
时间:2024-08-03 21:31:06编辑:coo君


新闻报道的格式:(一)标题、(二)导语、(三)主体、(四)结语。标题是新闻的题目,是编辑对最有新闻价值内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创造。撰写标题是为了撷取新闻要点、诠释新闻意义、吸引读者阅读。在今天繁忙的现代社会中,报纸的读者大多是标题浏览者。导语是消息开头的第一段或第一句话,它扼要地揭示出消息的核心内容。主体是消息的主要部分,它用充足的事实表现主题,是对导语内容的进一步开展和阐释。新闻报道的结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内容作概括性的总结,或对新闻事件的发展趋势作出预测。有时,作者根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。新闻报道的结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内容作概括性的总结,或对新闻事件的发展趋势作出预测。有时,作者根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。一般来说,标题、导语和主体是构成新闻报道的必不可少的三部分。可根据新闻报道的内容而确定是否要结语或其它内容(如事件和历史背景等),有时,还可将它们暗含在主体中。在写新闻报道时,首先要注意新闻的标题具有语言幽默风趣的特点,有较强的吸引力。同时,写作依据的材料要充分,要用事实来说话,语言力求简洁。最后,报道中要有亮点,能引人深思或能让人产生强烈的兴趣。范文Liu Xiang:Dark Horse in the Athens OlympicsLiu Xiang , born on July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China, is a Chinese hurdling athlete.In 2002, Liu launched his career in fine style by winning the first IAAF (国际业余田径联合会) Grand Prix in Lausanne with a world youth and Asian record time of 13.12 seconds in the 110 metres hurdles.He has since made the finals at the IAAF World Championships in Athletics and IAAF World Indoor Championships in Athletics. Two of the three cases has seen American hurdling great Allen Johnson take the major prize, but in the last in May at Osaka, Liu managed to beat Johnson with an Asian-record time of 13.06 seconds.Still young, Liu has improved steadily, and won a gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in the 110 meters hurdles event. In the final, he equaled the world record of 12.91 seconds held since 1993 by Colin Jackson of Wales. This is the first time an athlete of non-African descent (后裔) has dipped under 13 seconds for the 110 meter hurdles.

[create_time]2022-01-24 23:07:51[/create_time]2022-01-14 18:07:02[finished_time]1[reply_count]3[alue_good]知识之窗l[uname][avatar]文案策划[slogan]教育培训小达人,乐于帮助你我他[intro]3159[view_count]


英语作文报道格式范文是如下:标题是新闻报道的题目,是编辑对最有新闻价值内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创造。撰写标题是为了撷取新闻要点、诠释新闻意义、吸引读者阅读。报纸的读者大多是标题浏览者。导语是消息开头的第一段或第一句话,它扼要地揭示出消息的核心内容。主体是消息的主要部分,它用充足的事实表现主题,是对导语内容的进一步开展和阐释。新闻报道的结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内容作概括性的总结,或对新闻事件的发展趋势作出预测。有时,作者根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。一般来说,标题、导语和主体是构成新闻报道的必不可少的三部分。可根据新闻报道的内容而确定是否要结语或其它内容(如事件和历史背景等),有时,还可将它们暗含在主体中。举例范文:Reported In the future, I hope I can become a journalist. In order to find a lot of good news, I will travel in different cities every day.For example, if there is a terrible accident, I will quickly arrive at the scene and report to the people who I like to be a journalist as soon as possible, because as a journalist, I can help many poor people, for example, some people need the help of the society I can write a report to tell the public that these people need their help first.I will study hard. As a reporter, I should be proficient in Chinese. If I have to report in English, I also need to study English very hard from now on.I will read every day. I will try to write a diary to practice my writing skills. Becoming a journalist is my future goal Will study hard to realize it.中文翻译:在未来,我希望我能成为一名记者,为了找到很多好消息,我每天都会在不同的城市旅行,例如,如果发生了一场可怕的事故,我会迅速赶到现场,并尽快向人们报告我喜欢做记者的人,因为作为一名记者,我可以帮助很多穷人,例如,一些人需要社会的帮助,我可以写一篇报道,告诉市民,这些人首先需要他们的帮助,我会努力学习。作为一名记者,我应该精通中文,如果我必须用英语报道,我也需要从现在起非常努力地学英语,我每天都会阅读,我会努力写日记来练习我的写作技巧,成为一名记者是我未来的目标,我会努力学习去实现它。

[create_time]2022-03-29 18:40:10[/create_time]2022-04-05 15:36:00[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]哆啦聊教育[uname][avatar]说的都是干货,快来关注[slogan]为教育奋斗,路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求[intro]7341[view_count]


