
时间:2024-07-15 20:21:19编辑:coo君



Big Momma's House

演员 Actor:

* 马丁·劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence .....Malcolm Turner
* 尼娅·朗 Nia Long .....Sherry Pierce
* 保罗·吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti .....John

FBI探员马高·特纳(Malcolm Turner,马丁.劳伦斯饰演)是一个聪明能干的伪装专家,用老外的话就是没什么他解决不了的。这不,影片开场,他就化装成一个上了年纪的亚洲男人,搞定了一个案件。

马高的新任务是被派往乔治亚州追捕一个抢劫银行的逃犯,而主要的线索就是他的女朋友雪莉(Sherry,尼娅.朗饰演)。为了要清楚她的行踪,就要将她保持在视线范围内,他想到的办法就是扮作她很久没见的姑母——一个超过二百磅重,人见人爱的“老妈子”(Big Momma)。他甚至承担起了这个70多岁、超级肥胖老妈子每天的例行任务——在当地教堂的义务劳动。

[create_time]2011-09-27 15:57:38[/create_time]2011-09-27 16:13:49[finished_time]3[reply_count]0[alue_good]清秀还轻盈灬板栗6340[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.6b7f8157.0aWesqTcI17RR-7Y7PQLpA.jpg?time=1345&tieba_portrait_time=1345[avatar]TA获得超过7万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1723[view_count]


这个问题很难回答,因为有很多电影都涉及到这个主题。以下是一些可能符合描述的电影:1. "Fruitvale Station"(《弗鲁特维尔车站》):这部电影根据奥斯卡·格兰特(Oscar Grant)的真实故事改编,他在2009年被一名白人警察枪杀于旧金山湾区的弗鲁特维尔车站。2. "The Hate U Give"(《我们之间的恨意》):这部电影根据安吉·托马斯(Angie Thomas)的同名小说改编,讲述了一个黑人女孩目睹她的朋友被白人警察枪杀后,她如何面对社会和家庭的压力。3. "American Skin"(《美国之皮》):这部电影由纳特·帕克(Nate Parker)执导和主演,讲述了一个黑人父亲试图通过法律手段为他被警察枪杀的儿子讨回公道的故事。4. "Blindspotting"(《盲点》):这部电影讲述了两个朋友,一个黑人和一个白人,他们试图在奥克兰的犯罪和警察暴力的环境中生存下去。5. "Detroit"(《底特律》):这部电影根据1967年美国底特律暴动期间的真实事件改编,讲述了三名黑人男子在警察的拘留中心遭受酷刑和虐待的故事。这些电影都涉及到警察枪杀黑人的主题,但它们的故事情节和主题各不相同。

[create_time]2023-03-23 08:58:45[/create_time]2023-04-03 10:01:26[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]帐号已注销[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.cb76e387.qKXGaFpNdhjTVdOLJUdmWg.jpg?time=9382&tieba_portrait_time=9382[avatar]贡献了超过880个回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]311[view_count]


