director,president,leader ,manager区别
地方人大)主任 Chairman, Local People's Congress
(国务院各部)部长 Minister
(国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of Commission for
…省委/市委书记 Secretary, Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC
办公室副主任 Deputy Director; Deputy Chief of Staff
办公室主任 Director; Chief of Staff
办公厅主任(国办、中办) Director-General
办公厅主任(省或部办) Director, General Office
办事处主任(区下的办事处) Director, Sub-District Government
部长(党委系统各部,如宣传部、组织部) Head
部长助理(国务院下属的部) Assistant Minister
常务副省长 First Vice Governor
常务副市长 First Deputy Mayor
常务副县/区/镇/乡长 First Deputy Chief
处长 Division Chief
村长 Village Head
大队长 Group Leader
代省长 Acting Governor
党委书记 Secretary of Party Committee; Secretary of CPC Committee
党委委员 Member of CPC Committee
党支部书记 Secretary of Party Branch; Secretary of CPC Branch
党总支书记 Secretary of Party General Branch; Secretary of CPC General Branch
党组书记 Secretary, Party Leadership Group
党组成员 Member, Party Leadership Group
地区专员 Commissioner, Prefecture
队长 Leader; Captain
副部长(党委系统) Deputy Head
副部长(国务院) Vice-Minister
副部长(企业或事业单位) Deputy Director
副处长 Deputy (Division) Chief
副局长 Deputy Director
副局长(部级副部级局) Deputy Director-General
副科长 Deputy (Section) Chief
副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General
副审计长 Deputy Auditor General
副省长 Vice Governor
副市长 Deputy Mayor
副书记 Deputy Secretary
副署长 Deputy Director General
副司长 Deputy Director
副所长 Deputy Head; Deputy Director
副县长 Deputy County Chief; Deputy Chief of xx County; Deputy Chief
副站长 Deputy (Station) Chief
副镇长 Deputy (Town) Chief
(地方人大)主任 Chairman, Local (国务院各部)部长 Minister (国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in C …省委/市委书记 Secretary, Provincial/M 办公室副主任 Deputy Director; Depu 办公室主任 Director; Chief of Staff 办公厅主任(国办、中办) Directo 办公厅主任(省或部办) Director, General 办事处主任(区下的办事处) Directo 部长(党委系统各部,如宣传部、组织 部长助理(国务院下属的部) Assistan 常务副省长 First Vice Governor 常务副市长 First Deputy Mayor 常务副县/区/镇/乡长 First Deputy Chie 处长 Division Chief 村长 Village Head 大队长 Group Leader 代省长 Acting Governor 党委书记 Secretary of Party Committ 党委委员 Member of CPC Committee 党支部书记 Secretary of Party Branch; 党总支书记 Secretary of Party General 党组书记 Secretary, Party Leadership 党组成员 Member, Party Leadership 地区专员 Commissioner, Prefecture 队长 Leader; Captain 副部长(党委系统) Deputy Head 副部长(国务院) Vice-Minister 副部长(企业或事业单位) Deputy 副处长 Deputy (Division) Chief 副局长 Deputy Director 副局长(部级副部级局) Deputy Director- 副科长 Deputy (Section) Chief 副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General 副审计长 Deputy Auditor General 副省长 Vice Governor 副市长 Deputy Mayor 副书记 Deputy Secretary 副署长 Deputy Director General 副司长 Deputy Director 副所长 Deputy Head; Deputy Director 副县长 Deputy County Chief; Deputy C 副站长 Deputy (Station) Chief 副镇长 Deputy (Town) Chief
我国《公司法》规定,董事长是公司的法定代表人,而总经理则是公司日常事务的最高管理人员。按一般理解,我国的"董事长"可译为Chairman of Board; Board Chairman ; Chairman (意即:董事会主席, 日本、韩国称:会长,港台又称"董事局主席"),"总经理"照字面直译为:General Manager。
但是外国人眼里的General Manager跟我们意识中的"总经理"可能并非一回事,这里牵涉到企业文化背景问题。
在美国,正规的上市公司中常见的公司高层领导职位包括:Chairman、 President、 CEO、 COO、Vice President(VP)、 Managing Director、 General Manager(GM)、 Executive Director, 按字面直译可以分别对应:(董事会)主席、总裁、首席执行官、首席运营官、副总裁、经理董事(或董事经理、常务董事)、总经理、执行董事。它们之间的关系为:
Chairman (董事长) 是公司董事会的领导,其职责具有组织、协调、代表的性质。董事长的权力在董事会职责范围之内,不管理公司的具体业务,一般也不进行个人决策,只在董事会开会或董事会专门委员会开会时才享有与其他董事同等的投票权。纯粹的Chairman比中国的董事长拥有的权力小得多。
Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官),简写CEO,由公司董事会任命,并对董事会负责,是公司的行政首脑,是企业内部最具执行、管理、决策权力的人。
President(一般译为"总裁"):类似我国的总经理职务,在美国,一般是一些大公司或集团公司设这一职位,如微软公司总裁President of Microsoft Corporation、微软大中国区总裁President of Microsoft China, President 一般作为CEO的备用继任人,他的权限在General Manager之上,如微软大中国区总裁是微软中国有限公司总经理的顶头上司。
Chief Operating Officer (首席运营官),简写COO, 是公司的具体业务经营管理者。COO应该和President是同一职位,一般都以兼任的形式合二为一,如果设成不同职位的话,那么,他就是具体负责执行某一事业部或某一经营领域的决策,在确保完成目标的前提下享有灵活处理的权力。
Vice President (副总裁) 作为总裁的助手分管一个或几个事业部门。