1. 怎样写有关新闻媒体的作文 英语 Media in China Compared to enty years ago, media is growing fast in China. TV sales have been increasing very quickly. Modern media has changed Chinese culture by erasing traditional thinking. Nowadays, fewer people live in the traditional Chinese style building. Modern media has made China a very different by changing people's life style. In China, people are more likely to stay at home rather than going out. Because modern media changes the way people work and gather information . In the past, people got information from their neighbours or at work because most of them were not well educated which means they could hardly read or write. Communication was the only way to interact with each other, which could limit the way of gathering information. However, in a modern society, people can get their knowledge in multiple ways, such as Inter, TV & newspapers. Thus, modern media gives people a greater range of getting knowledge. On the other hand, modern media helps people get information quickly and easily. For instance, people can get information from long distance in a short time by making a phone call. In the past, people talked to their neighbours to pass information, which is a waste of time. As a result, Chinese culture has been positively affect by modern media. Inter, as a great contribution to human society development, also affect Chinese culture in a silent way. In the modern era, people prefer to municate by Inter rather than going out because it's fortable and convenient to stay at home use the chatting tools. That causes people's connection to be reduced, which means people are not close to each other anymore. In other words, modern media has changed people's relationships in China. Modern media has changed Chinese culture by erasing the traditional life style. People are more likely to stay at home rather than going out. Their personal connections have decreased dramatically. Moreover, modern media helps people get information quickly and easily. However, this trend will never stop, Chinese culture will change by modern media more and more to adapt the new world.。 2. 英语新闻怎么写 on the night of national day we watch fireworks. it's october 1 ( the first).it's national day. october first is the national day of china. it's october 1 ( the first).it's national day. o of my clas *** ates descended upon me on national day. october 1 is celebrated as the national day in china. my grandmother is doing up some watermelon so that we can eat them on national day. we should make the best of our time and not waste the precious days ofour youth. during the national day, nearly all the units stick flags out. after working in a factory for several years, he decided to dust off his middle school textbooks and sit for the college entrance examination 3. 英语作文:写一篇新闻报道(100 liuwenqiang The Australian Middle School Student Visit Our School On June second,the ten people Australian delegation visited our school.They arrived in school at 9 A.M. and receive warmly wele.The president and the guests talked to us in the conference severally after the ceremony of 9:30.They also visited our school lab library and industrial office.Otherwise they listened to the english lesson. At 3P.M. the guests chatted with some teachers and students then they left school at 5P.M. 4. 关于班级新闻的英语作文急需 One thing I had a good time in this summer holiday ,The thing that impressed me most was this summer holiday! First I went to Tian an men square ,I saw different colors people there. I knew that tian an men square is so famous in the world that too many people visit it. then I went to visit the great wall, the great wall is really long , there is no doubt it is the worder in the world ! I really can not imagine how the ancient people built it ! (《一件事》今年暑假我过得很开心,它让我印象最深。 首先我去了天安门,在这儿我看到了不同肤色的人。我知道了天安门举世闻名因此有好多人来参观。 接着我又去了长城,长城真得很长,举世无双。我真不能想象古代人是如何把它建起来的。 )My family's fruits My family has a fruit farm. There are all kinds of fruits on the farm .Such as apples. bananas. pears. peaches 。 When they grow up ,you can see many fruits sitting in the trees. If you e here ,you will turn happy. we live on them. We can eat lots of fruits every year. What kind of fruits do you want? Please e my family. (《我家的水果》我家有一个水果园。 在果园里有各种各样的水果,像苹果,香蕉,梨,桃等等。当它们长大时,你可以看到许多水果挂在树枝上。 如果你来这儿,你会变得很开心。 我们就靠它们生活,每年我们都可以吃很多水果。 你想要哪种水果?你来我家吧)How TO Keep A Healthy Body Do you want a strong body?Let me tell you how to do. &nb。 5. 新闻报道的英语作文 South China Agricultural University" Lotus Cup" graduate student basketball league, my courtyard by institutes of life scienceSixteen thirty on October 27th, our institute and the school of life sciences at Yanshan District basketball field 1 sites were a basketball game. The tournament is following the South China Agricultural University" Lotus Cup" graduate student basketball league first group stage match since I Institute to start second games.The game started, dressed in blue uniforms of the student team beginning showed strong successful desire. They borrow a height advantage on our team attack. Our team is unable to obtain the offensive advantage, had to defend. The first festival in 0: the score of 4 not enemy opponent.The beginning of the second quarter, because after the first adaptation, our team after the adjustment of tactics, to play with, quick strike, make full use of advantage of steady rebound bounce, grab the opponent repeatedly rebounding. To the end of the second q。 The game started. Although the total score of 2 points ahead of his opponent, the score is 12 to 13 level, the climax happen frequently, mark our hospital has achieved the second phase of the final qualification. The end of the game after that whistle sounded; graduate student basketball league, had to defendSouth China Agricultural University", our college players and team launched a fierce petition, our institute and the school of life sciences at Yanshan District basketball field 1 sites were a basketball game. Graduate team learned previously unsuccessful lesson, slightly after the opponent, end neither in victory nor defeat, with 10, make full use of advantage of steady rebound bounce; 4 finals will be held in the afternoon of October 31st, tension. They borrow a height advantage on our team attack.It was a good game: 2: 2 *** ooth rice, the score reached 3 , in the basketball league ', relax, decided to launch a counterattack, their lightning speed, fancy moves again and again set off the atmosphere of the scene.The fourth section is a decisive time.In the next third games. Tense moment is ing, to play with. End my courtyard to participate in 1 /. Our team is unable to obtain the offensive advantage. The tense atmosphere is my courtyard Ou Chunfeng students to a wonderful ball break, dressed in blue uniforms of the student team beginning showed strong successful desire, players play the best level: the score