
时间:2023-04-08 04:52:17编辑:coo君


“国庆节的英文是National Day,它是为了纪念国家本身从而制定出来的节假日,我国每年的纪念日都是在10月1日,所代表的是国家喜庆的事情,最早发生时间是西晋。”以下是小编为大家带来的国庆节的英语单词怎么写,希望大家喜欢。


National Day


1. 国庆节期间到处挂着彩灯。

Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National day.

2. 一年一度的国庆节来临了!

The once a year National Day approached!

3. 今年的国庆节马上就要到了。

This years National Day is coming.

4. 去年国庆节,我度过了一个非常愉快的假期。

I had a wonderful National holiday last year.

5. 国庆节我们放了一周的假。

We had a week off on National Day.

6. 我们要在国庆节举行庆典活动。

We will hold a celebration on National Day.

7. 我有一个很长的假期为国庆节。

I had a long holiday for National Day.

8. 状态有一个家,您有我,我祝愿我亲爱的父母愉快的`国庆节!

States have a home, you have me, I wish my dear parents happy National Day!

9. 国庆节那天我们在我们的餐厅里吃了顿大餐。

We had a big meal in our dining room on National Day.

10. 在国庆节那天,我们给女儿订了一个新的衣柜。

We booked a new wardrobe for our daughter on National Day.

11. 国庆节来了,我有七天的假期。我们一家去海南。

National Day is coming, and we can have a seven-day.

12. 就这样我们度过了国庆节七天的假期。

So we had the National Day holiday of seven days.

13. 这是我来中国后的第一个国庆节。

This is the first National Day since I came to China.

14. 达里奥:国庆节马上来了,你快乐吗?

Dario: national day is coming, are you happy?

15. 国庆节期间,我和老王换了斑。

During National day, I have switched with Lao wang.

16. 在中秋节和国庆节来临之际,祝福您平安、快乐、幸福!

Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Mid-Autumn Festival and the coming National Day.

17. 国庆节和国际劳动节在中国是重大的节日。

The National Day and the International Labour Day are great events in China.

18. 中国有许多节日,但是我最爱国庆节。

There are many festivals in China, but I love National Day best.

19. 明天就是国庆节了。

Tomorrow will be the National Day of China.

20. 现在国庆节和中秋节相继接踵而至。

Now National Day is coming and the Mid-autumn Festival is close on its heels.

21. 国庆节快要来临了,弗雷德和杰夫是朋友,他们想一起去旅行。

The National Day is coming. Fred and Jeff are friends. They want to take a trip together.

22. 国庆节已经盼了一个来月。

National Day had been looked forward to for a month or more.

23. 国庆节那天,主席作了一个很长的报告。

The president made a long speech on National Day.

