hero玛丽亚凯莉,Mariah Carey 《Hero》的英文歌词、

时间:2024-09-05 02:57:46编辑:coo君

Mariah Carey 《Hero》的英文歌词、

歌曲:hero   歌手:Mariah Carey 专辑:《music box》(1993)   There's a hero   有一位英雄   If you look inside your heart   如果你往你的内心深处寻觅   You don't have to be afraid   你无需恐惧   Of what you are   自己是什么   There's an answer   会有一个答案   If you reach into your soul   如果你往你的灵魂深处探索   And the sorrow that you know   你所了解的悲伤   Will melt away   将会消散   And then a hero comes along   然后一位英雄走来   With the strength to carry on   充满了力量继续着   And you cast your fears aside   把你的恐惧甩到一旁   And you know you can survive   你明白你能活下来   So when you feel like hope is gone   所以当你感觉希望破灭之时   Look inside you and be strong   正视自己并且要坚强   And you'll finally see the truth   最后你终将发现这个事实   That a hero lies in you   你就是英雄   It's a long road   这是一条漫长的路   When you face the world alone   当你独自面对这个世界的时候   No one reaches out a hand For you to hold   没人向你伸出援助之手   You can find love   你能够发现爱   If you search within yourself   如果你往自身寻找   And the emptiness you felt   你感觉到的空虚   Will disappear   将会消散   And then a hero comes along   然后英雄来了   With the strength to carry on   充满力量的进行着一切   And you cast your fears aside   把你的恐惧甩到一旁   And you know you can survive   你明白你能活下来   So when you feel like hope is gone   所以当你感觉希望破灭之时   Look inside you and be strong   正视自己要坚强   And you'll finally see the truth   最后你终将发现这个事实   That a hero lies in you   你就是英雄   Lord knows   上帝知道   Dreams are hard to follow   梦想总是很难实现   But don't let anyone   但是不要让任何人   Tear them away, hey yeah   将梦想打碎   Hold on   再坚持一下   There will be tomorrow   还有希望   In time You'll find the way   你终将找到路   And then a hero comes along   然后有一位英雄走来   With the strength to carry on   充满力量的进行着   And you cast your fears aside   把你的恐惧甩到一旁   And you know you can survive   你明白你能活下来   So when you feel like hope is gone   所以当你感觉希望破灭之时   Look inside you and be strong   正视自己要坚强   And you'll finally see the truth   最后你终将发现这个事实   That a hero lies in you   你就是一位英雄

求hero歌词的中文翻译 歌手:mariah carey

  I'm just a step away 我只离你一步之遥
  I'm just a breath away (意思同上)我在你的呼吸之间
  Losin' my faith today 今天我失去了信仰
  (Fallin' off the edge today) (猜的:我失落于崩溃的边缘)

  I am just a man 我只是一个普通人
  Not superhuman 而不是超人
  (I'm not superhuman)
  Someone save me from the hate 某人从憎恨中拯救了我

  It's just another war 那只是另一次战争
  Just another family torn 只是又一个家庭的分崩离析
  (Falling from my faith today) (从我的信仰中脱落)
  Just a step from the edge 离世界边缘只有一步之遥
  Just another day in the world we live 只是我们生活在地球上的又一个日子

  I need a hero to save me now 现在我需要一个英雄来拯救我
  I need a hero (save me now) 我需要一个英雄
  I need a hero to save my life 我需要一个英雄来拯救我的人生
  A hero'll save me (just in time) 将会有一个英雄及时出现来拯救我

  I've gotta fight today 今天我必须战斗
  To live another day 为了能活到明天(而战)
  Speakin' my mind today 今天我再次(大声)喊出我的想法
  (My voice will be heard today) (我的声音会被全世界人听到)

  I've gotta make a stand 我必须抗争
  But I am just a man 但我只是一个普通人
  (I'm not superhuman)
  My voice will be heard today 我的声音将响彻全世界

  It's just another war 这只是另一个战争
  Just another family torn 另一次的骨肉分离
  (My voice will be heard today) 我的声音将响彻世界
  It's just another kill 这只是另一次死亡
  The countdown begins to destroy ourselves


  I need a hero to save my life 我需要一个英雄来拯救我的人生
  I need a hero just in time 我需要一个及时来拯救我的英雄
  Save me just in time 及时拯救我
  Save me just in time 及时拯救我

  Who's gonna fight for what's right 谁将为正义而战
  Who's gonna help us survive 谁将帮助我们生存下去
  We're in the fight of our lives 我们在为自己抗争
  (And we're not ready to die) 我们并不准备就此死去

  Who's gonna fight for the weak 谁将为弱势群体而奋战
  Who's gonna make 'em believe 谁将制造信仰
  I've got a hero (I've got a hero) 我必须找到一个英雄
  Livin' in me (为我而活)与我同在

  I'm gonna fight for what's right 我在为正义而战
  Today I'm speaking my mind 今天我立下宣言
  And if it kills me tonight 如果我在今夜被杀
  (I will be ready to die) 我将准备死去

  A hero's not afraid to give his life 一个英雄绝不害怕失去他的生命
  A hero's gonna save me just in time 一个英雄将适时睇拯救我