of 4 not enemy opponent.The beginning of the second quarter, the total score was back to 35: 3 score wins the match, do not give adversary has an opportunity, because after the first adaptation, my courtyard by institutes of life scienceSixteen thirty on October 27th; Lotus Cup", just behind my team a;s first victory, is my hospital following the last game defeat, grab the opponent repeatedly rebounding: 35, my courtyard players did not dare to stand firmly and fight steadily, until to the end of the game only three minutes, the score was kept at 2. The tournament is following the South China Agricultural University".The girls in the game in midfield, the sense is great, will score in the frame 40 , sharp breakthrough. In order to decide the oute, please look forward to, both sides made a free throw petition qualification. The first festival in 0, with 5 minutes of a graduate school, players are girls in our hospital team victory inspired: 34! The team played out of all of the skills, make persistent efforts, accurate steals, but they dare not let down, the audience cheers wave then wave. In the imminent victory moment; graduate student basketball league first group stage match since I Institute to start second games; Lotus Cup", the audience an a *** , quick strike. The game of victory. To the end of the second quarter, our team after the adjustment of tactics。 6. 求一篇写最近新闻的一篇英语文章 这是一篇我很喜欢的关于成功的英语作文 to success: opportunity or hard-working? every body wants to succeed. but when it es to the question that which factor leads to success, opportunity or hard-work, different people will offer different answers. some people think that opportunity is the first factor leading to success. they hold the idea, as a proverb saying, “man proposes, god disposes”. because almost all successful people have good luck and have caught their valuable opportunities, they believe that opportunity is a leading condition of the success. if seizes and makes the best use of opportunity available, one can succeed surely. in summary, to them, chances and lucks play the most important role on the road to success. however, others maintain that “no pains, no gains” .without exerting oneself, one could never expect to achieve success in no matter what one is doing. as is known to all, there is no royal road to the summit of success. one is likely to succeed only when one has worked with whole-hearted devotion and perseverance. those who are lazy, sloppy and indifferent to their work, those who never concentrate on work will definitely end in failure. on the whole, as far as they are concerned, hard-working is the decisive factor to success. in my view, both hard work and opportunity eventually matters. they are inseparable from each other, and put together, they make a great success. hard work is to luck what fish is to water, and can be seen as an interior precondition of success. it lays the corner-stone for building a house while luck serves to cement it, to make the building bricks adherent to one another. they are the ins that contribute to success together. they are the factors from within and without respectively. we must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. when opportunities e, meet and make full use of them. only in this way can we succeed one day. 7. 采访报道的英语作文怎么写 What has been described as the "heaviest rain in six decades" left at least 37 people dead and raised critici *** about Beijing's infrastructure and the government's response to disasters.被形容为“六十年来最严重的大雨”,造成至少37人死亡,并引起了对北京基础设施以及 *** 应对灾害的批评。 The torrential downpour lasted 10 hours over the weekend, producing gusty winds and a tornado in one suburb, according to local media.据当地媒体报道,上周末倾盆大雨持续了10个小时,某个郊区还刮起了大风和龙卷风。 The deluge was the largest since 1951, when the state weather record was established, according to Beijing Morning Post, bringing about 6.7 inches of rain in some parts of Beijing, and as much as 18 inches in the suburban Fangshan district.据《北京晨报》报道,这次洪水是自1951年国家气象记录成立以来最大的一次,北京一些地区降雨量约达6.7英尺,并郊区的房山县则高达18英寸。 Of the 37 deaths in Beijing, 25 people drowned, reported Xinhua. Another six were killed in collapsing houses, five were electrocuted, and one was hit by lightning, the agency reported, citing the municipal government.据新华社引用市 *** 的报道称,在这次洪水死亡的37人中,有25人溺水身亡,6人在房屋倒塌中身亡,5人触电死亡,和1人闪电击中。 The flooding killed 95 people and 45 were reported missing in 17 provincial areas of China, Xinhua reported. Nearly 6.23 million people were affected by the heavy rains, which started July 20.据新华社报道,这次洪水造成95人死亡,45人失踪在中国17个省级地区。 7月20日开始,受到暴雨影响人数将近623万。The deaths from the storm triggered a torrent of critici *** , even from a state-run newspaper, as well as Sina Weibo, the popular Chinese microblogging site. Some social media users implied the number of deaths was much higher.这次暴风雨造成的死亡人数引发了一场批评洪流,从一家国营报纸到中国受欢迎的微博网站——新浪微博。 一些社会媒体用户暗示,死亡人数要高得多。 CNN contacted Beijing's flood control office, municipal government emergency office and municipal meteorological bureau to get an updated death toll. The agencies said that they were too busy summarizing data and couldn't make ments at the time.中国新闻网联系北京防汛办公室,市 *** 应急办,市气象局,以获取更新的死亡人数。 该机构说,他们忙于汇总数据,这时候无法作出评论。Questions CNN sent by fax to the state meteorological bureau were not returned by Monday afternoon.中国新闻网通过传真发送到国家气象局的问题直到星期一下午都没有回应。 Although the weather had cleared in Beijing by Sunday morning, the flooding remained a hot topic, with many expressing outrage over the deaths and what they perceived as a botched government response.The Global Times published an article stating that the downpour"exposes holes in the modernization drive." 虽然星期天早上北京的天气已经放晴,但是洪水仍然是一个热门话题,许多人对死亡表示愤慨,他们认为这是一个拙劣的 *** 响应。《环球时报》发表的一篇文章指出倾盆大雨暴露了现代化建设中的漏洞。 "In recent years, floods caused by rain storms have repeatedly occurred in Chinese cities. And the latest downpour in Beijing has stirred up a new round of skeptici *** on the quality of infrastructure amid rapid urbanization." “近年来,由暴雨引发的洪水已多次发生在中国的城市。北京最近的这场倾盆大雨在掀起了对快速城市化进程中基础设施的质量的新一轮质疑。” Many people marveled at how fragile the Beijing's infrastructure seemed for a modern metropolis. Despite the billions of dollars spent to upgrade its roads and buildings, the city's sewage system appeared quickly overwhelmed by the rainstorm.很多人惊讶于对于一个现代化大都市来说,北京的基础设施是多么的脆弱。尽管数十亿美元用于升级其道路和建筑物,城市的污水处理系统还是被来势凶猛的暴雨所淹没。 The Beijing-based media group, Caixin wrote on Weibo: "Why is this happening once and again? Year after year Beijing faces the same challenge, not even hosting the Olympics can provide a solution. That's how vulnerable our capital city can be." 总部设在北京的一个媒体集团,财新网在微博上写到:“为什么这一局面再次发生?北京一年又一年地面临着同样的挑战,这不是举办奥运会就可以提供解决方案的。我们的首都是多么的脆弱。” Another user, chuntiangushi wrote: "We can host the most luxurious Olympics and send satellites into space but can never seem to fix this drainage system. What a shame." 另一个用户,春天故事写道:“我们可以举办最豪华的奥运会,将卫星送入太空,但似乎从来没有解决这个排水系统。真羞愧!” 。

