el condor pasa

时间:2024-06-22 00:25:48编辑:coo君

谁知道 邓丽君有首歌是用《老鹰之歌》的曲调唱的歌叫什么,我记得有句歌词好像是 啊朋友请你给我带封信

[00:00.00] 旧梦何处寻
[00:13.00] 邓丽君 演唱
[02:17.33][00:19.06] 你为何那样的无情
[02:23.00][00:24.71] 船开行 又唤不停
[02:28.53][00:30.36] 眼中泪流尽
[02:35.46][00:37.19] 你为何那样的狠心
[02:41.01][00:43.07] 不说明 一去无踪影
[02:46.79][00:48.93] 我恨你负心
[02:53.58][00:55.88] 我爱你永远都是真心
[02:59.09][01:01.58] 请相信 我真情
[03:05.36][01:07.67] 难忘那旧日温馨
[03:10.80][01:13.08] 醉梦已醒
[03:14.11][01:16.58] 到如今 我寂寞孤零
[03:26.54][01:29.00] 海水我请你替我带封信
[03:32.11][01:34.54] 月儿明 天边寒星
[03:38.00][01:40.23] 别笑我痴情
[03:41.74][01:44.22] 到哪里寻找往日梦境
[01:49.81] 花飘零 怀着破碎心
[01:55.70] 在等你回音
[02:02.27] 邓丽君:《旧梦何处寻》
[03:47.65] ——END——

el condor pasa 老鹰之歌歌词 中文翻译

If I Could (El Condor Pasa)《老鹰之歌》歌词:I’d rather be a sparrow than a snail我宁可是只麻雀,也不愿做一只蜗牛Yes I would, if I could, I surely would没错,如果可以,我会这样选择I’d rather be a hammer than a nail我宁可是支铁锤,也不愿是一根铁钉Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would没错,如果真的可以,我会这样选择Away, I’d rather sail away我愿航行到远方Like a swan that’s here and gone像来了又去的天鹅A man gets tied up to the ground一个人如果被束缚在地上He gives the world its saddest sound他会向世界发出最悲伤的声音Its saddest sound最悲伤的声音I’d rather be a forest than a street我宁可是座森林,也不愿是一条街道Yes I would, if I could, I surely would没错,如果可以,我会这样选择I’d rather feel the earth beneath my feet我宁可感受大地就在你的脚下Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would没错,如果真的可以,我会这样选择。扩展资料:1、创作背景《老鹰之歌》If I Could (El Condor Pasa)——秘鲁民歌《雄鹰飞逝》(El condor Pasa),又译《老鹰之歌》、《飞逝的雄鹰》《神鹰帕萨》或《秃鹰飞过》。El condor pasa《山鹰之歌》是一首反抗西班牙殖民者的南美秘鲁民歌,后被Paul Simon重唱组改编,用英文翻唱。El Condor Pasa 的原版据传是基于秘鲁自由战士Tupac Amaro的故事。1780年,他在领导一场反抗西班牙人的起义中被害,死后变成一只Condor,永远翱翔于安第斯山上。秘鲁人民暨此体现对自由的追求不息,而歌名的直译就是”雄鹰在飞”。这首歌原本是秘鲁的民俗音乐家丹尼尔·阿罗密亚斯·罗布列斯的作品,1956年首先被艾多·阿德法尔以吉他独奏的方式发表。1965年,欧洲著名的“印加民俗乐团”再度灌录此曲,恰巧被到巴黎旅行的保罗.西蒙听到,保罗.西蒙相当喜欢这首曲子,一时兴起填上英文歌词,后来回到美国后出版成唱片。另外,著名瑞士乐团班得瑞(Bandari)也在专辑《寂静山林》(Silence with Sound from Nature)中重新演绎了这首乐曲。2、影响享誉世界的秘鲁名歌《老鹰之歌》以其悠远、神秘的旋律和古朴、独特的安第斯山区民族乐器编曲令无数人对南美印第安文化心驰神往。近日,秘鲁政府将作曲家达尼埃尔·阿洛米亚·罗布莱斯(DanieL alomia robles)于1913年创作的这首名曲宣布为该国的国家文化遗产。秘鲁国家文化研究院的学者认为,《老鹰之歌》中浓郁安第斯民族特色的音乐和奔放不羁的歌词使它具有了唤醒秘鲁民族认同感、反抗殖民主义的政治意义。长久以来,秘鲁民族主义者都认为,秘鲁不是属于白人和外国人的,而是属于安第斯山东麓的印第安人的。《老鹰之歌》的词曲作者当年正是在安第斯山矿区目睹了秘鲁劳工反抗外国企业主压榨的血泪斗争之后,写下了这部说唱剧的。在90多年前,把这样的主题搬上戏剧舞台,无疑是一个巨大的创新,因此受到了观众的热烈欢迎。仅在利马著名的马奇剧院,这部说唱剧5年内,就演出了3000余场。参考资料:百度百科-老鹰之歌

