phone booth

时间:2024-06-26 14:58:35编辑:coo君


public; common; communal: 强化公共治安 increase public security; 他这样的犯法行为极大地危及公共安全。 Such offences as his profoundly endanger public security.
◇公共财产 public property; 公共财政 public finance; 公共餐室 tearoom; 公共厕所 public lavatory; [美国] comfort station; public conveniences; public latrine; 公共场所 public places; 公共电话 pay telephone; public telephone; 公共电话亭 public phone booth; 公共福利 public welfare; 公共福利事业 public welfare services; 公共工程 public work; 公共积累 public accumulation; accumulated public funds; common accumulation; accumulation fund; 公共建筑[工程] public works; 公共开支 public expense; 公共墓地 ossuary; 公共设施 plant; 公共食堂 canteen; mess; 公共事务 public affairs; 公共事业 pubilc services and facilities; public utilities; 公共水域 public waters; 公共通道 street; 公共图书馆 public library; 公共语言 [自动化] common language; 公共浴室 public bath room; therm; 公共运输 public transport; 公共责任保险 public liability insurance; 公共住房 public housing

(从事的活动) cause; undertaking: 革命事业 revolutionary cause; 文化教育事业 cultural and educational undertakings

manage; run; administer; supervise; rule; administration; management; regulation:



Land line
Office/home number
Pin number
Public phone
Telephone number
Mobile/cell phone
Phone booth
Calling card
Answering machine
Voice message
Wrong number
Prank call
Long distance call
Local call
Phone book
Country/area code
Busy signal
Dial tone
Speaker phone
Automatic redial

Answer the phone
Make/place a call
Leave/take a message
Return a call
Call someone (back)
Hang up
The line is busy
Get through to someone
On the phone

A: hello, this is rich.
B: hi, rich. Is jim here?
a: he’s not in at the moment. Can I take a message?
B: sure. This is Claire.
A; does have your telephone number?
B: no,it’s 3725019281.
A: 3725015281?
B: no, it’s 3725019281,it’s a 9,not a 5.
A: right. I’ll have him call you back.
B: can you tell him that it’s urgent?
A; sure can.
B: thanks a all.
A: no problem.
B: bye.
A: goodbye.

A: sandy, can you help me contact these people?
B: sure, what do you want me to tell them?
A: well, I need to confirm the time of their classes.
B: ok, where can I find their telephone number?
A: they are all listed here on this sheet of paper.
B: is it their home, office or cell phone number?
A: unless it’s marked differently, it’s their home number.
B: alright. What if I can’t get a hold of them by phone?
A: then, you should e-mail them with the information.
B; where can I find their e-mail address?
A: they should have then listed on their resume.
B: and if there aren’t any e-mail addressed?
A: then send them a SMS on their cell phone.
B: ok. That sounds easy enough. Have you called any of them yes?
A: yes. I called the first three people on the list, but they didn’t pick up.
B: did you leave a voice message?
A: i left a voice message on one---just for the first person on the list.
B: I see. What did you tell her?
A: I told her that she should call me back at my office number.
B: ok, so, maybe I should call her again.
A: yes, that sounds like a good idea. She might not get the other message in time.
B: one more question. It looks like some of these numbers are long-distance. Do you have a calling card that I can use to get through to them?
A: sure. You can use this one. The pin number is written on the back of the card.
B: alright. Thanks a lot. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.
A: great work . I’m off for the weekend! See you on Monday.
B: see you.