General Manager (总经理), 在不设President的小公司里,General Manager 就是日常事务总管,与我国的总经理对等,在设President的大公司里,其地位介于部门经理(department manager)和President之间。
Executive Director执行董事): 在美国的董事会下都设有一个执行委员会(该委员会主席大多数情况下就是CEO),作为董事会闭会期间的常设机构, 实际上它起着对公司业务进行监督和领导职能,而执行董事也就作为CEO的副手参与到公司管理中来。
Managing Director:具有管理职能的董事。
CEO 代表公司的最高决策者,而President、Vice President与财务总监(Treasurer; Chief Financial Officer)、公司执行秘书(Secretary)则组成了公司的日常管理班子。Executive Director 和Managing Director 如果也参与到公司管理中来,则往往兼任President , 或Vice President。
由此,我们可以推断,按地位划分,显然Board Chairman居于顶峰,因为他就是"老板"。按权限划分则是CEO最高,且CEO>President>General Manager。
再回过头来看中国,在公司的高层领导职位中一般只有法定的"董事长"(小公司则称"执行董事")和"总经理"。在这种情况下,可将"董事长"和Board Chairman,"总经理"和General Manager进行一一对应;如有必要注明董事长和总经理哪个是最高决策者,则可以在其后加上"&CEO"。如有些上市公司,董事长不定期来公司上班,在公司里最有影响力的个人是总经理,这时候,该总经理就可以称为"General Manager & CEO"。
1.TCL集团董事长兼总裁 Chairman and President of TCL
2.四川长虹集团,其领导层中居第一位的是:董事长、总裁兼首席执行官=>Chairman,President & CEO; 第二位是"副董事长、执行总裁"=> Vice Chairman & Executive President 然后接下去是多个"董事兼执行副总裁"=> Director & Executive Vice President 再接下去是各个分公司的总经理
3.联想集团的领导层包括退居二线?quot;董事会主席"=>Chairman of Board,一线最高领导"总裁兼首席执行官"=>President & CEO,居于第二位的"高级副总裁兼财务总监"=> Senior Vice President & Treasurer 以及其它几位高级副总裁和副总裁。
4.再以中国石化(SINOPEC)为例,其董事会组成成员包括:"董事长" =>Chairman "副董事长"=>Vice Chairman、"董事、总裁"=>Director, President、"董事、副总裁兼财务总监" => Director,Vice President & Chief Financial Officer、"董事、副总裁" =>Director,Vice President 及其它董事组成。由总裁班子行使整个集团的日常管理权。
有一点需要注意:在中国,企业中的高层主管一般以"经理"为尊,就好像"总经理"一般是最高行政首脑,但在英语中,其对等词manager 却不如president 或director 来得尊贵。 在一个企业中,General Manager 往往可以有多个,并受president 领导,且常常出现director 领导manager的情况。
China is the world's largest coal production and consumption Country,and is also one of the few countries which regard coal as the main sources of energy ,the coal energy rates was very high among energy consumption structure rates in our country.Among them, most of the coal combustion for power generation and heating industry.For large coal-fired power station and boiler,Pulverized coal combustion is the main way of combustion.However, It's one of the most important factors which has restricted the sustainable development that the use of pulverized coal combustion efficiency is not high and the environmental pollution caused by burning of our country one of the most important factors.
Based on the coal combustion efficiency and low pollution comprehensive consideration," corona charged pulverized coal combustion mechanism and experiment research" is put forward.By means of high voltage electrostatic field on the solid particles and gas can produce electric charge effect,On one hand, the gas atoms or ions moving kinetic energy is very high,and when contact with the pulverized coal particles,it'll transferred part of energy to the coal particle surface, and lead to Particles in an unstable high-energy state , increased the particle surface activity; On the other hand, oxygen, carbon monoxide, corona methane gas ion, electron, has high energy, those make accelerate coal particle combustion reaction rate, reduce combustion reaction temperature become possible. However, in the actual production process of coal, coal is usually in a flow state. From theoretic analysis, the flow of pulverized coal combustion efficiency of pulverized coal is greater than under the static state, Therefore,the pulverized coal flow in charge of combustion enhancement is possible.
In this paper,on the basis of pulverized coal particles are charged successfully, through using of the original cyclone electrostatic charge system to build the pulverized coal flow injection charge combustion system. using a photographic record and analysis of its ignition and combustion state, using sampling thermal analysis method of burnout to exploring Charged pulverized coal flow combustion status.
Key words: corona discharge, the pulverized coal flow, combustion, thermal analysis