turning red

时间:2024-06-18 13:15:14编辑:coo君

vesper is goodbye中文歌词是什么

All of you 你们所有的人
Has shaped me into what I am 将我塑造成现在的我
Carried out the bigger man 使我成为一个更好的人
Do you have a master plan? 你有一个伟大的计划吗
Oh, no. 噢,没有
Somewhere, I 在某一个地方,我
Let all my defenses down 卸下我所有的防备
Never thought to turn around 从来不想转身
And you did not make a sound 你不出声
See it turning red 看着夕阳变红
Like a bullet through the chest 好像子弹穿过胸膛
Lay me down to rest 让我躺下休息吧
It's a lover's final breath 这是一个爱人最后的呼吸
I found out 我发现
Nothing comes without a cost 没有甚么可以毫无代价的得到
Life was just a game we lost 人生只是我们丢失的一次游戏
Do you have a better thought 你有更好的想法吗
Oh, no 噢,没有
Now you're gone 现在你离去
Nothing's ever felt so wrong 没有甚么让人感觉如此糟糕
A moment seems to last so long 这一刻看起来是那么长
But do you have to feel so strong 但是你能强烈的感受到
See it turning red 看着夕阳变红
Like a bullet through the chest 好像子弹穿过胸膛
Lay me down to rest 让我躺下休息吧
It's a lover's final breath 这是一个爱人最后的呼吸
Now I die 现在我死去
Kiss your tender lips goodbye 亲吻你柔软的嘴唇再见
Pray to God who hears my cry 向上帝祈祷他听见我的哭喊


seer 预言
pioneer 先锋
engineer 工程师
career 事业

colour it red是什么意思?

colour it red


Sometimes they colour it red, but this is less the wine-dark sea of homeric fame than thered-brown waters of florida's gulf coast-or chesapeake bay, or the adriatic, or hiroshimabay, or the inlets of new south wales.

Europium, he notes has a unique atomic structure enabling it to create the red colour intelevision screens.


肯恩: 他在洞里,在睡觉。。



布鲁诺:今天是几号? 哦,是十二月二十五日。今天是圣诞节呢!






一个小女孩的成长日记,围绕亲情,友情展开护士,特别适合家长去看,能更好地了解孩子的内心,掌握沟通方法。《[青春变形记 Turning Red][2022][》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mjnS3ADldSSbzRDIRb08nQ?pwd=g6z6提取码:g6z613岁的女孩小美(姜晋安 配音)成长于一个典型的亚裔家庭之中,家里经营着一间作为旅游景点对外开放的祠堂,祠堂基橡里供奉着家族的祖先。小美的母亲(吴珊卓 Sandra Oh 饰)是一个对孩子关怀备至又略微有些神经质的女人,在母亲面前,小美总是扮罩历演着乖乖女的角色,可实际上,小美和所有的同龄孩子一样,调皮、好动,并且开始对异性产生了兴趣。


