
时间:2024-06-30 06:17:56编辑:coo君


Ordered to teach a martial arts class of rambunctious bunny kittens, Po tells stories of each of the Furious Five's pasts

I am positively surprised by this short. It tells the story of each of the Furious Five, and a virtue that each has learned through Kung Fu. Each story is fun and inspiring in a unique way. It teaches great virtues of human beings in an entertaining way, without being preachy.

The animation is great, especially the bunnies who are so cute and cuddly! I am also impressed that all the Chinese characters in the film are all correct. Usually Chinese characters in animations are simply jumbled up strokes.
I saw this in the theater with my family and we enjoyed it quite a bit. It's one of those rare family films that's actually entertaining for both adults and children.

For the adults, there's some great action here. The battle scenes between Tai Lung and the Furious Five are quite cool. The build up to the battle between him and Po is perfectly executed. Adults will also appreciate the performances by the voice cast. Jack Black is perfectly cast as Po. He's a bit more restrained than he is in many of his live action performances, but this is easily his best animated performance. He delivers the right mix of humor, sincerity, and improvisation. Dustin Hoffman is also good as Shifu, his master. His exasperation with Po is amusing and perfectly builds up to his eventual acceptance of the pudgy panda. As for the rest of the cast, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, David Cross, and Jackie Chan all do a fine job with their voice performances, but they don't stand out nearly as much as Black and Hoffman.

As for the kids, they're going to love the humor. Po's kung fu antics are hilarious and the subtle animation with his character is perfect. He's able to generate a laugh with the most minor facial expression. It also has a good message for kids about using your unique characteristics as a strength rather than being ashamed of them.

The only time the film really falters is when it gets 'serious,' but I suppose you can't expect it to be laugh out loud hilarious for the entire running time.
There is a lot of positivity in "Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five". I really enjoyed watching it.










电影《功夫熊猫之盖世五侠的秘密》资讯: http://qqvideoxp.blog.163.com/blog/static/102046604200810160424958/


盖世五侠的秘密]讲述了关于阿波结束了与泰龙的决斗之后的故事。短片中阿波开办了一个功夫培训班,班里的学生都是[功夫熊猫]中的那些小巧可爱的兔子。看到了学生们想要学习功夫的坚定决心,阿波教授给他们的不是功夫招式,而是在武术 中最重要的精神品质:自信,坚毅,勇气以及更多更多……




《功夫熊猫》是一部喜剧动作电影,主角熊猫阿宝由影星杰克·布莱克配音,是个爱吃面条的梦想家,整天活在白日梦里。然而,为了成为传奇的龙战士,他必须首先学会面对真实的自我,接受自己的庸庸碌碌和平凡无奇,由此讲述一个动人的励志故事。《功夫熊猫2》于2011年5月28日在中国大陆上映。而《功夫熊猫3 》在2016年1月29日首映。