  I need a hero 我需要一个英雄
  Who's gonna fight for what's right 谁将为正义而战
  Who's gonna help us survive 谁将帮助我们生存下去

  I need a hero 我需要一个英雄
  Who's gonna fight for the weak 一个为弱势群体而战的英雄
  Who's gonna make 'em believe 一个制造信仰的英雄
  I need a hero 我需要一个英雄
  I need a hero 我需要一个英雄

  A hero's gonna save me just in time 一个将适时拯救我的英雄



  Theres a hero

  If you look inside your heart

  You dont have to be afraid

  Of what you are

  Theres an answer

  If you reach into your soul

  And the sorrow that you know

  Will melt away

  And then a hero comes along

  With the strength to carry on

  And you cast your fears aside

  And you know you can survive

  So when you feel like hope is gone

  Look inside you and be strong

  And youll finally see the truth

  That a hero lies in you

  Its a long road

  When you face the world alone

  No one reaches out a hand

  For you to hold

  You can find love

  If you search within yourself

  And the emptiness you felt

  Will disappear

  And then a hero comes along

  With the strength to carry on

  And you cast your fears aside

  And you know you can survive

  So when you feel like hope is gone

  Look inside you and be strong

  And youll finally see the truth

  That a hero lies in you

  Lord knows

  Dreams are hard to follow

  But dont let anyone

  Tear them away

  Hold on

  There will be tomorrow

  In time

  Youll find the way

  And then a hero comes along

  With the strength to carry on

  And you cast your fears aside

  And you know you can survive

  So when you feel like hope is gone

  Look inside you and be strong

  And youll finally see the truth

  That a hero lies in you


  《hero》歌手:family of the year

  Let me go

  I dont wanna be your hero

  I dont wanna be a big man

  I just wanna fight with everyone else

  Your masquerade

  I dont wanna be a part of your parade

  Everyone deserves a chance to

  Walk with everyone else

  While holding down

  A job to keep my girl around

  And maybe buy me some new strings

  And her a night out on the weekend

  And we can whisper things

  Secrets from our American dreams

  Baby needs some protection

  But Im a kid like everyone else

  So let me go

  I dont wanna be your hero

  I dont wanna be a big man

  I just wanna fight like everyone else

  So let me go

  I dont wanna be your hero

  I dont wanna be a big man

  I just wanna fight with everyone else

  Your masquerade

  I dont wanna be a part of your parade

  Everyone deserves a chance to

  Walk with everyone else


Tinseltown/Shutterstock 专业:歌手 国籍:美国人 为什么出名:在发行了她自己命名的首张录音室专辑“玛丽亚凯莉”之后,她开始崭露头角,这张专辑在多个领域都获得了成功,并连续四次创造了头号单曲。她在全球售出了2亿多张唱片,使她成为有史以来最畅销的音乐艺术家之一。她曾五次获得格莱美奖,并以她的五个八度音域而闻名。 出生:1971年3月27日出生地:美国纽约市年龄:48岁 一代:第十代中国十二宫:猪星星座:白羊座 结婚生活1993-06-05歌手玛丽亚·凯莉和汤米·莫托拉结婚,首席执行官(索尼音乐)1998-03-05歌手玛丽亚凯莉和莫吉克大亨汤米莫托拉结婚2年后离婚2008-04-30歌手兼词曲作者玛丽亚凯莉(41岁)在温德米尔岛巴哈马庄园与演员兼说唱歌手尼克坎农(31岁)2014-12-12演员兼喜剧演员尼克坎农(37岁)6岁后与歌手玛丽亚凯莉(48岁)提出离婚玛丽亚凯莉生命中多年的婚姻事件1990-06-12玛丽亚凯莉的首张专辑由玛丽亚凯莉发行1991-02-20第33届格莱美奖:天堂的另一天,玛丽亚凯莉1991-03-12第5届灵魂列车音乐奖:约翰尼吉尔,玛丽亚凯莉赢得1993-01-25第20届美国音乐奖:迈克尔杰克逊,Mariah Carey赢得1994-12-07第五届公告牌音乐奖:基地王牌和Mariah Carey赢得1998-11-17 Mariah Carey发布“2001-10-21”United We Stand为2001年9月11日恐怖袭击受害者举办的慈善音乐会,在华盛顿特区RFK体育场举行,由迈克尔杰克逊组织和主持,由Aero *** ith担任主角,玛丽亚凯莉和后街男孩2003-03-01第17届灵魂列车音乐奖:LL Cool J,玛丽亚凯莉和耐莉赢得2005-03-29“我们属于一起”单曲由玛丽亚凯莉发行(格莱美最佳R&B歌曲奖和最佳女R&B声乐表演2006,2005年的广告牌歌曲)2008年4月03日玛丽亚凯莉凭借她的第18首《触摸我的身体》超越了猫王普雷斯利17首美国单曲的纪录,只有披头士乐队在Facebook上有20多个份额,在Twitter上有著名歌手艾丽西亚·凯斯艾莉森·克劳斯卡莉·雷·杰普森珠宝基尔彻肯尼·罗杰斯小伊娃

