
时间:2024-06-28 14:50:48编辑:coo君

怎么学习外语 ? 一天因该至少学几个小时?



学习外语好处很多,可以和外国人自由交流,获得工作的机会,也是出国留学必不可少的条件。 我从小学三年级就开始学习英语,虽然一直还算比较认真,但是因为疏于持续性练习,缺乏语感和语言环境,所以一直坚持到大学考了四六级证书之后,就没有再继续深入学习了,感觉非常的遗憾,但是我始终认为学习外语的作用非常巨大。有成就感 能够熟练的掌握一门外语,尤其是能够和外国人熟练的交流,是非常让自己有满足和成就感的。 读高中的时候,我们县城有对外国夫妻来旅游,他们两个的中文也很差(估计和我当时的英语水平差不多),因为不熟悉路线就在路边询问,结果一堆人都不能帮忙。我和几个同学从那里经过,因为穿着校服,结果路边热心的大爷就给老外指着我们,说那些学生懂英语,你可以问他们。幸好当时我们的英语教材已经学习了基本的问路和回答,所以配合着蹩脚的英语和简单的手势,好歹给外国友人指好了路。末了,那个男的还竖起大拇指说:very good!也不知道是在夸奖我们的英语,还是感谢我们帮他俩解决了问题,反正我们当时是挺有成就感的,感觉总算是对得起自己学生的身份了。就业的机会 现在很多公司,特别是涉外的以及外国的分公司,在招聘的时候都很重视英语口语,当然你能熟练的掌握其他外语也可以,所以掌握外语意味着你能够获得更多的就业机会,获得更好的平台和薪资待遇。 我老婆去亚马逊应聘报关员的时候,对英语的要求就很高,要求熟练掌握口语和能用英语发邮件,我老婆的英语水平也就一般,本来过不了的,幸好有个领导是前公司跳槽的,在她帮助下才顺利的过关。要是真的要考英语,我老婆这份工作就没戏了,可见掌握一门外语有多重要。出国留学 我们都知道,要去欧美出国留学需要考雅思和托福,对英语要求很高,所以如果大家想去深造,那么学好外语是必备的。虽然我学习的专业就注定了不用出国(汉语言文学专业),但还是希望自己的孩子以后有机会出去闯一闯,所以我现在要求他必须要把外语学好。 无论在任何时候,能够熟练的掌握外语,对我们的好处都是非常多的,希望大家要重视外语的学习,如果自己没有机会了,也要让孩子努力学好。




What is a healthy lifestyle? A phrase commonly used by medical professionals and advertisers alike, a healthy lifestyle is a broad term, very much dependent upon the context in which it is used.
Indeed, it’s possible for a person to believe they are leading a healthy life, by exercising or eating a certain diet, but they may have other facets of their lifestyle where they are particularly unhealthy. Therefore, to combat this, here is a quick checklist of five criteria that can help you judge just how healthy your current lifestyle is, together with an idea of how you can make changes for the better.
1. Exercise

In 2015, the World Health Organisation reported that due to changes in working patterns, 60 percent of the world’s population do not get enough physical exercise. The good news is that to make a healthy lifestyle change in this area is not a great commitment. The UK Government recommends adults do 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week.
This does not mean you need to join a gym or sports club. There is a wide range of home exercise equipment available, perfectly suited to giving you a great workout. Furthermore, new technology in this area, such as a vibrating exercise machine, is ensuring that you can get as good a workout at home, as you can in the gym.
2. Nutrition
A diet that is high in saturated fats and sugars can lead to obesity as well as a wide variety of other medical problems. A healthy diet, which includes a high percentage of natural foods, such as fruit and vegetables, and little intake of sugary or fatty foods, is vitally important in helping maintain a healthy lifestyle.
3. Sleep
The NHS states that we need sleep ‘to rest our minds and bodies and restore our energy for the following day’ and it is true to say that as a society, we do undervalue the importance of sleep as part of a healthy lifestyle. All too often, the proper amount of sleep becomes secondary to work or social commitments, yet sufficient rest is as imperative as any part of any healthy fitness regime. For those who suffer with poor sleeping patterns, there are many sleep aids now available to help alleviate and control these instances and promote a healthy night’s rest.
4. Alcohol
Most people enjoy a drink now and again, but when does alcohol consumption become damaging to a healthy lifestyle? The NHS recommends that men should not regularly drink more than three or four units a day, and women two to three units a day; this equates to less than a pint and half of some lagers. In addition to the negative effects of alcohol, the additional calories contained within alcoholic drinks can also lead to weight gain, while the effects of over-consumption can lead to a variety of social problems. Reducing your alcohol intake can only be considered beneficial to your overall health and well being.
5. Smoking
Smoking has nothing but negative effects upon the body. It introduces toxins and carcinogens into the body and can result in the smoker becoming addicted to nicotine. Even smoking just a few cigarettes a day has a clear and measurable effect on a healthy lifestyle and as such, it is no surprise to see governments across the globe launch initiatives to help individuals give up smoking. Indeed, many medical professionals state that the most important thing an individual can do to improve their health is to stop smoking.
The key to a healthy lifestyle is not tackling each of these issues in isolation. It is by changing how you live in these five key areas, which will have real, radical and measurable effects on improving your overall health and wellbeing.


Residential onsite wastewater treatment:
Jan R. Hygnstrom, Extension Project Manager 简.R.海金斯卓穆,总项目负责人
Sharon O. Skipton,Extension Educator
沙龙.O.斯格普顿, 教育学家
Wayne E.Woldt,Extension Specialist
韦恩. E.沃尔德,专家
This NebGuide provides information on septic wastewater tank installation, such as selecting the correct tank size and placement and installation procedures used by installation professionals.
Figure 1:图1:
Inspection pipe——观测管道
Inlet baffle or tee——入口伐门
Outlet baffle or tee——出口伐门
A properly designed, installed and maintained septic tank and effluent treatment system is an approved method of wastewater treatment in Nebraska for private residences in areas where public wastewater treatment systems are not available. The system includes the building sewer line (which starts 30 inches from the house and extends to the septic tank), the septic tank, the effluent treatment component, and all piping in between. A drainfield, also known as a lateral, leachfield or soil absorption field, is most commonly used for effluent treatment. Alternative effluent treatment components may be used. Examples include mounds and constructed wetlands. Where soil has a suitable percolation rate and other site conditions are appropriate, the septic tank/drainfield system is a good choice, and the most commonly used.
为居住在内布拉斯加州公共污水处理方法无法处理的地方的每个居民提供设计、安装、维修完备的化粪池及有效处理系统时一种可行的方法。此系统包括建筑污水管道(其起于距离房屋30英尺处,延伸到化粪池),化粪池,有效地处理设备以及全部的连接管道。施灌系统,即侧面沥滤场或过滤带, 常被用于有效的污水处理。也有可能使用可变更有效污水处理设备。样本包括护提和建筑湿地, 这种地有着合适的过滤比例,而且其他条件也很合适,化粪池/施灌系统一种很好的方法,并且同时也是一种常用方式。



