
时间:2024-06-28 13:05:43编辑:coo君


William英 [ˈwɪljəm] 美 [ˈwɪljəm] n.威廉(男子名,涵义:强而有力的战士);例句:Mr William challenged the young man to a duel. 威廉先生向这位年轻人提出要求与他决斗。William lectured to his students on modern drama. 威廉给学生讲授现代戏剧。Can you structure a sentence as William Wordsworth? 你能像威廉华兹华斯那样遣词造句吗?Mr John Smith requests the pleasure of the company of Mr William White at a dinner at 7:00 pm on 21 April. 约翰史密斯先生敬请威廉怀特先生光临4月21日下午7时的晚宴。I said to him: 'Welcome to Victoria, Prince William. 我对他说,‘威廉王子,欢迎来到维多利亚。Thank you, William. 谢谢你,威廉。Many of them are not and, as William James points out, every animal, most animals, manyanimals love their children. 很多不可爱,正如威廉,詹姆斯指出的,每种动物,大多数动物,许多动物爱他们的孩子。However, by this time people were beginning to see some sort of hope in the life of Williambecause in his final year he and several of his co-defendants were made prefects in the sameschool. 然而,也就大约在这个时候,人们才开始在威廉的生活中看到些许希望:因为在高中的最后一年,他和几个一起成为被告的难兄难弟当上了那所学校的级长。Pray go to see them, with Sir William and Maria. 请你跟威廉爵士和玛丽亚一块儿去看看他们吧。That said, I don't have anything against William Windsor personally. 那就是说,就个人而言,我没啥要反对威廉温莎的。


Willian是什么意思最佳答案由提问者推荐匿名用户Willian 威廉 例句: 1. She felt in love with a very handsome young man called willian, who seemed very polite and kind. 她爱上了一位叫威廉的年青人,他长得非常俊秀洒脱还很有礼貌。 2. A chilean agent of cicig was sitting in a small stuffy room nearly three months after rosenberg's deatheavesdropping on willian santos the owner of the black mazda. 罗森博格被害将近三个月之后,cicig的一名智利籍密探正坐在一间小而密闭的房间里,窃听黑色马自达的车主威廉桑托斯。 3. On the reception, zhang yesui and willian ou who is the ambassador of britain in china, they evaluated theyears of the development relationship between two countries and the achievements of the cooperation ineach domains. 在招待会上,张业遂和英国驻华大使欧威廉积极评价多年来两国关系发展和各领域合作取得的成就。


William的读音:英 [ˈwɪljəm] 美 [ˈwɪljəm]。舌边音/l/的发音方法:1、双唇略张开,牙齿自然张开。2、舌尖紧贴上齿龈,舌前部抬起靠近硬腭。3、气流从舌的两侧泄出,声带震动发音。/l/发音有两种情况,根据它所出现的位置不同发出两种不太完全一样的音。/l/+其它音节、/l/+元音、/l/+/j/称它为清晰/l/,发清晰/l/音时,在下一个音即将出出时舌头离开上齿龈,迅速下落;当其它音节+/l/或/l/+辅音时舌头不需要下落,称它为含糊音。注意:/l/是个浊辅音,声音是由声带震动发出。这个音有一定的长度,和元音一样可以延长。另外要注意清晰音和含糊音两种情况的区别。扩展资料:William中文音译威廉。William其他音译维廉姆。William名字性别 男孩英文名。William来源语种英语。William名字寓意专心,认真的。William名字含义意愿,头盔,保护,昵称Bill,Billie,Billy,Will,Willieo 从日耳曼名字Willahelm,它是由元素组成的“愿望,愿望”和舵头盔,保护“。William相似英文名Wilbert 威尔伯特、Wilbur 威尔伯、Wilburn 威伯、Wilco 威尔科、Wilcox 威尔考克斯、Wilda 威尔科克斯、Wilder 怀尔德、Wiley 威利、Wilf 威夫、Wilfred 威尔弗雷德。


威廉英文:英文:William;英式英语读音: [ˈwɪljəm];美式英语读音: [ˈwɪljəm] ;名词:威廉(男子名,涵义:强而有力的战士);双语例句:1、Governor William Livingston addressed the New Jersey Assembly. 威廉·利文斯顿州长在新泽西州议会上发表了演说。2、He underrated the seriousness of William's head injury. 他低估了威廉头部伤势的严重性。扩展资料“William”异体字:Wilhelm;名词:威廉(William的德语形式)(m.);英文读音:[ˈvilhelm,ˈwil-] ;美式英文读音: [ˈvɪlhɛlm];双语例句:1、I am grateful to you, Wilhelm, for you sincere sympathy, for your well-meant advice. 尽管这样,我很感谢你给我的忠告。威廉,我感谢你真诚的同情和善意的忠告。2、Of or relating to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz or to his mathematics or philosophy. 属于或关于戈特弗里德·威廉·莱布尼兹或他的数学、哲学理论的。

