-term turmoil and partite situation, become the formal united nation.

  Since middle period of 19 centuries, the European large quantity immigrate into Argentina inshore.The rice of 萨 that is after rice especially thunder thinks to give is second with the benefit of 阿维 inside reach ruling period, execution the aim is develop economic, culture and educational series reform, making Argentine economy face acquired the certain amendment all at the everyone.However, the Argentine independence did not bring safety and stability for nation.The war of the Paraguay outward and together, to inside fight with Indian for the resources of the land, make local battle fire been continuously.At the same time, the British capital starts to be a great deal of the irruptive Argentina.They fix to set up the railroad, building the farm and ranches, to 1909, England is in the Argentine investment already 87. franc 500,000,000.

  Appear in succession along with the new variety, various Labor Organization and political party of the Argentine politics, economy.They not only put forward own theories outline, but also attack the mistake policy of the government, keeping go to launch the armed riot.In 1930, the black mile 武鲁 stage the coup, building up the military government, carrying on the harsh suppression to the opposition party, from then on break out to World War II, replaced 4 presidents successively Argentina, appear the soldier and scholar alternative ruling situation.

  In February 1946, the justice sport leader shields the 隆 to win an election for the Argentina total 统 , putting forward to take" social justice, political sovereignty, economy independence" as the slogan to shield the doctrine of 隆 .Since 1946, his government established" the first five yearses plan" of the development our country industry, make petroleum, spin and weave, coal etc. the industry gets the certain development.At the social welfare aspect, shielded the 隆 to adopt some improvement doctrine measure, put forward the slogans, such as" two benefits of labor and management" and" the justice doctrine"...etc..In September 1955, shield the 隆 to be overthrow in the armed forces revolt.The 洛纳 the 迪 general that leads the insurrection takes office the president.At the same year November, the 洛纳迪 was again overthrow by another military leader 阿 兰 cloth 鲁 , from then on to 1972, the Argentina replaced a president successively again.In 1973, went into exile once and once to shielded the 隆 to once more govern foreignly.He tries to begin to repress the inflation, rebuild Argentina economic, but life ambition don't 酬 , easy to July of 1974 die of illness, the second of madam the 伊莎 shell 尔 after allow the president.At this time, the Argentina local situation adds to disorder more.In March 1976, pull to lead again a military coup from army's commander in chief's Wei's ground, the ruling committee of soldier took over the political power.In December 1981, add to serve as the president in the 尔 iron.In April 1982, broke out the 阿 , the English armed clash in MA3 ER3's Venus' islands( the blessing gram 兰 islands), after war fail, the military government is compelled to hand over the power in advance.In 1983, square H of person 阿 of the radical party candidate for election took office the new president, he strengthenned the government simultaneously to the control of the troops, emphasizing national incorporation simultaneously, openning the democracy.In May 1989, the justice party candidate 姆 inside the plum wins an election for the Argentine president.President of 姆 inside the plum for further carried out the country domestic affairs to cure the stability and economies development to adopt a series of measure.The government of 阿 held firmly the implementation reform to open in 1992, promoting the new liberalism policy strongly, mading economy appear increase the power in keep on stabilize head, the political situation continued to keep stable.



中文名称: 布宜诺斯艾利斯
外文名称: 西班牙语:Buenos Aires
行政区类别: 市
所属地区: 阿根廷
地理位置: 南美洲东南岸
面积: 203平方公里
人口: 3,042,581
市长: 毛里西奥·马克里