1.bear. v.承受,具有,支撑,结果实,开花n.熊2.board v.上(飞机,船,甲板),寄宿,给提供膳食n.董事会,木板,甲板3.boost v.宣扬,加速,提高,支援,偷窃n.推动,增加4.bound v.使束缚,使跳跃,限制adv.有义务的,必定的,受约束的n.跳跃,范围5.brand,牌子;烙印;耻辱;燃烧着的木头vt.污辱;铭刻于;加商标于;打烙印于6.bubble n.水泡;冒泡,起泡;泡影,妄想;vt.& vi.起泡,使冒气泡7.bloom n.(常指供观赏的)花;开花期;最盛期;vi.开花;使植物繁盛;发光,闪亮;大量出现8.brilliant adj.才华横溢的;明亮的;美好的;闪耀的n.宝石;钻石9.bless vt.祝福;保佑;赞美;为…祈福10.bloat vt.使膨胀;使肿起;使自大;腌熏(鱼)vi.膨胀,肿起n.膨胀的东西,肿胀的人;自满的人11.bleed vt.使出血;勒索,敲诈vi.流血 n.条,棒;(门、窗等的)闩;障碍;酒吧间vt.闩(门等);阻碍,封锁;排除,去除prep.除…之外13.block n.块;街区;大楼,大厦;障碍物,阻碍vt.阻止;阻塞;限制14.beat vi.(心脏等)跳动;搜索;吹打;咚咚地响vt.打败;敲打;控制;避免n.节拍;(鼓的)一击;管区15.blame vt.归咎于;指责,责怪n.责备;责任;过16.bring v.带来,携带,拿来,促使,引起17.budget n.预算;预算案;预算拨款;一束vt.& vi.把…编入预算;谨慎花钱adj.价格低廉的;花钱少的;收费合理的;便宜的 n.生意;商业,交易;事务,业务;职业,行业19.back n.背,背部;背面,反面;后面,后部;(椅子等的)靠背vt.使后退;支持;加背书于;下赌注于vi.后退;倒退adj.后面的;背部的;以前的;拖欠的adv.以前;向后地20.barber n.理发师;理发店vt.为…理发剃须;修整vi.当理发师;给人理发


I began to surf the Internet when I was twelve years old.
Then, I used it to play games. However when I grew up, I found online learning is very useful, while the game is very boring. Now, I use Internet to study and browse news in most of the time, and sometimes I also play games to just for relax.


I have a dream that i wish my father and mother (或者直接说parents) are fit and healthy, as thy can stay young in eternity.I have a dream that i hope Ms/Mr Wang, our teacher who can stay young eternally.i have a dream that i can achieve better and successful results within the recent studies.I have a dream that i wish my loved one and my children in the future can stay with me in eternal happiness. I have a dream as i hope my classmate are able to listen and undertand my speech.


Hold the Line

A: Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?
A: 早上好, ABC 公司,我是 Sally 。

B: My name is Lance Stevens. May I speak to your Customer Service manager?
B: 我名字叫做 Lance Stevens. 我能和客服经理说话吗?

A: I'm sorry, he's in a meeting. May I take a message?
A: 对不起,他现在在开会。我能带个口信嘛?

B: When will he be available?
B: 他什么时候有空?

A: I don't know, sir. Would you like to leave a message?
A: 我不知道先生。你能留个口讯嘛?

B: No, that's OK. I'll call back.
B: 不要了,谢谢。我会再打过来。

Hello, is Henry in?

I'd like to speak to Mr. Parley.

Hang on a moment, please.

Hello. This is John here. Who's speaking?

He's on another phone.

Hold the line. I'll see if he's in.

I'm afraid you've dialed the wrong number.

May I ask who's calling?

Sorry, but he's not here at the moment.

Hello, is that Carter Bronte?
您好!您是卡特 . 布朗特嘛?

Hello, may I speak to Chris, please?

Do you want to leave a message?

Would you tell his I rang?

Could I talk to your manager, please?

Hello? This is John Brown speaking. Is Mr Doner in?
喂?我是约翰 . 布朗。多纳先生在吗?

Is that Directory Enquiries?

Sorry, but he's not available till afternoon.

Sorry, but he's out.

Who should I say is calling?

What number are you dialing?

Michael, you're wanted on the phone.

Michelle, Tom wants to speak to you on the phone.

I beg your pardon. What's that again ?

Sorry, could you speak a little louder?

There's something wrong with the phone. Let's hang up. I'll call you right back.