[create_time]2022-10-27 11:39:22[/create_time]2022-11-09 07:46:22[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]优点教育17[uname][avatar]TA获得超过6125个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5[view_count]


问题一:英文新闻稿怎么写 参考答案一:   Anna was riding her bike to the park at 11:00 last Sunday morning. When she got to the park, she saw some kids swimming in the water, she also want to do that. While she was taking off her clothes, a strange man took her bike away. Anna couldn't find her bike anywhere. While she was crying, she called the police.   参考答案二:   One day a girl rode her bike to a park at 11 am. She put her bike behind a bush and went away, but she didn't know a man was hiding in the bush. At 11:15 the man got out of the bush and stole the girl's bike then he ran away. After 5 minutes, the girl was looking for her bike, she was very worried, then she called the police.

问题二:英语新闻的开头怎么写 5分 一般新闻的开头为“This is London(地名)BBC(广播公司)news

问题三:“一条新闻”这英文怎么写 a piece of news

问题四:如何写英文的新闻评论急求 英文的新闻评论 和中文的思想是一样的思想模式 下面就新闻评论的注意要点给说一下:
第一,论点要正确 1. 符合马克思主义辩证法的基本原理 2.正确的体现党和 *** 的基本方针 3.准确地反应人民群众的正当要求,意见和呼声。4.科学地反映客观事件的本质和规律性。
第二,论据要充分 1.事实论据 现实的、历史的客观形势和事实,以客观存在的真实材料来证明论点的正确性,具有极大的说服力。2.理论论据 包括马列主义 *** 思想 *** 及科学发展观和党的方针。 此外 一切经过实践检验过得科学论断、学术见解以及经过历史检验含有真理的名言,都可以作为评论写作的理论依据。
第三, 论证要科学 1.写评论时,进行分析、综合、推理、判断要符合形式逻辑和辩证逻辑。 换句话说 即要科学又要严密。
此外: 布局谋篇要有变化,要有故事,使用的语言要准确、简练;要有见识即思想;还要有点文采,言之无文,行之不远。’

问题五:英语新闻的格式该怎么写呀 China, Japan youths encouraged to pursue China-Japan friendship
Chinese President Hu Jintao on Tuesday hosted a banquet in the Great Hall of the People for a Japanese delegation, urging young people from China and Japan to enrich their friendship.
Younger generations are the future of a lasting friendship between China and Japan. They should promote bilateral ties, learn from each other, talk to each other and trust each other so that friendship and positive actions flower, Hu said.
I believe the future of China and Japan will be positive and the torch of friendship will be handed down from one generation to the next, Hu said.
The 200-odd member delegation is posed of representatives and the children of participants who attended a grand gathering in 1984, as well as several Japanese dietmen and staff from friendship organizations.
In the fall of 1984, 3,000 Japanese young people visited China at the invitation of Hu Yaobang, then general secretary of the Central mittee of the munist Party of China.
They got together with about 1 million Chinese youth from all walks of life, and celebrated the 12th anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan relations.
China holds anti-terrorist exercise for 2008 Olympics
Source: CCTV | 06-20-2007 09:05
Special Report: 2008 Beijing Olympics
China held a state-level anti-terrorist exercise for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on June 19, 2007. [Photo: ......>>

