
时间:2024-06-20 22:56:36编辑:coo君

求一篇关于human body and numbers这个话题的英语文章!!跪求!!

The human body is often referred to as the world's most incredible machine, but how much do we really know about what our bodies must do -- every second of every day -- to keep us alive? This January, Discovery Channel combines a stunning mix of high-tech graphics and live action to illustrate what makes us move, think and grow in the four-part seriesBODY IN NUMBERS.

BODY IN NUMBERS decodes the body's vital statistics -- showing how the heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood during an average lifetime, and that the fastest sneeze ever recorded was clocked at 100 miles per hour. The series makes a profound impact by juxtaposing the human body with everyday objects and actions, creating a new level of understanding that will change attitudes and instill wonder. Viewers will be presented with illuminating figures such as:
-- There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in your body -- the same distance it would take to circle the world twice over.
-- The surface area of a human lung is equal to that of a tennis court.
-- Humans can see more than 7 million different colors -- equal to a paint chart 21.75 miles long, or equivalent to 11/2 times the length of Manhattan.
BODY IN NUMBERS explores the body's extraordinary abilities and secrets with the numbers that lie behind everything we do. Have you ever thought about just how we develop from a fertilized embryo to a newborn? Or how eating and drinking change our physiology? Based on amazing facts and calculations, this series will trace the consequences of our everyday actions and explain how our bodies react and adapt.

From conception to birth, from adulthood to old age, the human body is a remarkable machine that carries on functions every second of every day that we never stop to think about. By unlocking the secrets of the human body, BODY IN NUMBERS will revolutionize the way we think about ourselves and the things we do.

The human body is the entire structure of a human being and comprises a head, neck, trunk (which includes the thorax and abdomen), two arms and hands and two legs and feet. Every part of the body is composed of various types of cell. At maturity, the estimated number of cells in the body is given as 37.2 trillion. This number is stated to be of partial data and to be used as a starting point for further calculations. The number given is arrived at by totaling the cell numbers of all the organs of the body and cell types. The composition of the human body shows it to be composed of a number of certain elements in different proportions. The study of the human body involves anatomy and physiology. The human body can show anatomical non-pathological anomalies which need to be able to be recognized. Physiology focuses on the systems and their organs of the human body and their functions. Many systems and mechanisms interact in order to maintain homeostasis.

Men’s Average Height 69.4 inches

Men’s Average Weight 194.7 lbs
Men’s Average Waist Circumference 39.7 inches
Women’s Average Height 63.8 inches
Women’s Average Weight 164.7 lbs
Women’s Average Waist Circumference 37 inches
Body Fluid Statistics
Average amount of water in the human body 40 litres
Average percent of body weight made up of water 57%
Amount of body fluid that is Intracellular fluid 25 litres
Amount of body fluid that is Extracellular fluid 15 litres
Amount of Extracellular fluid that is Plasma fluid 3 litres
Amount of Extracellular fluid that is Interstitial fluid 12 litres
Amount of Extracellular fluid that is Transcellular fluid minute
Human Heart Statistics
Average human heart beats per day 100,000
Average human heart beats per year 35 Million
Average human heart beats per lifetime 3 Billion
Gallons of blood pumped by the heart in a lifetime 48 Million
Human Lung Statistics
Lung breathes per day 23,000
Gallons of air produced per year 80 Million
Kidney Statistics
Urine produced each day by kidneys 1.5 Quarts
Urin produced in a lifetime by kidneys 10,000 Gallons
Blood processed each minute by kidneys 1 Quart
Blood processed each day by kidneys 423 Gallons
Blood processed in a lifetime by kidneys 13 Million Gallons
Food Consumption
Amount of food consumed each day by average human 3.5 pounds
Amount of food consumed in a lifetime by average human 53 Tons
Saliva produced in a lifetime 10,000 gallons
Average time it takes food to travel from mouth to stomach 7 Seconds
Body Makeup Statistics
Number of cells that compose the body 100 Trillion
Number of cells that die and are replaced every minute 300 Million
Blood cells that die every minute 15 Million
Muscles in the human body 650
Bones in the human body 206
Square feet of skin in the human body 20 Square ft
Miles of blood vessels in the human body 60,000
Number of scents detected by the nose 50,000
Number of eye blinks each year 6 Million
Number of diseases that affect the human body 20,000

谁能告诉我这张图上的人是谁? 拜托啦

中文名:黄子韬 韩文名:타오 所属组合: EXO/ EXO-M(EXO-M最小成员)    拼音读法:Huang Zi Tao 外文名:Edison Huang 别名:Eddie 艺名:TAO 国籍:中国 出生地:山东青岛 出生日期:1993年5月2日 星座: 金牛座身高:181cm(雅虎名人坊中本人确认的) 体重:68kg 职业:歌手,艺人 学校:小学: 青岛台湛路小学;中学: 青岛第四十七中学;高中:青岛市外事服务学校(青岛市12中); 语言:英语、韩语、国语、青岛话 特长:武术,舞蹈,演唱,rap 爱好:唱歌 ,跳舞,打篮球 ,捽碟 ,摄像 ,武术 ,一个人去海边散步,购物 喜欢的图案:豹纹,熊猫 喜欢的颜色:鲜艳的颜色(例如:淡粉色,蓝色)偶像:周杰伦,王力宏, 成龙,MChotdog、科比、ShawnCarter 、 权志龙口头禅:你知道吗,他们耍赖,我没有。1200 x 1800 分辨率希望可以帮到你。如果满意请采纳或好评。

dead human body是什么意思

dead human body死尸死去的尸体例句1.Dogs are perfectly willing to eat human corpses, and there's no evidence that they treat their masters differently than any other dead body.狗也会吃掉人类尸体,且无证据表明,它们对待主人尸体与对待其他尸体时会有所不同。2.The human body can go without food for a long time, but two or three days without water usually make people dead.人不吃食物能够维持一段时间,但两三天不喝水通常会导致死亡。3.He spent several periods of his life studying the human body by taking apart and examining dead bodies.他度过了他生命中的几个时段,研究人体拆开并检查尸体。4.corpse, A dead body, especially the dead body of a human being.死尸,尤指人的尸体。

look at the picture是什么意思

look at the picture:看图;看这张图片;看这张照片picture英 [ˈpɪktʃə(r)] 美 [ˈpɪktʃər] n. 照片,图画;影片;景色;化身vt. 画;想像;描写[ 过去式 pictured 过去分词 pictured 现在分词 picturing 复数 pictures 第三人称单数 pictures ]短语:in the picture 在图中;在画中例句:Show me which picture you drew. 指给我看哪张画是你画的。扩展资料:近义词:photo英 [ˈfəʊtəʊ] 美 [ˈfoʊtoʊ] n. 照片[ 复数 photos ]短语photo gallery 图片库 ; 相册 ; 精彩图片 ; 照片库例句:She clasped the photo to her heart. 她把相片紧紧地抱在怀里。