El Condor Pasa 歌词

歌曲名:El Condor Pasa歌手:詹姆斯·拉斯特专辑:热带天堂"El Condor Pasa"I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail.Yes I would.If I could,I surely would.I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.Yes I would.If I could,I surely would.Away, I'd rather sail awayLike a swan that's here and goneA man gets tied his feet on the groundIt gives the worldIt's saddest sound,It's saddest sound.I'd rather be a forest than a street.Yes I would.If I could,I surely would.I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet,Yes I would.If I could,I surely would.Away, I'd rather sail awayLike a swan that's here and goneA man gets tied his feet on the groundIt gives the worldIt's saddest sound,It's saddest sound.http://music.baidu.com/song/439176

EI Condor pasa(老鹰之歌)歌词

  外文名:《El Condor Pasa》
  编曲者:Daniel Alomía Robles
  I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail
  Yes I would
  If I could
  I surely would
  I'd rather be a hammer than a nail
  Yes I would
  If I only could
  I surely would
  飞走 我宁可飞走
  Away I'd rather sail away
  Like a swan that's here and gone
  A man gets tied up to the ground
  He gives the world its saddest sound
  Its saddest sound
  I'd rather be a forest than a street
  Yes I would
  If I could
  I surely would
  I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet
  Yes I would
  If I only could
  I surely would
  飞走 我宁可飞走
  Away I'd rather sail away
  Like a swan that's here and gone
  A man gets tied up to the ground
  He gives the world its saddest sound
  Its saddest sound
  la la la...

求 《雄鹰之歌》 原歌词

《老鹰之歌》 (El Condor Pasa)谱曲:达尼埃尔·阿洛米亚·罗布莱斯演唱:安迪·威廉姆斯歌词:I’d rather be a sparrow than a snail我宁可是只麻雀,也不愿做一只蜗牛Yes I would, if I could, I surely would没错,如果可以,我会这样选择I’d rather be a hammer than a nail我宁可是支铁锤,也不愿是一根铁钉Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would没错,如果真的可以,我会这样选择Away, I’d rather sail away我愿航行到远方Like a swan that’s here and gone像来了又去的天鹅A man gets tied up to the ground一个人如果被束缚在地上He gives the world its saddest sound他会向世界发出最悲伤的声音Its saddest sound最悲伤的声音I’d rather be a forest than a street 我宁可是座森林,也不愿是一条街道Yes I would, if I could, I surely would 没错,如果可以,我会这样选择I’d rather feel the earth beneath my feet 我宁可感受大地就在你的脚下Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would 没错,如果真的可以,我会这样选择扩展资料:《老鹰之歌》If I Could (El Condor Pasa)——秘鲁民歌《雄鹰飞逝》(El condor Pasa),又译《老鹰之歌》、《飞逝的雄鹰》《神鹰帕萨》或《秃鹰飞过》。El condor pasa《山鹰之歌》是一首反抗西班牙殖民者的南美秘鲁民歌,后被Paul Simon重唱组改编,用英文翻唱。El Condor Pasa 的原版据传是基于秘鲁自由战士Tupac Amaro的故事。