Could you take a message?

Please tell him to call me back when he returns.

What is his home telephone number, please?

Let me put you through.

A few calls for you.

Could you tell him to ring me up when he's back?

How can I reach him by phone?

Stop looking for excuses.

Just what I thought.

Wouldn't I know?


In this conversation, Sally is a receptionist for a major computer hardware supplier. This particular morning, she is also filling in for a personal secretary who called in sick.
Sally: Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?
Caller 1: Yes, I’m Dave Michaels. I’d like to talk to Amy Winters, please.
Sally: Just a moment, please. I’ll transfer you.
Caller 1: Thank you. . . . . .
Sally: Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?
Caller 2: My name is Lance Stevens. May I speak to your Customer Service manager?
Sally: I’m sorry, he’s in a meeting. May I take a message?
Caller 2: When will he be available?
Sally: I don’t know, sir. Would you like to leave a message?
Caller: No, that’s OK. I’ll call back. . . . . .
Sally: Good morning. Ms Carling’s office. What can I do for you?
Caller 3: This is Marlene Casper. I need to meet with Ms Carling. She knows who I am.
Sally: Hold on , please. I’ll check her schedule .... You can meet with Ms Carling at 10:00 tomorrow.
Caller 3: That’ll be fine. Thank you very much.
Sally: 早上好。ABC公司,我是Sally,请问您有什么事吗?
Caller 1: 是的,我是Dave Michaels,请Amy Winters听电话。
Sally: 请稍等。我给你转过去。
Caller 1: 谢谢。 ……
Sally: 早上好。ABC公司,我是Sally,请问您找那位?
Caller 2: 我是Lance Stevens,请你们的客户服务部经理接电话,好吗?
Sally: 对不起,他在开会。要留个口信吗?
Caller 2: 他什么时间方便?
Sally: 我不知道,先生。您需要留个口信吗?
Caller 2: 不用了。我会再打过来的。 ..….
Sally: 早上好,Carling女士的办公室, 我能为您做什么吗?
Caller 3: 我是Marlene Casper,我要约见Carling女士, 她知道我是谁。
Sally: 请稍等,我查一下她的日程……您明天10:00可以会见Carling女士。
Caller 3:很好。非常感谢。


一、英文名Rebecca的含义拧成结的绳,法语形式的Rebecca。拧成结的绳从希伯来文名字Rivqah而来,是以撒的妻子和旧约中以扫和雅各的母亲的名字。二、Rebecca释义(人名)丽贝卡。三、Rebecca读音英 [rɪˈbɛkə],美 [rəˈbɛkə]。四、Rebecca示例Marriage had transplanted Rebecca from London to Manchester.因为结婚,丽贝卡从伦敦移居到了曼彻斯特。扩展资料叫做Rebecca的名人:一、Rebecca Ferguson丽贝卡·弗格森(Rebecca Ferguson),1983年10月19日出生于瑞典,瑞典影视女演员。1999年,参演个人首部电影《Nya tider》。2004年,参演剧情电影《溺死鬼》。2013年,凭借历史题材剧《白皇后》入围第71届金球奖迷你剧及电视电影最佳女主角奖二、Rebecca Alie Romijn丽贝卡·罗梅恩(Rebecca Alie Romijn) ,1972年出生于美国加利福尼亚州伯克利,美国女演员、前模特。1997年,因参演情景喜剧《老友记第四季》而进入演艺圈。1998年,出演电影处女作《下流勾当》。2000年,因在漫改电影《X战警》中饰演魔形女瑞雯而受到关注。


Topic: discussion of lunatic and fool's image in contemporary Chinese fiction
author: ###, Zhanjiang normal College of Humanities summary-Chinese contemporary
novels to shape a series of idiot and lunatic image. These idiots and maniacs
neither foolish nor crazy, some of them as soldiers, some like a child, lay the
author deep thoughts. At the same time, authors to fool and madman to narrative,
rhetoric with a unique feature. Key words: contemporary fiction crazy fool