President Bill Clinton - September 11, 1998 This is the speech delivered by President Bill Clinton at the annual White House prayer breakfast on Friday, September 11, 1998, to an audience of more than 100 ministers, priests and other religious leaders assembled in the East Room. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was also in attendance.The speech, hand-written by the President, was delivered at the beginning of a day of tremendous political and personal turmoil surrounding the publication of the first report to Congress by Independent Counsel Ken Starr. The Starr Report laid the grounds for possible impeachment of the President, accusing Clinton of perjury, obstruction of justice and other offenses in connection with his sexual affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------President Bill Clinton:Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the White House and to this day to which Hillary and the vice president and I look forward so much every year. This is always an important day for our country, for the reasons that the vice president said. It is an unusual and, I think, unusually important day today. I may not be quite as easy with my words today as I have been in years past, and I was up rather late last night thinking about and praying about what I ought to say today. And rather unusual for me, I actually tried to write it down. So if you will forgive me, I will do my best to say what it is I want to say to you - and I may have to take my glasses out to read my own writing. First, I want to say to all of you that, as you might imagine, I have been on quite a journey these last few weeks to get to the end of this, to the rock bottom truth of where I am and where we all are. I agree with those who have said that in my first statement after I testified I was not contrite enough. I don't think there is a fancy way to say that I have sinned. It is important to me that everybody who has been hurt know that the sorrow I feel is genuine: first and most important, my family; also my friends, my staff, my Cabinet, Monica Lewinsky and her family, and the American people. I have asked all for their forgiveness. But I believe that to be forgiven, more than sorrow is required - at least two more things. First, genuine repentance - a determination to change and to repair breaches of my own making. I have repented. Second, what my bible calls a ''broken spirit''; an understanding that I must have God's help to be the person that I want to be; a willingness to give the very forgiveness I seek; a renunciation of the pride and the anger which cloud judgment, lead people to excuse and compare and to blame and complain. Now, what does all this mean for me and for us? First, I will instruct my lawyers to mount a vigorous defense, using all available appropriate arguments. But legal language must not obscure the fact that I have done wrong. Second, I will continue on the path of repentance, seeking pastoral support and that of other caring people so that they can hold me accountable for my own commitment. Third, I will intensify my efforts to lead our country and the world toward peace and freedom, prosperity and harmony, in the hope that with a broken spirit and a still strong heart I can be used for greater good, for we have many blessings and many challenges and so much work to do. In this, I ask for your prayers and for your help in healing our nation. And though I cannot move beyond or forget this - indeed, I must always keep it as a caution light in my life - it is very important that our nation move forward. I am very grateful for the many, many people - clergy and ordinary citizens alike - who have written me with wise counsel. I am profoundly grateful for the support of so many Americans who somehow through it all seem to still know that I care about them a great deal, that I care about their problems and their dreams. I am grateful for those who have stood by me and who say that in this case and many others, the bounds of privacy have been excessively and unwisely invaded. That may be. Nevertheless, in this case, it may be a blessing, because I still sinned. And if my repentance is genuine and sustained, and if I can maintain both a broken spirit and a strong heart, then good can come of this for our country as well as for me and my family. (Applause) The children of this country can learn in a profound way that integrity is important and selfishness is wrong, but God can change us and make us strong at the broken places. I want to embody those lessons for the children of this country - for that little boy in Florida who came up to me and said that he wanted to grow up and be President and to be just like me. I want the parents of all the children in America to be able to say that to their children. A couple of days ago when I was in Florida a Jewish friend of mine gave me this liturgy book called ''Gates of Repentance.'' And there was this incredible passage from the Yom Kippur liturgy. I would like to read it to you: ''Now is the time for turning. The leaves are beginning to turn from green to red to orange. The birds are beginning to turn and are heading once more toward the south. The animals are beginning to turn to storing their food for the winter. For leaves, birds and animals, turning comes instinctively. But for us, turning does not come so easily. It takes an act of will for us to make a turn. It means breaking old habits. It means admitting that we have been wrong, and this is never easy. It means losing face. It means starting all over again. And this is always painful. It means saying I am sorry. It means recognizing that we have the ability to change. These things are terribly hard to do. But unless we turn, we will be trapped forever in yesterday's ways. Lord help us to turn, from callousness to sensitivity, from hostility to love, from pettiness to purpose, from envy to contentment, from carelessness to discipline, from fear to faith. Turn us around, O Lord, and bring us back toward you. Revive our lives as at the beginning, and turn us toward each other, Lord, for in isolation there is no life.'' I thank my friend for that. I thank you for being here. I ask you to share my prayer that God will search me and know my heart, try me and know my anxious thoughts, see if there is any hurtfulness in me, and lead me toward the life everlasting. I ask that God give me a clean heart, let me walk by faith and not sight. I ask once again to be able to love my neighbor - all my neighbors - as my self, to be an instrument of God's peace; to let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart and, in the end, the work of my hands, be pleasing. This is what I wanted to say to you today. Thank you. God bless you.President Bill Clinton - September 11, 1998