Till I Die - Chris Brown&Big Sean&Wiz KhalifaYo this Virginia呦,来到了西佛及利亚Straight from the country right there wit my kinfolk辗转旅途,乡村到城市,亲友们都等候着我Golds and my mouth and they put 26's on Benzo's金牙镶嵌,随时喷射化学射焰Dirt roads back wood从树林穿过泥洼的小路They got weed but I've been dope享用着叶子,我如痴如醉似神仙Ratchet n-gga we act hood荆棘从里蒙着头的黑鬼But I'm getting money with these white folk即使如此,我也从白人那里搞到钱花Sippin and I'm faded super medicated嗑药,饮着大剂量的麻醉药丸Said she wanna check the pole刺激着神经的每一处I said Okay Sarah Palin so I lay down and lay in我说好的萨拉,你做得很到位,让我惬意的躺下A n-gga gon' be faded sll the way to the AM隐居的黑人同志,你怎么可能找到他的踪迹More drink pour it up酒水不停歇,挥洒美酒More weed roll it up烟草不停飞,卷的美美的Whoa there ho you know wassup这是圣地,摇滚充斥着你的思绪Quit hoggin' the blunt b-ch slow down小妞们不要急,慢一点骚动Pimps up hoes down皮条客上膛,土贼都下场吧Ass up nose down翘臀步入,白人可无法享受Damn b-tch I do it该死,我又做到了And this the live we chose这是我们决定的生活Workin' all night整晚工作Swear I'm never going broke我不会打破这宁静And I'mma do this till I die我会我行我素直到永远And I ain't talking sh-t没有半点虚假,因为我就是我just cause I'm just cause I'm我是巅峰Oh God oh God哦我的老天,哦我的老天Ok wow bow好的,哇,哇Look at me now chief like a indian看看我,想不想印第安首领Talkin in clouds I'm high as a b-tch乱说雨云,兴奋的像个婊子I'm talking to clouds我乱说雨云Off tree every night like昼伏夜出,I roam with the owls与猫头鹰结伴树上漫步I super soak that ho show 'em醉梦于世,no love just throw em a towel让这些小人弃情爱如破布Still rocking Louis Vuitton condom像是路易威登的安全套在舞蹈,cause I'm so f-ck-ng in style wow因为我演绎风格独到New crib crash that Drove here cab back床什么的就算了,飙车行乐少年来一发吧Now knock that pussy out yeah敲敲圣女之门,耶that's just a little cat nap活像小猫一样性感Hold up hold up woah支撑住,支撑住 喔Don't be smoking my sh-t I be smoking that fire什么烂叶子,我要的是烈焰般的极品叶And she be smoking my d-ck灵舌轻灵,她总能让我如此舒服More drink pour it up酒水不停歇,挥洒美酒More weed roll it up烟草不停飞,卷的美美的Whoa there ho you know wassup这是圣地,摇滚充斥着你的思绪Quit hoggin' the blunt b-ch slow down小妞们不要急,慢一点骚动Pimps up hoes down皮条客上膛,土贼都下场吧Ass up nose down翘臀步入,白人可无法享受Damn b-tch I do it该死,我又做到了And this the live we chose这是我们决定的生活Workin' all night整晚工作Swear I'm never going broke我不会打破这宁静And I'mma do this till I die我会我行我素直到永远And I ain't talking sh-t just没有半点虚假,因为我就是我cause I'm just cause I'm我是巅峰Smoking choking always rollin' something吞吐烟圈,咽喉翻滚,卷上都卷上I don't need a key to start my car无需发动的豪车Bitch I just push a button and theater showing一键下去精彩飞驰Got a half a mill and spent it like it's nothing摆摆手,挥金如土Money flowing never sober千金散尽,从未犹豫Smoking till I got concussion no discussion烟瘾难除,除非脑震荡否则别跟我说话Man I got a condo and got a big crib我有房有床Pounds all over my kitchen is票子都能铺地板If I ain't on the road gettin' it如果我没有满街游荡Then I'm in the hood where my niggas live那肯定就在黑老聚集的小巷Did a tour sold it out卖掉房子,just bought a pound 'bout to finish it只想走完旅行Now all my pasta got shrimp in it来碗红虾拌意面You talk about and I'm living it不要再对我喋喋不休Fucking little b-tch小贱人More drink pour it up酒水不停歇,挥洒美酒More weed roll it up烟草不停飞,卷的美美的Whoa there ho you know wassup这是圣地,摇滚充斥着你的思绪Quit hoggin' the blunt b-ch slow down小妞们不要急,慢一点骚动Pimps up hoes down皮条客上膛,土贼都下场吧Ass up nose down翘臀步入,白人可无法享受Damn b-tch I do it该死,我又做到了And this the live we chose这是我们决定的生活Workin' all night整晚工作Swear I'm never going broke我不会打破这宁静And I'mma do this till I die我会我行我素直到永远And I ain't talking sh-t just没有半点虚假,cause I'm just cause I'm因为我就是我(I'm high)我是巅峰Real n-gga never frontin'真正的黑鬼从来不虚假Cause when you got it all当你平步青云后Everybody want somethin'每人都想分一杯羹Middle finger in the air no fist pump竖起你的中指And me Sean and Wiz got this bitch jumping美妞朝我们走来Ah! Finally got this b-tch jumping啊,终于有辣妹贴身热舞Got this b-tch jumpin'无限的激情与挑逗Fly that's me飞翔如仙,这就是我

[create_time]2015-08-28 23:45:49[/create_time]2015-09-11 16:45:36[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]Ja9ep[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.8780da23.YEtWPPORl-RsyN2jyI1PFg.jpg?time=6225&tieba_portrait_time=6225[avatar]TA获得超过2597个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]894[view_count]

