
时间:2024-08-31 09:14:25编辑:coo君


there的中文释义如下:1、当词性为名词时,意为那个地方。2、当词性为副词时,意为在那里;往那里;到那里;在那边;在那点上;喂;…啦;有;有没有;那儿;那边;在那一点上;在那个方面。3、当词性为语气词时,意为你瞧;好啦。there的读法:there的英式发音为[ðeə(r)];美式发音为[ðer;ðər]。相关短语:1、there is no doubt that毫无疑问...;无疑地。2、And Then There Were None无人生还;一个都不留;再无所有。3、There Will Be Blood血色将至;血色黑金;黑金企业;未血绸缪。4、Be There or Be Square不见不散;在那里或者是平等的。5、have been there before全都知道;直接了解;亲眼看到。双语例句:1、There are several conjectures.有几种推测。2、Are there any cookies left?有剩下的曲奇饼吗?3、I've only been there once.我只去过那里一次。4、There may be other worlds out there.那里可能有其他星球。5、There were six or seven of us there.我们约有六、七个人在场。6、There was a mzungu just off the Nyeri Road who was a teacher.在涅里路旁边有一位白人老师。7、If you begin to flag,there is an excellent cafe to revive you.如果你开始感到疲倦,有一家极棒的咖啡馆能让你重振精神。8、It behoves the House to assure itself that there is no conceivable alternative.议会有责任搞清楚没有任何可以想象得到的替代办法。9、There was a good deal of kissing and more congratulations before we parted.分别前,我们互相热吻,又说了许多祝福的话。10、There is no desire to impeach the privileges of the House of Commons.没有置疑下议院特权完整有效性的要求。


there的意思:在那里;在那边;在那点上;那个地方。读音:[ðer; ðər] 词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作副词。固定搭配:all there 神志清醒的 ; 没有问题的 ; 头脑清醒的 ; 头脑正常的。例句1、The group of old buildings is still there today.那个旧楼群如今还在。2、So there he was all covered in mud, and still in a good mood.就这样他全身是泥,但仍然情绪高昂。3、There were thousands of people there. 那里有成千上万的人。