El Condor Pasa

El Condor Pasa 是歌名秘鲁民歌《雄鹰飞逝(El condor Pasa)》:又译《老鹰之歌》、《神鹰帕萨》或《秃鹰飞过》。是由秘鲁音乐民俗学家丹尼尔·阿洛米阿斯·罗夫莱斯(Daniel Alomias Robles,1871-1942)与T·米尔奇贝格(T·Milchbeg)根据秘鲁民歌编为吉他独奏曲。罗夫莱斯是有印第安血统的秘鲁民歌研究家,生于互努科,卒于利马附近乔西卡。他毕生致力于搜集秘鲁民歌,生前采集了包括《太阳颂》的印第安部族的民歌650首。《雄鹰飞逝(El condor Pasa)》是根据民歌素材完成的小歌剧。其中的《印加舞曲》颇为著名。本曲由三部曲式构成,a小调。音乐质朴,民族色彩鲜明。在低音区的主持续音衬托下,流畅的歌声显得格外动人。中间部分速度加快,这一部分开始之前,出现强烈的击乐器般的声响。随后在二拍子民间舞曲的节奏型(XX XX X X)伴奏下,用小快板速度奏出热情的舞蹈场面,最后再现开头的部分。全曲虽用小调式谱曲,但是五声音阶性质的旋律进行贯穿全曲。 试听 http://g.top100.cn/7872775/html/player.html?type=song&id=Sf5c3f33f5e006587&autoplay=true#loaded

El Condor Pasa 歌词

歌曲名:El Condor Pasa歌手:Joaquim Sanchez & Pipes Of The Enamorates专辑:Favourite Panpipe Spirit"El Condor Pasa"I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail.Yes I would.If I could,I surely would.I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.Yes I would.If I could,I surely would.Away, I'd rather sail awayLike a swan that's here and goneA man gets tied his feet on the groundIt gives the worldIt's saddest sound,It's saddest sound.I'd rather be a forest than a street.Yes I would.If I could,I surely would.I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet,Yes I would.If I could,I surely would.http://music.baidu.com/song/2765607


《永远的朋友》是1992年巴塞罗那奥运会的主题歌。 amigos para siempre在西班牙语中是“一生的朋友”之意。




《Amigos para siempre》歌词欣赏:


演唱:莎拉�6�1布莱曼 & 何塞�6�1卡雷拉斯

I don’t have to say a word to you

You seem to know

Whatever mood I am going through

Feels as though I have known you forever

You Can look into my eyes and see

The way I feel and how the world is treating me

Maybe I have known you forever

Amigos para siempre means you will always be my friend

Amics per sempre means a love that cannot end

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

I feel you near me even when we are apart

Just knowing you are in this world can warm my heart

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

We share memories I wont forget

And we will share more, My friend, We have not started yet

Something happens when we are together

When I look at you

I wonder why there has to come a time when we must say goodbye

I am alive when we are together

Amigos para siempre means you will always be my friend

Amics per sempre means a love that cannot end

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

I feel you near me even when we are apart

Just knowing you are in this world can warm my heart

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

When I look at you

I wonder why there has to come a time when we must say goodbye

I am alive when we are together

Amigos para siempre means you will always be my friend

Amics per sempre means a love that cannot end

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre I feel you near me even when we are apart

Just knowing you are in this world can warm my heart

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

Amigos para siempre means you will always be my friend

Amics per sempre means a love that cannot end

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

Amigos para siempre

求雏鹰之歌 歌词


蓝天里 风雨中
越过高山 飞过丛林
蓝天里 风雨中
越过高山 飞过丛林

少年啊 少年啊
雏鹰 雏鹰 搏击的风雨
少年啊 少年啊
雏鹰 雏鹰 搏击的风雨


——just for yoonjae

曲:The truth that you leave

词:嗳哒TVXQ 萧易741111


冰冷刺骨的雪天 寒风中依稀看得见

你寂然落寞的眼 空洞的将我心打碎

或许你没听见 徘徊如从前

自知无奈的回绝 奇迹是否能够出现

还记得是那一年 机缘巧合的面对面

爱如潮水在蔓延 不经意已涌入心间

记忆中的容颜 轻声说抱歉

虽然爱得很坚决 正如命运纠缠的线

回忆 想念 你的 字眼


指尖 轻触 悸动 不止 一点点

相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵


背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言

世界末日的时候 我会牵着你的手

看着你双眸 把你记熟

不管别人怎么说 请不要放弃所有

埋葬在一起 不再有哀愁

眼神 亲吻 泪水 约定


坚持 我们 爱的 决定 不变心

相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵


温柔 怀念 是你 和我 的誓言

回忆 想念 你的 字眼


指尖 轻触 悸动 不止 一点点

相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵


背离 世俗 只剩 你我 的誓言

背离 世俗 只剩 你我 的誓言