求一首欧美歌曲 MV里面有个黑人光着上半身躺在床上 后来起床给一个金发的妹子开门 全程都是这个黑人唱的

Want to Want Me歌手:Jason Derulo所属专辑:Want to Want MeIt's too hard to sleep辗转反侧 难以入眠I got the sheets on the floor任床单滑落地板Nothing on me听我说And I can't take it no more我已承受不来it's a hundred degrees我快要窒息I got one foot out the door一只脚踏出门外Where are my keys?却找不到钥匙'Cause I gotta leave, yeah因为我必须逃离这里In the back of the cab坐在的士的后座I tip the driver, 'head of time我跟司机说 直接开去市中心Get me there fast让我暂忘这一切I got your body on my mind脑海里都是你的身影I want it bad多想你回到我身边Ooh, just the thought of you gets me so high, so high只是一想到你 我的心就悸动不已Girl, you're the one I want to want me女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 我多盼望你能渴望我And if you want me, girl, you got me只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你There's nothing I know I wouldn't do, I wouldn't do手足无措 我不知道应该怎样做Just to get up next to you才能更靠近你一点Girl, you're the one I want to want me女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 我多盼望你能渴望我And if you want me, girl, you got me只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你There's nothing I know I wouldn't do, I wouldn't do手足无措 我不知道应该怎样做Just to get up next to you才能更靠近你一点Just to get up next to you才能更靠近你一点You open the door你打开门Wearing nothing but a smile, fell to the floor除了个明媚的微笑外什么也没有And you whisper in my ear, "Baby, I'm yours."你在我耳畔低语 宝贝我专属于你Ooh, just the thought of you gets me so high, so high只是一想到你 我的心就悸动不已 ,心绪难平 悸动不已Girl, you're the one I want to want me女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 我多盼望你能渴望我And if you want me, girl, you got me只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你There's nothing I know I wouldn't do, I wouldn't do手足无措 我不知道应该怎样做Just to get up next to you才能更靠近你一点Girl, you're the one I want to want me女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 我多盼望你能渴望我And if you want me, girl, you got me只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你There's nothing I know I wouldn't do, I wouldn't do手足无措 我不知道应该怎样做Just to get up next to you才能更靠近你一点Just to get up next to you才能更靠近你一点Just the thought of you gets me so high, so high只是一想到你 我的心就悸动不已Ooh, just the thought of you gets me so high, so high只是一想到你 我的心就悸动不已Girl, you're the one I want to want me女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 我多盼望你能渴望我And if you want me, girl, you got me只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你There's nothing I know I wouldn't do, I wouldn't do手足无措 我不知道应该怎样做Just to get up next to you才能更靠近你一点Girl, you're the one I want to want me女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 我多盼望你能渴望我And if you want me, girl, you got me只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你There's nothing I know I wouldn't do, I wouldn't do我愿意做任何事Just to get up next you (I would do anything)只为靠近你一点Just to get up next you (Anything and everything)只为靠近你一点Just to get up next to you只为靠近你一点Just to get up next to you只为靠近你一点扩展资料:《Want to Want Me》是Jason Derulo于2015年3月9日发行的单曲。杰森·德鲁罗 (英语:Jason Derülo,原名杰森·戴斯罗劳克斯,英语:Jason Desrouleaux),出生于1989年9月21日,是美国歌手、曲作者、演员及舞者。在为博德曼、Lil Wayne和吹牛老爹写作了多首歌曲后,德鲁罗奇签约了一家小唱片公司Beluga Heights。在该公司被华纳音乐集团收购后,德鲁罗于2009年5月发行了他的出道单曲《Whatcha Say》.该曲大获成功,其电子版下载量超过200万次,获得了RIAA双白金认证,并在美国和其他多个国家排行榜头名。他的第二支单曲《In My Head》于2009年12月面世。他的首张专辑《Jason Derülo》于2010年发布。2011年9月16日,他的第二张专辑《Future History》发布。

[create_time]2019-08-07 14:08:33[/create_time]2016-06-27 14:59:52[finished_time]6[reply_count]7[alue_good]小鱼游戏攻略[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/9154eeb05664ee9b3833dec2c25f787a.jpeg[avatar]收集归纳智能制造、PLC、机器人内容分享[slogan]收集归纳智能制造、PLC、机器人内容分享[intro]7441[view_count]