问题六:怎么用英语写新闻报道的开头结尾 按照新闻开头的要求,倒金字塔式。先交代5个W。英文报道的结尾基本无定式,你把事情说清楚就可以。

[create_time]2022-09-29 19:05:30[/create_time]2022-10-09 16:49:43[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]熊西向西BQ[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4536个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]9[view_count]


[词典] countdown party;
Swift, 21, rang in2011 in Nashville, solo, at a party, while Gyllenhaal, 30, was in New York, where he attended a closing party for Broadway's Fela! on Jan.2.

[create_time]2018-03-17 16:21:28[/create_time]2016-12-20 14:07:20[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]tangyyer[uname][avatar]TA获得超过15.6万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1379[view_count]


一级方程式赛车(F1/Formula 1)世界一级方程式锦标赛。汽车场地比赛项目之一。是方程式汽车赛中最高级别的比赛。世界上首次举行赛车场上的赛车是1900年在法国的默伦。现代世界一 级方程式锦标赛是于1950年在英国银石赛车场开始的, 现在每年举行16场比赛,由国际汽车联合会安排比赛。现有的19支参赛车队均为“一级方程式车队协会 (FOCA) ”的成员。 车手必须持有由国际汽车联合会签发的“超级驾驶执照 ”。每年全世界持有这种执照的车手不超过100人。  比赛设车手奖和车队奖。 每场比赛的全程距离为305公里, 所用时间不超过2小时。每场比赛取前六名,车手获得的分数依次为10, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1。在每一赛季结束后, 将车手在全年16场比赛中取13场最好的比赛成绩相加得出总积分, 得分最高者为当年世界冠军。车队世界冠军的计分方法与车手相同。 比赛使用四轮外露的单座位纯跑道用方程式赛车, 由底盘、发动机、 变速系统、 轮胎和空气动力装置等构成,最低重量为505公斤。底盘是以航天飞机的构造科学为基本理论依据, 用碳化纤维制造的。 发动机依不同时期的比赛规则而变化, 自1995年开始, 规定使用汽缸容积为3.0公升的自然吸气式汽油发动机, 汽缸数目最多12个,输出马力为650匹。 变速器设有六至七个档位, 并采用半自动变速系统。使用的轮胎采用特殊合成橡胶制造, 分干地与湿地两种,以便于在不同气候下使用。赛车的车身呈流线形, 在其前、后部设有扰流装置和翼子板, 在运动中利用空气动力学的原理产生下压力量,增加轮胎的附着力,使赛车紧贴地面运动。三级方程式汽车赛(F3/Formula 3)方程式汽车场地比赛项目之一。使用的赛车是四轮外露的单座位纯跑道用方程式赛车, 外形与一级方程式赛车相类似,但体积较小, 最低重量为455公斤, 配备4汽缸、工作总容积为2公升的自然吸气式汽油发动机,输出功率约170马力。方程式3000(F3000/Formula 3000)3.0公升方程式汽车赛。方程式汽车场地比赛项目之一。设有国际大奖赛等比赛。使用的赛车是四轮外露的单座位纯跑道用方程式赛车, 装备8汽缸、工作总容积为3公升的自然吸气式汽油发动机,输出功率约475马力。 亚洲方程式(Formula ASIA)方程式汽车场地比赛项目之一,限在亚洲地区开展。使用的赛车是四轮外露的单座位纯跑道用方程式赛车, 车身规格与三级方程式相似, 配备1台 福特 4汽缸工作总容积为2公升的自然吸气式汽油发动机, 输出功率约160马力。 直线竞速赛(Drag Racing)汽车场地比赛项目之一。比赛按不同车型及发动机工作容积分为 12 - 14 个级别,在两条并列长1500米、 各宽15米的直线柏油跑道上进行,实际比赛距离为 1/4英里或1/8英里。比赛时每 2 辆车为1组,实行淘汰制,分多轮进行,直至决出冠军。采用定点发车方法,加速行进,通过电子仪器测量从发车线到终点线的行驶时间评定成绩。  使用特别设计制造的活塞式或喷气式专用赛车,以汽油、甲醇或煤油为燃料,车重500- 1000公斤。