
时间:2024-06-22 03:31:54编辑:coo君




1.坚持不懈,从不间断。每天至少看 15-20 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。


共有三种翻译:Make out a useful learning schedule,and use your time in reason.Making out a useful learning schedule to save your time.Planing a useful learning schedul to save time.重点词汇:plan英[plæn];美[plæn]n.计划; 打算; 平面图; 示意图;vt.计划,打算,设计;[例句]The three leaders had worked out a peace plan.3位领导人已制订出了一个和平方案。



急求普特英语网voa special english news 2010年3月1至5号的听力文本的

This is the VOA Special English Development Report.

We talked last week about counterfeit medicines and how the problem is especially bad in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The World Health Organization says up to thirty percent of the medicine sold in many developing countries is not real.

It also estimates that up to fifty percent of the medicine sold on the Internet is counterfeit. That can put people at risk even in wealthy countries that represent only a small part of the counterfeit drug market.

Today we look at what is being done to fight counterfeit drugs.

Several companies are developing ways to make counterfeits easier to identify. And there are existing methods, like a machine that can quickly identify chemicals in pills to confirm if the pills are real.

Other ideas include things like special tracking codes for drug packages. People could send a text message with the code and get a message back confirming that what they bought is listed in a database.

Some drug makers and other companies put three-dimensional images called holograms on their products as a security device.

Other anti-counterfeit efforts include the use of radio frequency identification tags. Many companies use these electronic tags to follow products through the supply chain from the manufacturer. The American Food and Drug Administration says R.F.I.D. tags act like an electronic safety net to make it easier to catch counterfeits.

Last July, the Food and Drug Administration advised manufacturers to add what are called physical chemical identifiers to their medicines. These are special chemicals, colorings or tastes that counterfeiters could not easily copy.

Bryan Liang is with the Partnership for Safe Medicines, an organization in the United States. He says the Internet is not only a place where people can get tricked into buying counterfeit drugs. It is also a place where counterfeiters can find all the materials they need to make them.

BRYAN LIANG: "The Internet is the Wild, Wild West. Anybody can sell drugs. Anybody can buy active ingredients."

He says the most important members of the "counterfeit detection team" are the patients themselves. He says raids on counterfeiters are often the result of information from people who bought fake medicines.

BRYAN LIANG: "The best approach is to know your drug. Know what they feel like. Know what they taste like. Know what your traditional reactions are. A person that knows their drugs and the effects of their drugs are in fact the best security against fakes."

And that's the VOA Special English Development Report, written by June Simms. You can find last week's report on counterfeit drugs at voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Steve Ember.


一、 读
1、 朗读:一般文章读2~3遍,带着理解去读,而不只是为读而读。
2、 背诵:好的文章应背熟,以记住好词好句,同时培养自己的语感。
3、 速读:文章第一遍用最快的速度读完,以提高阅读速度和理解能力,并逐渐培养不翻译直接理解英文的能力。
4、 精读:文章第二遍应精读,以达到对文章的准确理解,并熟悉语法结构,加深单词记忆。也可选择部分文章速读,对于较好的文章精读。
5、 泛读:每天看1小时左右的英文报纸,在有兴趣的基础上阅读能力会有很大提高。遇到不会的单词在不影响文章理解的情况下可以略过去,从而提高自己的阅读速度。如果想记忆单词,则可查词典,多次查阅记忆便能记住单词。(坚持一两个月就会有明显效果)
二、 听
1、 从最初级的听力入手,听懂每个单词、每句话、每段话及每篇文章。逐步增加难度。每天至少半小时。
2、 跟读英语,一方面加强听力,一方面训练口语,同时还能培养语感。注意发音的准确性。
三、 写
1、 每两天写一篇英文日记或作文。
2、 用英语写信或E-mail。
3、 注意语法的应用和词汇的记忆。
四、 语法
1、 从基础到高级,掌握每一个语法点,并作详细笔记。笔记所记的都是自己所会的,直到把所有语法细节都掌握。
2、 对于不熟悉的语法知识点应反复复习运用,直到掌握为止。
五、 词汇
1、 每天记忆100~150新单词,并复习前一天的旧单词。对于生疏的旧单词,可记录下来,安排适当时间记忆。
2、 所有单词记忆完一遍之后紧接着再记一遍,三四遍并不为多。重复是记忆单词的最好方法,也是很多记忆的根本方法。
3、 结合例句记忆单词,效果最佳。记忆单词应注意力集中。
六、 练习
1、 大量的练习可以巩固所学知识。
2、 通过练习可以提高阅读理解能力,增加词汇量,加强对语法的掌握。