其中高级酒精发烧友(TAFC) 级的发动机容积达8930CC,输出功率2500马力, 速度达382公里/小时;“三角架高级燃料车(TFD)”级的发动机容积为8127CC,输出功率5000马力,速度可达460公里/小时; “喷气发烧友”级的发动机输出功率达10000马力。 耐久赛(Grand Touring Car)亦称“GT赛”。汽车场地比赛的一种。为长时间耐久性汽车比赛。比赛车辆分旅行车和运动原型车两类,并根据发动机的工作容积分为若干级别。比赛中每车可设 2- 3 名驾驶员,轮流驾驶。  每年国际汽车耐力系列赛分为11站, 在世界各地举行。比赛一般进行8- 12小时, 以完成圈数的多少评定成绩。 较著名的比赛有:法国勒芒( Le Mans) 24小时耐久赛、日本铃鹿(Suzuka) 8小时耐久赛。 印地车赛(Indy Car)汽车场地比赛的一种。设有世界锦标赛。该车赛起源于美国, 原为美国汽车协会主办的锦标赛。1978年由18支印地车队联合成立了“印地锦标赛赛车队有限公司, 建立了赛事管理机构举办系列车赛,制订了独特的比赛规则。1979年举办了第一次比赛,成为不受国际汽车联合会管辖的汽车比赛。  比赛使用车辆的整体结构类似一级方程式的四轮外露式单座位纯跑道用赛车,但使用8汽缸、工作容积为 2.6- 3.4 公升以甲醇为燃料的涡轮增压式发动机, 输出功率700~850马力。依不同的比赛场地比赛距离为320公里至800公里不等。 卡丁车赛(Karting)汽车场地比赛项目的一种。分方程式卡丁车、国际A、B、C、E级和普及级六类, 共12个级别。使用轻钢管结构,操纵简单,无车体外壳,装配100CC、 125CC或 250CC汽油发动机的4轮单座位微型赛车, 重心低,在曲折的环型路线上行驶,比赛速度感强。  卡丁车是世界方程式赛车的最初级形式, 始于1940年。由于许多著名的一级方程式赛手都是从卡丁车起步的,因此卡丁车被视为“ F- 1”的摇篮。创纪录赛(Land-Speed Record-LSR)在某个场地或路段以单车出发创造最高行驶速度记录的汽车活动。按汽车发动机的工作容积分A - J共10个级别。  现今以轮胎驱动的汽车的最高速度记录是1965年11月由赛默兄弟( Summer Brother )创造的,时速达660公里/小时;以喷气式发动机为动力驱动的汽车最高速度记录是1983年由英国人理查德·诺贝尔( Richard Noble )驾驶他自己设计的 Thrust II 车在美国内华达州西北的盐湖上创造的,时速达1019.89公里/小时。其发动机的输出总功率为60000马力。 拉力赛(Rally)亦称“多日赛”。汽车道路比赛项目之一。在有路基的土路、砂砾路或柏油路上进行。在一个国家内或者跨越数国举行的既检验车辆性能和质量,又考验驾驶技术的长途比赛。  比赛在规定的日期内分若干阶段进行,每阶段内设置由行驶路段连接的数个测试速度的赛段,交替进行,每个赛段的长度不超过30 公里。比赛采用单个发车方法,每个车组由1名驾驶员和1名副驾驶员(领航员)组成。以每个车组完成全部特殊路段比赛的时间和在行驶路段所受处罚时间累计计 算最终成绩,时间短者名次列前。比赛对行驶路段的行驶时间有严格限制,车组必须按规定的时间依次到每个时间控制点报到,迟到或早到都会受到处罚。  必须使用在国际汽联注册、年产量超过5000 辆的标准4座小客车和旅行车, 并按比赛规则改装。发动机最大输出功率不准超过300马力。  国际汽车拉力赛每年设有世界拉力锦标赛( 14站 )、欧洲拉力锦标赛( 11站, 难度系数分20/10/5/2 )、亚洲拉力锦标赛(6站)、非洲拉力锦标赛( 5站 )、中东拉力锦标赛(6站)等众多大型赛事。 越野赛(Rallycross)汽车道路比赛项目之一。是在一个国家的公路和自然道路上举行的允许对该国进行考察的汽车比赛。经过几个国家的领土、总长度超过 10,000公里或跨洲的比赛称马拉松越野赛。除国际汽联特别批准外,越野赛的赛程不得超过15天,比赛必须在白天进行。采用单车发车方式。比赛每经过 10个阶段后至少休息 18个小时。赛车联盟  每阶段的行驶距离自定, 但每个赛段的最大长度, 越野赛规定不超过350公里, 马拉松越野赛规定不超过800公里。必须使用在国际汽联注册的全轮驱动汽车参赛。  1996年国际汽联首次对越野赛实行世界杯赛制,其中较著名的比赛有巴黎至达喀尔越野赛、突尼斯国际汽车赛、巴黎至莫斯科至北京马拉松汽车越野赛、阿拉伯联合酋长国沙漠挑战赛等。

[create_time]2016-05-29 13:41:36[/create_time]2016-06-13 12:09:25[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]手机用户63982[uname][avatar]TA获得超过273个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]178[view_count]


布兰兹哈奇赛道(BrandsHatch)赛道名称:布兰兹哈奇赛道赛道长度:1.92km地理位置:英国东部的肯特州所属时区:GMT+8赛道特点:连绵起伏和急速弯角戴托纳国际赛道(DAYTONA INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY)赛道名称:戴托纳国际赛道赛道长度:4.02公里地理位置:北美洲,美国,佛罗里达州所属时区:GMT-5赛道特点:高速椭圆形主赛道  霍根海姆赛道(HockenheimRing)赛道名称:霍根海姆赛道赛道长度:1.92公里地理位置:欧洲,德国,霍根海姆所属时区:GMT+1赛道特点:主要是由直路所组成,不过却被数个很慢的弯所干扰。银石赛道(SilverStone)赛道名称:银石赛道赛道长度:5.90公里地理位置:欧洲,英国,英格兰,北安普敦郡所属时区:GMT+0赛道特点:很长的直线道与高速的弯道维多利亚港赛道(Victoria Harbour-虚拟赛道)赛道名称:维多利亚港赛道赛道长度:1.65公里地理位置:中国香港所属时区:GMT+8赛道特点:多弯道且道路狭窄,真正考验车手漂移技术的赛道。科尔莫登赛道(Kolmarden)赛道名称:科尔莫登赛道赛道长度:3.24公里地理位置:瑞典所属时区:GMT+1赛道特点:多直线道路,有数个转弯和坡道。意大利湖滨主赛道(Lakeride Italia Main Route--虚拟赛道)赛道名称:意大利湖滨主赛道赛道长度:3.87km地理位置:意大利所属时区:GMT+1赛道特点:多处急速转弯,适合漂移赛车。洛杉矶河道(L.A.River--虚拟赛道)赛道名称:洛杉矶河道赛道长度:7.28km地理位置:美国洛杉矶所属时区:GMT-8赛道特点:看似一条直线,但赛道的两个顶端的转弯非常危险。

[create_time]2016-05-29 13:41:35[/create_time]2016-06-13 12:09:24[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]修安卉yV[uname][avatar]TA获得超过841个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]79[view_count]


基本格式(除了标题)是:The basic format (except the title) is:1、先把事件中最重要的部分在导语中简明地体现出来。First, the most important part of the event is concisely reflected in the introduction.2、在第二段进一步具体阐述导语中的这个重要部分,形成支持,不至于使受众在接受时形成心理落差。因而,第二段实际上是一个过渡性段落。In the second paragraph, this important part of the introduction is further elaborated to form support, so as not to make the audience form a psychological gap when accepting. Therefore, the second paragraph is actually a transitional one.3、按照事件发展的时间顺序把“故事”讲下来。Tell the story in chronological order.扩展资料实例——一场别开生面的考试A new test本报通讯员?xxxOur correspondent: XXX3月12日下午3点,一场别开生面的考试在xxx省xxx市政府五楼会议室举行。At 3 p.m. on March 12, a special exam was held in the conference room on the fifth floor of XXX municipal government, XXX province.能容纳500多人的会议室里,端坐着全市49名乡镇党委书记、乡镇长,他们将通过闭卷考试获得任职“科技资格”。In the conference room, which can accommodate more than 500 people, there are 49 township party secretaries and township heads in the city. They will pass the closed book examination and get the "science and technology qualification".主考官:分管农业的市委副书记xxx和副市长xxx。Examiner: Deputy Secretary of the municipal Party committee and deputy mayor in charge of agriculture.主监考:市委组织部长。Chief invigilator: Organization director of the municipal Party committee.

[create_time]2021-04-05 14:38:39[/create_time]2021-04-19 00:00:00[finished_time]1[reply_count]33[alue_good]红油火锅太辣了[uname][avatar]关注我不会让你失望[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]35954[view_count]


巨蛋(Dome)泛指室内体育场或者外观为穹顶式的大型建筑。英语又叫Huge Egg。巨蛋这个词就起源于东京巨蛋。东京ドーム(东京巨蛋)是有5.5W座位的体育场,是日本职棒“读卖巨人”队的主场,同时也举办篮球与美式足球比赛,还有职业摔角、综合武术、K-1赛事或音乐表演。日本几大巨蛋最初都是为了棒球比赛建立的,现在也会承办其他赛事或者娱乐活动。基本上日本有东京、大阪、福冈、名古屋、札幌、西武六大巨蛋,其他还有一些小型巨蛋。大阪巨蛋名字叫京瓷巨蛋大阪,所以阪蛋也经常简称京蛋,东京巨蛋也会简称东蛋,而名古屋巨蛋简称名蛋。其中前五个巨蛋常常被作为演唱会场地,西武巨蛋因为在琦玉县,离东京太近一般不做为演唱会场馆。

[create_time]2011-05-21 02:17:59[/create_time]2011-05-21 20:10:34[finished_time]3[reply_count]7[alue_good]深海飞翔的猫[uname][avatar]TA获得超过5674个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3194[view_count]







[create_time]2016-08-06 06:29:03[/create_time]2009-04-12 16:12:03[finished_time]1[reply_count]43[alue_good]漫血无痕[uname][avatar]TA获得超过2793个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]13171[view_count]


003.Keroro 突破危险临界点(《高达0079》军曹高达cosplay)+ Keroro 绝秘任务开始

004.Giroro 宇宙最危险的男人 + Keroro 下雨是危险男人(《机动武斗传G高达》中的“石破天惊拳”,军曹的“金金K隆波”)



030.Tamama K隆星来的少年(《七龙珠》、《高达0079》军曹COS夏亚)+ 桃华 目标是丰满的身材

043.Giroro 红鬼不哭(《福星小子》)+ Giroro 飞跃节分( 《机动战士高达》 夏亚红色有角三倍速)

059.Keroro 培养城(《高达0079》+ Keroro 的移动城(《哈尔的移动城堡》、《魔神坛斗士/铠传》、《美少女战士》、《最游记》、《七龙珠》)

068.Keroro 大改造! 翻新就要有戏剧性 + Dororo 去吧!宿命对决(《火影忍者》、《犬夜叉》、《樱桃小丸子》、《高达0079》)

075.桃华 觉醒!第三个桃华前、后篇(《高达Z》的夏亚(古华特罗))

089.Giroro拥有7种性格男人(《七人之奈奈》、《机动武斗传G高达》)+ 冬树 沸腾吧!超自然现象大赛(绿色的勾玉 《逆转裁判》 绫里一族)

103.Keroro小队 真心献给你 前、后篇(《高达0079》、《高达0083》、《七龙珠》《EVA》)

140.Keroro小队 年末调整大作战 + Keroro 某个男人的战斗(《高达0079》、《EVA》、《萩萩公主》)

157.Pururu 交给护士长 + 夏美 今日的占卜(《最游记》、《高达0079》)

158.Keroro 过去的荣耀(《名侦探柯南》、《高达0079》白色木马、米高梅电影公司狮子标志)+ Giroro 禁断的记忆

159.Keroro 激烈!卡片大战(《游戏王》、《奥特曼》)+ Keroro 被盯上的小队(《高达0079》)

169.Urere 电车之王(《假面骑士电王》)+Giroro 美少女和液体K隆星人(《史莱姆》、《高达0079》白色木马)

170.冬树和Keroro 寻找!七大奇迹(《宇宙战舰大和号》、《007》、二宫尊德/二宫金次郎、 金田一耕助、福尔摩斯、赫尔克里·波洛)+ Pururu和散世 秘密的朋友(《高达0079》)

177.Dogugu 气体K隆星人第一号 + Keroro 蓝星第一的钢普拉男(《机动战士高达逆A》)

178.桃华 幽灵 日向家的幻影 前、后篇(《高达0079》)

180.Keroro 争夺大作战前、后篇 (《高达0079》、《宇宙战舰大和号》、《魔卡少女樱》、《EVA》、《初音未来》、《七龙珠》)

185.Robobo 机械化大作战(《结界师》作者田边伊卫郎的另一个作品、波尔抱着桃华有《黑执事》的感觉、Dororo《网球王子》河村隆)+ Tamama 笔记的说(《死亡笔记》、《高达0079》、《宇宙战舰大和号》)

192.Keroro 防止圣诞节(《七龙珠》)+Keroro小队 点心是男人的战场(《奥特曼》、《高达00》FA0高达)

218.小Kero侧耳倾听+Keroro 蛀牙战争2 (《EVA》、《高达0079》)

229.Keroro 言语必杀拳+三郎&Kururu 寂静之战 (光GENJI、尾崎丰、井上大辅《机动战士高达Ⅱ:哀战士》主题曲“哀战士”、《机动战士高达逆A》月光蝶

235.冬树 和长颈龙前、后篇(渡边久美子即兴说出“塞巴斯蒂安”、《高达0079》MS-06S、各地水怪事件)

237.武者Kero 卷四 武者Kero小队 向西进发前、后篇(《火影忍者》、《变形金刚》、《天才傻瓜》、《高达0079》、Keroro在OP《七龙珠》)

239.夏美 莫非是三角关系? +Pururu 相亲大作战!(《高达0083》GP03石斛兰)

242.Keroro 屋顶的散步者 (《高达0079》)+Keroro 用自我意识过剩来侵略

253.Keroro 超人Keroro+Keroro 黑电话探员66 (《高达00》提耶利亚)

263.Keroro 实现梦想的象鼻虫 (《梦象成真》 、高达无双“BB战士三国风云篇”中张宝的机体)+Keroro 加油啊 垃圾袋

320.夏美 向往的侵略使者 (《高达W》、《假面骑士W》盖顿、《EVA》)+ Pururu 六月新娘前、后篇

329.冬树 在意+ 夏美 大海又蓝又广 (《性感教师》真知子、《逆袭的夏亚》卡斯巴尔哥、马吉安·吉拉部队、《假面骑士亚马逊》)

331.夏美 一周不要生气 (《奥特曼》、《高达0079》)+ Keroro 侵略的甲鱼玫瑰 (《轰炸超人》)

356.keroro小队 真龙勇士(《高达00剧场版:先驱者的觉醒》)+摩亚 给另一个我的春天

[create_time]2017-11-25 12:33:34[/create_time]2012-08-17 09:12:29[finished_time]2[reply_count]24[alue_good]Tromber[uname][avatar]TA获得超过1560个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6636[view_count]


1. 英语新闻怎么写 on the night of national day we watch fireworks. it's october 1 ( the first).it's national day. october first is the national d

